The Jewish Wesfem lullfti^ Official Qrsitiot the Vaiico^y^ Jeflsh Acjpii^farf^ti^e Cq^U Harold B. Kahn..............................Chairman Administrative Conneil Harry Musikansky................................Editor and Business Manager 2675 Oak St., BAy. 4210. Businieai Hours: 9 ajn. to 5 p.m., except Saturday and Jewiab Holy Days. Entered as Second CJIass Mail Matter at Ottawa VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1943 Martyred Jews Authoried by the Polish Jewish Nationals Committee of B.C., on Smiday, July 25th, Vancouver Jewry is asked to congregate to express, as a group, the admiration which each holds in his heart for the Polish Jews who have been sacrificed to the hatred of Hitler. It may seein superjupus to suggest that a?iy orgaiuzed tribute should be paid by our small Jewish Community in Vancouver when each of us kno^s that our thoughts are ever with these people who have contributed aU that life can give. it is only fitting, however, that this tribute be made as it will serve not piily as siiuipiy homage to the Polish Jews but will help to keep before each and every one of us that we are not alone as bidiyiduals in our admiration for our peoples but are part of a great torrent -vyhiich is surging forward to wash forever from the face of the earth the scourge that is Hitlerism. As we gather together this Sunday each of us will recall the inidiyidual suflPerings^ the Polish Jews which have been reported tq^Tis, but in thp larger sense these individi^jal cases will be exemplified by the horrible tortures, death and forced suicides of so ;nany of the Jewish leaders in Poiand. It is not for us to enumerate these cases as no one sacrifice could Jje greater than another. It is our cpnstjint duty to carry jBver before us the picture of these people whose npblp but paihfiil /jaeath is making possible the grpimdwprij: ^r the iieTv world toward which we are surely approaching. Restoration of Cremieux Decree The final conquest of North Africa, the speedy fall of Pantel-leria and other dramatic events pushed the question of CJeneral Griraud's abrogation of the Cremieux Decree into the background. However, Giraud's visit to this country has served to bring the matter once again before the American public. It will be recalled that five months ago Giraud announced the abrogation of the famed Decree of 1870, thereby in one swoop depriving the 120,000 native Jews of Algeria of their French citizenship. Giraud explained at the time that his action was made in the interest of promoting better relations between Arabs and Jews. The abrogation of the tipie-honored decree was immediately denounced and repudiated by the Fighting French and their able leader. General Charles de Gaidle. Liberal elements both in North Africa and in the democracies condemned the abrogation, pointing out that the Cremieux Decree affeicted in no way existing relationships between the Arabs and Jews. Liformed French cirdes expiressed the belief that Giraud would take advantage of his stay in tMs countiy to aimoimce the restoration of the Decree and the reversal of Ms posiMcm. Amerr Jca. was apong tlie.Jpndesjfc critiQs of „The Ie\m%XMoT Committoe^, ineanwhile, hai issiiecl a statement calling iiponthe United States and Great Britain to exert sufficient pressure oii Giraud to restore the Decree. It is to be sincerely hoped that Giraud will see his error and will be big enough to correct an evil. Failing that, the United NatiPns must intervene with him to have the Decree restored. Hebrew University Celebratioii This year marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of %he establishment of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Becaixse of the wiar, there will be no official ceifemp^es, but the Univenity a^^ took pccasion pf the anniversary to issue a review pf the prpgress pf the institution. The beginnings of the Hebrew Universily are of a siifficiently recent date to be recalled by many. It was in 1918, when the roar of the canons had not yet ceased in the first World War, that Dr; Weizmann, in the presence.of the military authorities laid the foundation for this great institution. Who can forget the simplicity and great dignity of that ceremony as it was then reported in the press. Perhaps