,翌:;,:::':碍、,:た?;樊;;y;^ミ然,.:':,:,. 然:: 《 蹈き練W,(: .-':;リひ:ー、w-,:;^ .'-'^^ぬ?j^^ ,ヌ;.:v ■■. ..せ:(.、:^ニた>;)〜:;;.ぉノ,.,ケふにぉ:",. ,:くW:^〜':ぉ::'-(;:;!Jヌぉ:vっく:s 柳 '、ぐ-:っ おぶ lぉ tぃ' ,ノ 40 MM 故<3333 KENMURATA ATtiLBTK幼OBS 咖Blopr St W. Toronto, Ooi f3M2S7 JAPANESE "Ml CHI" 459 Church Street "MASA,, 195 Richmond St. West 1 ■ INSURANCE , Gertrude Urabe 463 Eglinton Ave. W. TortfiUo, Out. M5N1A7 phone 489掘1 Home 449-9293 Japanese restaurant/tavvm Reservations: 977-2164 OPEN EVERYDAY 460 Dundas St We«t To r out a Ont» ALL CASH FOR YOliR I^OME IF WE DON'TSELLTT- WE BUY IT! ASK ABOUT OUR GUARANTEE FOR FREE APPRA,SAし Dsrmis Masuda 757,9347 l鹏LAWRENCE AVE EAST TORONTO, ONTARIO 咖ま,鱺編 , 纏麵, emおpan have successfully ced pregnarujy In a 30• year^ldw々mfiin: by询p,anting つ an artlflqlai"义iert"lze^ ovurri, raising ho pes t halt Japan w川haveけsflrさt tes,-tube baby by October, officials at TohQku Unlversけy Hospけa( saki. The officials sal da team of doctors led by Masakuni Suzuki completed Insemination under laboratory condl. tlons In mid-February and returned the fert川zed ovum to the patient's womb two days later. The woman, who was not identけied, has been m a fried nine years but was unable to have children naturally because of defective fallopian tubes, the officials said. An (operation to correct the pro blem had been unsuccessful, they said More than120 test-tube babies have been bom in Britain, Australia and the United States. Last November, about 500 Japanese doctors and othermedical specialists formed the Japan Society of Fertilization and Implantation to support clinical application of the birth method. Meanwhile, the Japanese press has speculated that the successful pregnancy, although welcomed by wives wけh sterilけy problems, is likely to stir up controversy in ethical, socialand religious circles. '.マ..i.'.Vi:,j |-':ふ/..:/■(. ,^nケ'"n、: リ•ズ'-Vぉ:::vさ:'gゅ:tっ;'マ:"ぉ^ き.:べ》ず':政:::聰,簡麵:き:〜き^^ ニー'::,ぉ^リ.、.,,:ノパ々々础^ぶ, Ai)^歸;麵w歸ji5e咖:嫌! i^备カぉぉ(j(trii^ajjiTiaJj^ゥfilod | d(j"lye;ぉd^V^,6pt々ui^i^i^鋒ぼ C^I(^orvOnlL We鄉p,ーl叩 ーーtl拳l顿咖8tK^ w"j 1nclud6、:ieni^is「,cK)tballi; ba3^ lng andswlmmlng. Our goaM8>460,600,with further CQii帅utlonof多執000 from Wint站o, for thejotal of $720;000. We have—made some contacts through mall and tele> phone, but the rsponse Is very slow. ' The donations and pledges up-to "date are as listed: ュ' ,01idみt"Siiiti^4iiy"Oii—iTi, — 6p:fn. ■,'v T*y« Miyamoto Mn« HIMO T柳ka Mr. & Mrt> T. Tak柳ka Mr. DanW WMhImoto Mr.TomSakiunoto Mr.Clooro« Umemoto M穆.Marie Hod Mr. K«n Kitmeoka Mrs. Q. KIshlta Mr, Sam Nag at a Mrs. E FuJIwara Mに& Mrs. F. Sal to KI mi ye "柳外W el, and MにGeorge ,wata Mr.RoyAda6h, Mr. & Mrs. FAbe, Brampton Anonymous Anonymous Mr. Sam NIshlyama Ml SB C. Ruby Yoshlhara Joyce Wh eat ley Mrs. Yoshino Mr. HaJIme Do I Pauline FuJIshlgo Mr. & Mrs. T. Takashlma Mr. & Mrs. Charles Uyeno Mr. Louis MIya Mrs. She! Omura R. Shin Fam"y ShInlcW Sawada, Beamsvllle (Continued] i 600 50 柳 柳 200 150 150 25 150 150 450 幼2 300 50 300 300 900 5,000 3,000 300 4 150 ; 150 i 50 J 300 300 600! 1,000 100 200 150 1,000 100 腦讓 J A PA, E RESTAURANT * W« ara'open 7 days a wMkれ6rtiJu" *加o/(^o付on all ta" wl,h1d,y no,lc» Lunch:12:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Dlnnof:5邻p.m. fo10:30 |>.m. 扭x鄉t Sunday & holidays - 5:00 p,m. to10300 p.m, 257 EgIInton Ave. West 一 Toronto, Ontario Telephone 487,3508 Toronto Phone Store: 463*3426 Hofn«: 469<0293 Japanese Food Deliver Evenings and Saturdays PaulK,Asada,DX:"N,D. C iii ro|)r actor opens "10 a且 728-A St. Clair Ave., W,, TORONTO 651.8060 Res- 621-1989 JUNN KASHINO AND PARTNERS CHARTERED 'ACCOUNTANTS FIRST REXDALE PLACE 155 REXDAしE BLVD. SUぽE 406 REXDALE, ONT. M9W 5Z8 Telephone: 745-9800 The New Cansdisn 479 Queen St. West, Toronto, Ontario M5V 2A9 Please find enclosed $. for whにh【)renew my suゎscription,【】enter my subscription for_ year( s)/months. $25.00 per year, $15.6o for six months Name (Mr. Mrs. Miss)_一 Address Gはy Prov. PostalCode_ A popukzr singer 隱i Ko bay as hi Sachiko, s TicketsS仙Airallfibk Toronto Area, call* Nippon Video Centre (416) 694"4535 Mo ntrcalArca , call-Mas Ishi ha ra (514) 683-2726 Hamilton Area, call_ (416) 549.8611 June 3rd, 8. p.m. At Queen Elizabeth Theater, C.N.E. OPEN Mon.—Fri.12:00—2:30 5:00—10:00 Sat. 5:00-10:00 CloMd Sundays & Holidays EGUNTONAVeEAST W»CKSTEEO Sushi Mo no mi m LAIRD DR. L EAS ID E.ONTARIO PHONE: 421-6016 な み FURUYA Travel Service 460 Dundas St. West Toronto, Ont, M5T1G9 Tel: 977.7855 F画YA SUMMER TOURS to 20 peop,e) — Special tour to attend the 2nd Overseas Japanese Conference in しima,Pem. Details to be announced later. N腿FUN TOUR TO CALIFORNIA: July 29 - August 7 (limはed to 30 people) — By popular demand after last years,s successful tour to Vegas, LA and San Francisco. N(ne nights—10 days, escorted delux tour which coincides wけh Nisei Week in LA. FURUYA TRAVEL — NOW!