HE NEW CANADIAN ependent Organ for Japanese Canadians-^ a Copy; 40c a month Nf Stalingrad, as the sided several more a terrific, co-ordi. of -massed tanks and e-bombers, but beat iis in other sections iafed city. Losses in ferno were mounting s, as the Germany effort into the siege he stubborn defense held back to a cri-iur the, entire of fen-/ading army. Russian losses in ter-duction centres have ly grave, allied mili-s nevertheless are outspoken in des-itical drive a failure rpm'its primary ob- The rlcseft front into -.the-: 'headlines ided":lulK.'.-when-.:Bri'--land .-pa.trcIs . struck 1 miles behind: the itt-in'g t-hree'.- � impor-bases at- Bengasi, 2 Gialo .oasis; With creating 'diversions; rye"~efig"atjeti ifif da v-> i^to enemy terri. rned.. to -their bases! operations. ,i ACROSS CANADA Shop 'Curfew' Unimportant Now Ontario Couttj Opposed ST. CATHERINES, Ont.�Lincoln County Coun'cil meeting here Tuesday went1 on record as "emphatically against the transfer of Japanese families to this county, which is so strategically situated in the centre of vast war fndustrie$ and power plants." A Vancouver family moved to a farm near Beamsvifle last week, precipitating the action. There s Been Changes 'OTTAWA.�Although under more normal conditions the proposed compulsory 8 p.m. closing fcr all retail stores and services \\ould have been gieeted with acute dismay by the; Japanese community; weil-kno\vn that many off these stores depend upon the late evening �trade for their chief sales and income. ~ _ Since evacuation, however,"" practically all of the Japanese-owned stores have changed ownership, and what would have been a very serious news story to several thousand members o/ our community' will now scarcely be noticed. Typo Union Stand Mayor Coinett's resolution urging tlie Dominion Government to work for repatnation of .all Japanese in Canada after tne war was: stronglytendorsed at a fecHU meet- Balance of Evacees in Park f To Go Tashme by Sept. 28 , - � � � � Final Group from Park to Slocan Thursday PATIENTS TO NEW DENVER HOSPITAL �> _- - ji i � _ � �---_ _ �! � I _| I i ^ * *" - VANCOUVER'/BK C: Sept;:23.�The movemenrof eya- ' cuees from.Hastings Park to the Kootejiay area wilj come to a halt tomorrow/and the balance of the people still in the clearing station, amounting to $00, will go to the housing project at Tashmepit was said today. Repatriation Held ' t > Up For Present Official Notice From Spanish -Consul General .MONTREAL, P. Q.�SJx Japnn-ese have been authorized for in- The unprecedented heavy influx intq_the Slocan and New-Denver districts, where only the b>re housing units have .been rushed and facilities held to, a minimum in the. hustle, has created stress and confusion which' will be ironed out before the movement from the city jrets under way.-, l Departures for Tashme, where upwards of - two hundred houses have been built, ore going forward regularly in groups up to 150. September 28 has been set as the dead-' * that this movement will continue ing of ' Vancocver Typogiaphical inmost daily till then. Union No . 226, A letter from the f INFLUX TO TASHME -today it is news of less ."than even ; passing .'interest-..-. '.<��;.''."-'�.--': �:. In pre-fcvaciiation times, it;.is. estimated tliat iipyvurds of. 800 Japanese, merchants ini all cities and to'wn�' -in British Columbia would have been a f i'ectctl by; (lie ^proposed order, which applies to retail corner stores, and Services .as laimU^mig,'cleaning and -and- 50 forth. S. S. Gflpsholm, and are now j awaiting final arrangements for ; embarkation, The New Canadian ,... .,..