this note struck its highest point, when Dr. Weizmann simply recited the benediction which pious Jews repeat at the commencement of every holiday: Blessed art Thou, 0 Lord our God, who hast kept us and established us and vouchsafed us to come to this season." it was symbolic of the idgh idealism of Jewish aspirations that the first notable attempt to do anything towards the fulfillment of the Balfour Declaration should take the form of a Hebrew Universiy. The University^ may well be proud of its record. It now has a stalff of 138, including some of the most distinguished e^es in; the world. It has sent out to the world 400 graduates. It has fos-! tered Jewish scholarship, science and the war effort. It was fitting that at this week of the 25th anniversary, Dr. Magnes should announce that the Hebrew University will shortly publish the first Bible printed in Palestine in Hebrew. One might think that the land which prpiiuced the Bible should have been the first to priiit it, but there was no printing as we understand it, when Moses exhorted and Issaiah prophesied. It is a fitting time now to present a version of the Bible by the people whp wrote it in the land in which it was produced. ■■■■iiiii|iii;!UiiiMjiiiiiii|l|n^iiiiiiHiiit||^ iiii|iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiliHiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiuiiiiiiuiiiimuiiiiiiiiiiii> May 29th, 19|3. Gentlemen: J ^ . I want to thank you for the issues of your splendid paper. I enjoy reading the items therein—and—as you no doubt are aware—that we, are greatly interested in everything that pertains to your noble and ancient race. • It is with the deepest sympathy we read of the terrible persecutions which have been going on—arid are still going on—in countries which are dominated by the fiendish Nazi influence—and—as I read in your liast issue (May 28th) the statement of Rabbi Stephen Wise—^where he declared: "But all these fond hopes on which hung the fate of the millions of ^4c-tims of Nazism and Fascism are ziow blasted. Particularly grievous is the j^tand taken by the British delegation in slamming the door of Palestine^ in the face of Jews clamoring for admission. The White Paper has been built up into a wall to keep Jews out of the Jewish Homeland.*' it—indeed—makes sympathy a sham and a farce. All Gentiles must h^g their heads in shame—and as Dr. Weizman stated in New York, ^re-csntly: ''Unless the United Nations take, immediate action to give sanctuaiy^. to pile doomed, they make themselves passive accomplices of the blacl^est prime of which hlstqry holds recmjd." However-my dear Jewish friends —take COURAGE—Your own GOD —has NOT slammed the door Of Palestine in your face. No. His promises to yom race—no man—nor any body pf men can thwart—and He has,assured you—in yoiir own Scriptures that HE—Himseif—will give you this Land. It is yours. Listen to His words: "Thus hath said the LORD ETERNAL, pehold, I will take the children of Israel from among the nations, whither they are gone, and I • Wu gather them from every side, and BRING THEM VNTOi TflEIS OfTN LAND: And they shall dyirell in the land that I h§iye givers unto §er-v^htf unto Jaco^, \irh^ein ydur^' fathers haye dwelt; ANQ.TBEYSH DWELL THEREIN, ..THEY, i 4^ CHII4>REN'S CmLDREN f^R^ EVER" (Ezekiel 37:21-55 Lees^r).;., And what about the mUlipris t^at have been ruthele$sly sl^ughtere,d— while the Geritiless looked on aghast? What ^bout all those of your loved ones who have gone down into Sh^ol^ Listen to the words of yoiu: God:,, The 4p8rs |tat sre open to t|jp Je^lslj ^oi^aij|fer ^ptre to atteiid its ^teiwly social ^ ' The Centre represents the accomplishment of Jewish citizens who gave the people a place that Is exclusively their own. At Oak St. and'llth Ave. snatches of the coast range are gUinpsed—9. Virginia creeper clings colorfully to Its walls and bright pots of flowers ^nk its entrance. When Dr. Shymarya L«yln, noted Jewish Zionist world leader, vlsi^^ Ysscoiiyer in 1928, the honqr of laying the cornerstone was conferred on him. It is the meeting' pl^ce of many groups not least of which Is the Federated Jov^h Women, which includes'all the wbmeh's organizations and fhelr Red Cross Unit which meets every Monday and Tuesday to get