Shot the fly with GILLETTS LYE A teaspoonful of Gillett's Lye sprinkled in the Garbage Can prevents flies breeding Vet Gillett't Lye for all Cleaning and Diiinfecting Coita little but always effective NORTHERN ONTARIO CANADA Northern Ontario, now open for settlement at fifty cents per acre, contains millions of acres of the finest agricultural land in the world. Its resources in lumber, minerals, water, power, fish, game and scenery are immense. The land calls for men to cultivate it, and in return will give health, comfort and prosperity. What settlers say of the soil, climate, farming and forest life, is told in a most attractive booklet issued under the direction of the Honourable John S. Martin, Minister of Agriculture for Ontario. Full instructions in regards to acquiring a title to these rich agricultural lands are also given. For free copies write: G. A. ELLIOTT, Director of Colonization, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario. "Please mention this paper." Saul Nilofif, Belvedere Street, motored to Ottawa over the week-end. The Misses Elca Vineberg and Mollye Cohen, accompanied by Dr. Schacter and Dr. Freedman, motored to Sher-brooke over the week-end and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith, Court Street. David Echinberg spent the past week in Montreal and returned home Saturday. I Jack Fitch, Montreal, was in town for a day. Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Bernstein motored to Montreal over the week-end and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Harris, Sherbrooke Street West. Miss Annie Edgar motored to Montreal and was the guest of her cousin, Miss Schweisberg, Esplanade Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. S. Schweisberg, of Montreal, motored to Sherbrooke and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Edgar, Beckett Road. Mrs. Zinman, of Montreal, and family are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Louis Edyar. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Smith, Strathcona Square, motored to Montreal and Point Claire over the week-end, and were guests of Mrs. A. I. Rubinovich, Northclitfe Avenue, Mrs. Joseph Schwartz, Montcalm Street, spent a few days in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Rosenbloom, Miss Dorothy Rosen bloom and Miss D. Claire motored to Montreal for a few days. Deborah Claire, of Montreal, been visiting Miss Dorothy >loom, Quebec Street, for the past few weeks has returned home. Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Smith, Court Street, motored to Montreal for a day. I. Malkinaoa spent the week-end in Montreal visiting bis family. HAMILTON Mrs. R. Levy entertained at her beach home Thursday afternoon in compliment to Mrs. L. M. Rose, of Brookline, Mass. Bridge and mah jongg were played. Mrs. Kay Nesser was hostess Thursday evening for Mrs. Rose; Mrs. D. S. KaufTman on Saturday evening. Mrs. M. Beube has returned from Glen Falls, NY. Mrs. H. Cohen has returned from Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. H. Goldberg and children are at their summer home in Winona. Mrs. M. Levy entertained Wednesday evening in honour of Misses Lillian Blumenthal, Anne Cohen and Rose Fauman, brides-elect. Mrs, H. Langor complimented Mrs. L. M. Rose on Wednesday afternoon. Prizes for bridge and mah jongg were taken by Mesdames L. M. Rose and A. Squires. Misses Bessie and Ada Bender, Toronto, are visitors with Mr. and Mrs. M. Grenefsky. Miss Nita Lyon? visited with Mr. and Mr. H. Mann in London. C. Levinson, H. Vineberp and 1. Segel are on a fishing trip at Madoc, Ont. Mesdames C. Levenson and F. Gold-blatt and children are summering at Jackson's Point. The following are at their summer homes at the beach: Mr. and Mrs. M. Shacofsky, J. Lyons and Miss Etta Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mack and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. Silverman and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lyons and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Levy, Mrs. Rose Levy and children. Anshe Sholom Congregation, Hamilton., Dr. A. Feldman, Rabbi. Anshe Sholom Congregation held their annual picnic at Dundas Park Tuesday. Prizes in the races were awarded as follows: Under 5 yrs., Betty Lyons, Dukie Segel, Arnold Jatman, Over 5 yrs, Abe Lattimer, Bernie Hartman, Dave Lattimer. Dash, 7 yrs., Jennie Lampert, Chas. Dubin, Gertrude Lam-pert, Edgar Lyons. Dash, 9 yrs., Bertram Kaplansky, Frank Levy, Harry Bach. Dash, 11 yrs., Lillian Lampert, Ethel Gottleib, Miriam Mack. Marathon, Ed Mack, Harold Pliskow, Bert Kaplansky. Girls race, Lillian Blumenthal, May Bloom, Mary Levy. Three-legged race, Harold Lyons, Edwin Mack. Married ladies, Mesdames J. Lyons, M. Gerofsky, A. Dubin. Boys and girls, Ethel Gottleib, Adele Minden, Miriam Mack, Norman Lyons, Harold Levy. Boys, 16 yrs., Harold Lyons, Ed Mack, A. Minden .Ottawa. Two-minute walk, Bertram Kaplansky, Chas. Dubin, Bernie Hartman, Walter Lyons. OTTAWA