-,-, ., ........ ] was informed today in an official union aciyises his worship. ' j This morning's special tram tPok!an11^unccnicnt; frpm the Spanish : The union Tcsoltuisn was. also: with it- 100 people destined for New Cphsul-General, Pedro \E. Sch-f'prwa-r-ci.e.d.loHhe B: C. Secmlty." Denver; and. 203 .for Slocan; The'\Vart?,.r . ' . 'Cpm?>ii?sion'. -The City .Council rc-llast^movcnieiU:'from the Pin-k.for" cent'Jy ta.bled.-. for a. .nionth. thojthese points takes place-tcmorix�v mayor's resolution and appointed a: morning, -with iiJO'/fpr the fDrmcr special committee to "modiiv it. Lciisirict and 224 for the latter. : : / T" � J '� ': ..'AU.'.^he.'.patients in the. hospital J'iiO I fiai jat tho .Paik are due to go next w �^,iv m^i 0frW^^''^^PP^vfdr;.those'i'iv'tli'e..'J.vibt:':-.;'. ''.As the Consuipeheral .of Spain j^^M^ed'w'itli"0^1^5^ *a^^^^^^ ''�''.'J- -1. ?-. . � __ � (Tin tvrviitC nVo.. ]-\Mi\dl Ml'nvirl'p'H for �. niiiM/viviii� 'iiVtilir-of i^il-io no/�U ' ' Hov ' Coh.sul flcncral. of Spain lias asked the following notice be published for .the infcirrn.i-lion of; Jaiiaiicse -interested in (he exchange: -.--.. ; .,.,. murder of Yoshiyuki Uh'o;.27-;l'!lc t-1'aiiis are bemS provided for;numerous applications each, day �mbing-,pla';nes offensive .in ^cifVc fr^'it si ;e forces ;and- iiie.-:i lai'gc pro-'roar old Nf.soi-vouth'u-as set aside�l>ed-riddeh:�.patients, incst of '\vhpm for the. past -month cr sp --from pcrt.ipsr of the 850 holders of civiclto' the -spring^Ksizc's yesterday by'.^re-gpinSr to hospital wards at .�16- Japanese 'desiring to 'be. included ..- � ���' ti-acie liceiiscs would have- felt the'-Miv^J;isUcl;-aianfon'oii ap'plicjitioivcani " - --:'-.:. . .in-the - exchange-on the S.- S, Hgnter.blou. 0{ t,le new torcjer; which mavUf Alfred .Bull K C.: counsel for .-Itiis. umlers.'toofl that.the tuber- "Gnpsholm".. it is fpii!H| impossi-into effect October L Thisj rhp crown .::. culosis ijalicnts wijl remain at ble. to ackuovvledge t-hcm i.ndivi- c' fjs; particula;r!y t-rue because ' ' Occup.atio.ir-. of Ta- '''.� pf^Iadagascar; . coining into his {.liahds from revenue producing property .will 'permit.;he.'.wili;1 as. a matter 'of policy and withpfit prejudice. _ is. The four 'youths' we're granted .a 'tl�e I^rk, along; with the nVc�5sary :duhlly;:: . ^ .-.-'. .. Inev ti'ia! '.by ' ihc- Court .01 Appeal? staff,; utitil iiospiliil^atlon facJJj- '; �,;:The; Spasiish Consul 'General,. is- a'ftei' they iiacl been foimd giiiltv tios are completed a;t Xev' ^Denver. ^j thprcfcre, : wislics to iiiforin the '""���....� . * - . . _ - -. "� � ' :'�"' �'�"��'." .''�"���'. � " - --.-.-.- : in f rti�Xe'{ t\r\ ToiSn tmtrt 4 li V*/^>iryl^ " f lin - es � liv. spi te '-Pf - st i f'-ie^bv"".Vich'V Fi-ench .pay taxes cut;of the 1'cvenue.-CitV -Clerk; �'stated f the capital was I ticula-rs ,of the one parcel. registered herein the 'na_mf> .of a .Japanese ha.d � � � '�'�..[�?*' L'he A.P.; reporting .1 �qadcasiS said '.that j ~ dio: claimed T that ..'