their assignmentsJready pn time. The Beth Israel Congregation, Vancouver Lodge B'nai B'rith arid the majority of organizations meet regularly at the Cen1a»-^ZIpidst Council; Talriiud Torah. . The office of the Vancpuver Jewish AdB|l|d^tr^tive pppnc|l, which administers Wie Community Chest, Van^ couyer Jewish External W^Ufote, The Family Welfare Bu|«au, Thp Centre, Tlie Jewish Wpstei^ BnUetin^ now includes the B. C. Branch, Canaan J^fflsh ppnig^f^s an^ War ^ffprts Conmdttee, Jseeps p«»rpetually busy with its multi-activities. And the Junicr groupsr-Federated Jewish Junipiis, Ypi^n^ Judapa^, A. Z. A—-lend tl^eir bright pl-esencei: to enliven the admosphere. / . ii It the servicemen and women stationed In an^ a^oun^ Vapcouvpir continue to conte to the Centre, the' efforts of tho War Elffprts Coriunlttee and all those contributing to the foranglng of -programmes will feel happfly gratlfled that their cpntributlpns ineeax sonjiethln^ to pur temj^raxy guests. , . 5 ^--- ^ ........■ ■ ''--^ '^i^^: Senior Ofliceis pf the "Amv Shp^," |ruesis of the W^ f^^Pf^s Cpminittee, came on June 27^ on the sechdseieii-feta^ sky, Master pf Cc^remohies. ^ ^ " -----t .-^ • , ■ '^^frj-f L II 1..- .: .-- . -...... 1 ' —'-—-~—-i* .■'.Ir:, Miss Norda Bennett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Bennett, 5 Burton Rd., Toronto, entered the Women's Division of the Royal Canadian Air Force. Miss Bennett is a graduate of Oak-wood Collegiate where she took prizes for contributions of prose and poetry to the school paper. At the time of her enlistment Miss Bermett had completed her second year in Honor Philosophy and English at the University of Toronto, She was a member on the editorial staff of the Varsity, the daily newspaper of the University of Toronto. Her father, A. B. Bennett, is the well-known writer and president of the Central Division of the Canadian Jewish Congress; her mother is vice-chairman of the Women's V/ar Efforts Committee oif Congress and a former president of the Toronto Hadassah Council. * * * Three American Jews are listed casualties by the Royal Canadian Air Force after air operations overseas. Sgt. Edward Henry Bakeman, R141597, of Hollywood, CaUf., is missing after air operations according to the 580th casualty list of the R.C.AJP. He is the son of Mrs. Louise Bakeman of 5600 Yucca St., Hollywood, Calif. His wife lives in Yarmouth, Mass. Sgt. Simon Rosenstein, R135233, of Newark, N.J. is listed killed on active service overseas. He enlisted in Nov. 1941. His father is Mr. Alex Rosenstein of Newark, N. J. . » ♦ » ' Sgt. Harold Sobel, R133756, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sobel, Major St., Toronto, Is missing following air op- "Thus hath said the LORD KTERr NAL, Behold, I will open your grayes, and I will cause you to come up out of your graves, O My people, ANP I WILL BRING YOU INTO TBE LAND OF ISRAEL. And ye s^all know that I am the LORD, whe^ I open your graves, and when I cause you to come up out of your graves, O My people. And I will put My Spirit in you, AND YE K:CIALL LIVE, AND I WILL PLACE YOU IN YOUR OWN LAND: and ye shall acknowledge that I the LORD have spoken it, and done it, saith^the LORD" (Ezekiel 37:12-14 Leeser). What splendid promises! Yet, py dear Jewish friends—there are Gentiles who—today—would steal ±fyfse very precious promises from you— and claim them as their own. BUT —IT CANNOT BE DONE. These promises are from your own Great GOD—and are TO YOU JEWS. ' So^take fresh courage—my dep,r Jewish Friends—the outlook may be^ dark just now — BUT — remember — THE DARKEST HOUR IS ALWAYS! JUST BEFORE THE DAWN—arid THE DAWN of your GLORIOUS DAY is at hand. YOUR MESSIAH* WILL COME TO SAVE YOU. All earthly assistance will fail you—BtJT —JEHOVAH FAILETH NOT. He has been your never-failing Friend in the past—and HE IS YOUR GOD TC>-DAY—and HE ALONE CAN—AND WILL-BRING YOU INTO YOUR GLORIOUS INHERITANCE. I would appreciate it very mucti- On June 20th a number of the Jewish men pf the ''An^y SI^pw," whic|i jplayed to packed houses at tiie StrahiS Theatre, along with some of their'non-Jewish compariions, iriclsdiii^ sev^i^l CWAC'^, Visited "the Centre as guests of the War Efforts Conunittee,! B. C. Branph^ Caiiadian Jewish Congress.' They put on an epieriainiiig