friday, September 4, 1970 JEWISH WESTERN BULLETIN Page Eleven (TSViSHN UNZ ALEIN) By LAZAR Hear and there—JNF Blue Box drive is upcoming Sunday, Sept. 20 under chairmanship of Morris Gelfond . . . Healthy state of competition in the local kosher : meat field makes scene here f brightest in a long while for those / who keep kosher . . . There are still three places for picking up your extra copies of The Bulletin. One is new: Max's Delicatessen, at 16th and Oak; one has moved across the street, Cunningham's now at King Edward Mall, 25th and Oak; and of course the original first Bulletin newsstand spot, at, Oakridge Drugs, 41st and ,Oak ... It looks like an enrollment of 270-275 for T.T. this year compared with 218-222 a year ago. New grade eight class, two kindergartens and two grade ones have contributed to the boost . . . Hillel opening mixer upcoming Sunday, Sept. 13 a the Centre for the first time wil include students from all city campuses (which comprise some 450 Jewish students) ... Residents in Richmond are trying to form a Jewish school which will be unaffiliated with any congregation. Mrs. Alvin Moss, 274-1G21, is taking calls from interested parents. * ♦ * The Big-Four of Vancouver Israel Bonds are readying the Dinner of Tribute to the Honorable Avraham Harman, fast approaching next Wednesday, Sept 9 at Vancouver hotel Pacific ballroom. Busy with the event are energetic committees under: Cliaries Diamond, overall '70 chairman, Joe Segal, board chairman, Vera Cramer, W.D. head, and Joe Cohen, special names chairman . . . Harman is well re-liienibered as Ambassador of Is- rael in Canada and from his post at the U.N. ♦ ' • ■ ♦ The Old Testament gets a new twist in the latest book released by co-publishers Cherie Smith and Jake Zilber. The title piece of j"TilIie*s Punctured Romance" by ^^be - bopper - drug - addict -i convict Charlie Leeds is a wildly satiric retelling of the story of !^oah's Ark. In other sections, ^eeds, who is now serving a 9 p 13 year term in New Jersey ?5tate Prison, improvises on the lemes of his life—drugs, music, iligion, love, movies. • * ♦ Look for Countdown Canada e day after Labor Day on CBC levision. Depicting with vigor d irony events in 1978 on the al day of Canada's history as sovereign nation, the one-hour rk U. student drama documen-ry shows how Canada becomes of the U.S. Rated as a real-Ic film with strong impact and ely to cause a nation-wide M mm SEEKS m comiBUTiOHS y Altman and Dave Young-chairman and co-chairman the Men's Israel Chai cam-gn, have stated that all com-ee members and canvassers reporting generous response contributors. loneer Women in Israel serves 1,000 institutions that fill the social service needs of en, youth and children in fficials have appealed to comity members who have not given, to mail in their con-utions to campaign treasurer, hua Checov OT respond geikerr-y to the canvasser, gala gourmet dinner in Oc-er for all contributors will 'ure 'Sam Kaplan, Bulletin 'sher, as keynote speaker Ina Kaplan, vocalist and scare like the Martian invasion play that made Orson Welles famous, it was produced and coordinated by York University professor, Robert Fothergill who is married to the former Cyndi Zimmerman. A west Indian student on York staff, Fred Thorn-hill was director and names in the film in addition to York students include Stanley Burke, Larry Zolf and Barry Callaghan. • * If Two new groups on the local scene. New NCJW young women's branch is forming at a Sept. 9 coffee party . . . And during the summer, the Rose Elstyne chapter of Vancouver Womei^^ ORT was launched. It has a f^w dozen members already. Item of historical interest. The "old cemetery" at Mountain View, where some of the community's pioneers were interred and where several local families maintain family plots, will be the site of a special pre-Yom Tov Memorial Service on Sunday, Sept. 27, 12:30 p.m., when both Rabbi M. INVESTMENT (Continued from Page 5) When we read articles in the press that are constructed in a way as to cast a slur on Israel, we will fight back with Israel Bonds. When we watch T.V. programs in which an anti-Semitic interviewer twists every question, we will fight back with Bonds. And when we hear of the EgJHPtians moving Russian missiles closer to the border, we will know what to do. Our soldiers on the Suez need stronger bunkers, and children along the Jordan need better air raid shelters. In partnership with Israel, we will see that