-"'units' "� c.arrieri- put 3 fAleutlaTT "islands n:.' Dutch: HarbPuV eldVKiskk:;6n Aug-"pa'dcast: said that a 'inflicted ;:"irre- _ sent to the Cutodian. and sentenced to 'death by- Mi-.; Jus- � WOHKERS interested .Japanese through the -nicdiuin of:THE &EW;CANAPIAN tJceSiairey Smith on April 18: trial \vas :traversed to .the assizes^ -:-:; �. , . ' ' '": " on crui �� lainpton clasps, and ink -AJeU- ., ddle/pf Septerhb�er. es e : regarding : the '-ii>'i-/--?yjS.wo~^<:�: -f -�rtJ:=c�-\. estion was received Minister of Mujii-the iriorithiy meet-t Cpquitlam City iday, September 8, Jr Ridge Gazette., ers dealt with were to; iriter-area right y: to enforce^pay-jainst rnembers "of ;e. and rich* of the >l-:": Janies Torey, \vho has-guided the ~>erta: Gels Cheque: ^-:'^, '' ' '� "''"" v ,: :-'^'--^.'^^-.;^L^.:.i\~ ^..'',-:'""---^"''/.,;'-";:^ : '�_ -;i -.,-_".-. _::V: several "months winning; a : host of - � "^ " ; : "-".-'1- friends: ampn% the residents- there; � vrt ;t ; - � 1 O V " ; : ;;.among ' to^ his ��: new:" ppsitipn at Taslimfe on as ^^--rNp^a '����'��^-�-.''��'.'^-l^'^^^^^'^^ annoimce^ pI3��^l^lA3^i4lJl4^ follo^ hirn there - r ; ^ - -. meni ;wasa\-aiiaDie^nefe tcday, py/ :.:-.� ^; \> ; r>. + '"��� v,--,-;-��_;-� -;>:, shialU narhbers of special cases the ,B; C, Security Cbrrirhissioh in /apanese \FlC%eT$ OOt/C - [have been- leaving this week for regard.; to,, discu^ip^ r^C ratiOl: SippieS j Ration ;is gra"dually�.mad^a piacie early .thfs ^eek in �Victoria ori the problem of; educatiDn for child-!; mcniUs for> embarkation. aS{f is per.mitted, hpwevcr,/in ; the ; repair ia I Jon , .the -; Spanish has- .Government advise ' for>insti'iietipns ' from :- his : \: will _ THE; /NEW NADlAN/.agauV; tine j applications:.be "sent ib the .Cm--^$ulate; 'General.'? >v : -- : - \ '{' reri- evacuated from 1 the coast tpj ' ' " " - This discussipti, : It Vas.- reported last *ie>i, ^i^' D o 1 p h; 'htana QHATHAM;:-^ Tobacco farins: ^ absorbing A dispatch from Letbbridfe, ^Ita^ rrstCTday said that the Alberta G�yei7ii�ftit; had leteiTrJ a cheqo* for S15,M� fttrm th< Uiis chai^$h.'"6T the Noith pkanagajji ^committee. � said- that, if itiliad hot b^een'lor the: work i pf_ some 300 Japanese po* plck-| ing apples,;a large; part of ttie; Various districts are r Have^bjeen JWV-^teg. -_ ^� j\ \ ijtjyjuJjrrjyaj^J^yjyajj-g^rjJ . . . . ... . �=�^*^.- . -:ir-r-T jfthe:faJTO service foix�;Jn various - -t camps in- south - western .Ontario. Tne Mn^ting^ oT this leaf is o r. Paii Is'ITo Puiielv Personal ^^\>>.^'.^^-'�';tV-'W�* r Caiiadiaifis 'pleased -to- Numbers .are also empldyed ;ui SiigarBeel ihs :iri erta r ^> Jl II C A1 �- TV *mf*+ *IMV�*�*r> ***.- K�*V_***^t*%* * W^ '"�'�- ----��- '. V - - �-" ~^ ' -' " in what we Ip^king tomatcee-for the canrier-| � - ^ hope -w>H grow to be a-most \^lu- fei*' '-?U,hQUgh��' An some .districtsj cover eij�cation^l "c^sts of child-; ^ gnd e;^ntiaj .se^ce to'the ^ttotas imposed on the growers of en .the:sufar bert.1 arms. . To^t^,f;: c<>mmunitv. "wh i c^h- 17 Campers per acre-per day plus' Alta.�The ?t cVop iri southern; Alberta wfs" on its way. from the; fields tolhe jpro6essinir factories fprthe first - tinie- l^st week, and this year's "crtp is:expected to prodiice than 110,000.000 pound* of. .Last year's harvest yielded. .The Pictuw: Biitte factor or object ;o a'Muni- Jspar;;>tr ior'e.:; aiul accumulating o! - if'z?."- :\~. :periy ir.voi.Ved, ./" Mere :^r. 605 - " .-^1 i/e road cainp, ir. orilapane-zenith rrsptclabie or widovt n*< DTfT 21. if Mtit�d ia.tbe Imtmrr, >'� trtfVri. ..trkth t+*rt4cviU>L nvaur write U BOT It*. rV Tfee Vew .qis'n.c-.. in7 '.'. the c