Mrs. J. Golub, of New York, is spending the summer with her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Marks, and Mr. Marks, at their summer home in New Orchard Beach. Mrs. D. H. Fineberg and her youag son, Seymour, of Detroit, are also guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maries for the season. Mrs. Lionel Mortimer has left for Vancouver to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sayers, formerly of Ottawa. On her return trip she will be accompanied by Sydney Mortimer. Mrs. Frank Slover, with her young too, Sidney, left for Colchester, Coon., for a month and will later visit Atlantic City and Philadelphia. Mrs. Alex Saks, of Los Angeles, formerly Miss Sarah Cooper, with her daughter, Phyllis, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. M. Max, and her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldberg. Mrs. George Spearer, of New York, is the guest of Miss Edith Raport for a few weeks. Cecil Slonemsky, Harold Pearl and Gordon Caplan are on a motor trip through the Adirondacks and up to Old Orchard, Maine. Mrs. Sam Zilberg has returned from Montreal, where she was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Gruber. Mrs. Rose Rotbart and family are back, after spending the past six months in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Pinco and their daughter, Maxine, have recently arrived from Flushing, Long Island, and are living at 212 Cooper Street. Mrs. Ellis Roston, of Welch, West Virginia, with her baby, is spending the summer with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. Caplan. Miss Fanny Kushner, of Winnipeg, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. S. Simmons, left for Buffalo, N.Y., before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Darwin, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cohen, of Montreal, and Miss T. Wilder, of Jersey City, motored to Ottawa last Sunday/ Miss Ruth Lipson, of Toronto, is visiting with her uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Shapiro, at their summer home in Britannia. Mr. and Mrs. L. Leikin are home from Boston and New York and are spending the summer at their cottage, New Orchard Beach. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kizell have returned from a motor trip to Detroit, where they visited Mrs. Kizell's sister, Mrs. S. Kell. Miss Muriel Smith, of Montreal, visited for a few days with her cousin, Miss Zelda Wener. Mrs. M. Levy, of Hamilton, is visiting with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Epstein, at their summer home in Britannia. Mrs. L. Abramson is home from Toronto after visiting there for two weeks. Mike Stein, Ben Luxenberg and Isadore Levinter, of Toronto, spent the last week-end in Ottawa and motored to Jones Falls on a fishing trip with Dr. Charles Shapiro and Myer Lipson. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Coplan and family are spending the summer at their home in Britannia. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kert and son, Morley, attended the marriage of Mrs. Kert's sister, Miss Queenie Kolber, and Aaron Schachter, in Montreal last Tuesday. From there they left for Old Orchard Beach to spend the remainder of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Greenberg were in Montreal last week attending the Schachter-Kolber wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Isidore Sugarman and Mr. and Mrs. Wrm. Ma^ur are summering in Chelsea, Que. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Baxt and family are living in Chelsea for the summer months. Mrs. M. H. Sacksner, of Montreal, with her children, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Epstein, Stewart Street. Dr. Sacksner will join them later. Mr. and Mrs. I. Trachtenberg and Mr. and Mrs. L. Trachtenbere, of Montreal, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunberg. Misa Raye Cornblatt visited at Meach Lake with Misa Mary Eskio for a few days. Miss Helen Diamond won the Archie Sears' Scholarship when she graduated from the Elgin Street Public School. She passed with honours every year and was prize-winner of the Humane Society Essay Contest for the past two years. She is the twelve-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Diamond, 143 Nepean Street. Born, Wednesday, July 4, at the Ottawa Civic Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gluck, a sou. Mrs. J. Kizell and Mrs. Chas. Tanner were joint bootease* at a luncheon aad IS; 1928 bridge at an inn (or the out-of-town guests. Mrs. M. Max and Mrs. Sam Goldberg -entertained at a luncheon and bridge * at a tea room, in compliment to Mrs Alex Saks, of Los Angeles, Cal, The marriage was quietly solemnized at the home of the bride's parents Somerset Street East, Sunday, July ]' at one o'clock, of Frances, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A. Zivian, to J. E. Rig. man, of Montreal. Rev. J. Mjrsi** dames Golden berg. M. Sbenkman Signer; hotme-hooaie and cards, Mr* * Ash.