these are provided. Oppressed Jews in anti-Semitic countries, urgently need to get away. Together with Israel, we will see that they reach safety. We are not being asked, to risk our lives. We are not even being asked to risk our dollars. We are asked to invest in Israel—and what better inve^ment cotdd there be for any Jew? What better security for ourselves and our children and our children's children? What could bring us greater naches? To give yourself some of that naches now, phone 266-7210 and jlace yovac order for your Israel iond. Then see how good you feeL A.R. Ilier and Rabbi W, Solomon will participate. Many in the community will no doubt be interested in attending, both to see the first Jewish burial grounds here dating from the 1890's and for many, to visit the graves of ancestors. * * * The psychadelic "Now Bus" didn't know what hit it when it was exposed to the "now generation" this year. The bus, owned by the Inner City Service project, was sponsored for a while outside the Jewish Community Centre by National Council of Jewish Women. It suffered extreme damage by vandals including broken windows and an attempt to cut the steering column with a hacksaw . . . When the bus was returned, one Inner City, official commented: "You must have some, very disturbed kids around the Centre building." * * * A brief original film produced by Nordau chapter and centring with great excitement on Ha-dassah Workshop activities, will be previewed at the Hadassah Bazaar general meeting upcoming Sept. 13. It was filmed by Stephen Borulsby, recent co-winner of second prize in a national student film competition. * * * It will likely take until next year to complete the project, but meetings have already been ASSISTANT COOK Full time duties. Start $401.00 monthly. Apply in person only. LCUBS BRSER HOSPITAL 1055 W. 41st Ave. Chonging your address? DON'T FORGET TO NOTIFY The Bulletin Phone Weekdays (79-6575 CLASSIFIEDS SYNAGOGUE SEATS SEATS FOR SALE OR RENT at Schara Tzedeck. Man's seat No. 368> Ladies' seat No. 1140. Both good seats. Reasonable price. Phone 263-9501. ART SUPPLIES REro'S ART MATERIALS Everything for Artists! Grumbacher - Reves - Shiva Winsor Newton - Talens Picture Framing Hobby Kits and Corgi Toys 5847 Victoria Dr. 321-9615 CABINETS & FIXTURES STEFANISSIN WOODWORKS Custom-Built Kitchens. Vanities and Store Fixtures. PHONE 879-6912 ELECTRICAL SERVICES LANGUAGE TUITION PRIVATE FRENCH LESSONS Teacher, Frenchman, formerly from Tel Aviv, France & Montreal. Phone Alain Levy-Neumand. 224-4434. PRIVATE TUTORING AVAILABLE in French and Hebrew by experienced teacher. Phone Mrs. Itia Groberman— 324-3141 MUSIC TUITION HELENA SANDLER, B.MUS. Former McGiil Teacher Piano. Clarinet & Recorder. Presently teaching ORFF Method & Recorder at Jewish Community Centre. Beginners, Advanced—All Ages. In Your Home. 684-3587 POTTERY TUITION Reasonable rates. Free estimates. PHONE 327-3891 FIRESCREENS CUSTOM BUILT FIRESCREENS Very reasonable. Estimates in your home or visit our showroom. BURNABY FIRESCREENS 4756 Lougheed Phone 298-5221 THE POTTER'S CENTRE 3611 W. Broadway beginning Sept. 14th. Applications accepted in limited enrollment. Phone: 732-9621 or 261-4764 SINGING — PIANO SINGING LESSONS—BEGINNERS AND Advanced. Piano — advanced students only. Certified teacher. Call Elizabeth Wolak. after 3 p.m.. 327-1388 scheduled to bring to fruition a Chair of Judaica at U.B.C. Spearheaded by Maurice Lermaii, who feels that it is a "crying shame" that over 400 Jewish undergrads have been denied the opportunity of furthering their Jewish education, the committee also includes local rabbis and Jewish professors. * * * Note in the mail from The Bulletin's distinguished regular book reviewer, Dr. Arnold Ages, points out that he has a new title at University of Waterloo, that of associate dean of arts for graduate studies. Writes Dr. Ages, "As Hull says in his book. The Peter Principle, I have now reached my level of incompetence!" * ♦ ♦ So what else is new? Early deadline for next week's issue is (or was) today, Sept. 4, 4 p.m. But did you know that the Rosh Hashona Bulletin is just around the corner, Sept. 25 to be exact, with early deadline: Friday, 4 l>.m., Sept. 18. 'Nuff said. * * * It*s happy Labor Day time when all the laborers rest but many a boss goes in to work cause someone has to keep the business running . . . And Shab-bat Shalom to you, Kinderlach. 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