impromptp show which was very w^U received. Jimmy^ IVfore, one of-, the.stars of the shp^, was one pf the lucky winners off the tel^hpne caDs. The sriiiling faces of trie dancers is an Indication of the happy time enjoyed by servicemen, hostesses and members of the Arriiy Show. Ainbng ihe group are Miss Mary Gilchrist, Misis Mary Mohbh'ari, Roger D6ric6t, Serjg:. Hal Seymour and others. ' Sobel is a wireless Rivers, Man. air-gunner at if you could find space in yoiu* splendid paper—for these few words of hope and encouragement to go forth to each of our Jewish Friends. Very sincerely yours, Powell River Biblical Institute. HERBERT POOLE, ' President. ei-ations over Prance, according to the latest R. C. A. F. casualty list. Recently he had written his parents that he had "some pretty good views of Italy" and if his luck held out he would be home for Christmkis. He enlisted three years ago when 18 and following his graduation from Jarvis as ah alr-guhher went overseas IS months ago. Before enlisting, Sgt. Sobel was at Central Tech and previously Laris-downe School. A brother, Sgt.' Alex Sgt. Benjamin Leo Kohn, B79806, of Regina, Sask. has been presumed dead for official purposes after being listed missing on active service overseas some months £^0. Sgt. Kohn is the son of Mr. Michael Kohn of 2326 Montreal St., Regina. Flt./Sgt. Stanley Arthur Goss, R77142, of Springfield, Mass. who was reported missing on active service with the R. C. A. F. in India has now for official purposes been presumed dead. His father, Mr. P. A. Goss, resides in Springfield, Mass. According to unofficial v/ord reach-hig the family. Pit./Sgt. Goss was a member of a crew which was p^|;rol-ling a raihoaji ir^ Jndia at thQ ti^ne of the' recent disturbances there by natives. They were flying low to observe whether the natives had tampered with the railroad tracks. They were so intent on their wdrSi-thatt they failed to notice an obstrubtioMi in their flight and they crashed, Plt./Sgt. Goss was killed iriuriediote-ly but the other members of the crew survived the crash, feowevisr. they were attacked by hostile natives end were all killed. It was not imtil some time iafterwards that he details of this act became known to other members of the AUied air forces in the country. * * * . Sgt. Samuel Levitt, R. C. A. P., son 0 fMr. and Mrs. M. Levitt of 1334 Lajoiej Ave. has been posted as missing following air operations according to word received by his parents. He was bom in Montreal and educat-cci at the rvluiitrbal High School and Sir George William^ College. Sgt. Levitt enlisted in the Air Force in September, 1941 'and after ; training, graduated from No. 9 A. 6. S., St. Johns, Que.with his wing. He went overseas imnjediately afteiwards. ♦ • • Flt./Sgt. Prank Rath, R. C. A, P., son of Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Rath of 1270 Gayeau St?-. Windsor, has been ■- reported prispner-of-war in; German hands according to word to! his. parents. He hpi,d been reported missing a; few qays eairiier. A brother,; Spniuel wilUam Rath, i is ?ilso serv-^ ing with the R. C. A. F. '*■*■•♦■ ■ -..... ■■ Corporal Louis Spiegel pf Toronto, son of Mrs. Eva Spiegel of that city. who VTas serving with the U. S. Marines a,i Guadalcanal, has been wounded in-actipn and has been returned to this continent. He is a,t present at the U. S. Naval Hpspits]. at aSan Diego, Calif. He also won a military decoration while in action in the South Pacific. Cpl. Spiegel joined the R .C. A. in October 1941 and-transformed tp the U.S. forces in June, 1942 since he is an American citjzeni: Two brothers, Sgt. Jack Spiegel, R.C.A.F., and Pte: Sydney Spiegel, are with the Canadian forces and a fourth brother, Pte. Murray Spiegel, is with ah American Medical unit in Kansas. I I • * • •'■ ■ A Palestinian Jew serving with the R.C.A.F. Overseas, AC J. Saphir, R11P334, of Tel Aviv, Palestme, has been reported wounded. His ifather, Mr. M., Saphir, resides at 96 Allenby Road, Tel Aviv, Palestine. ♦ * * "'■' ''" Tpr. Ernest Jonas, D3935, was one of the 38 Canadian casualties wh6 suffered froin a single enemy bomb whe na Germian aircraft boriibed a British ,s?»-cQast, town recently. Seven Canadian were reported killed (Continued on Psf^e 4) See JEWS IN UNIFORM