2 — THE BULLETIN ~ Thursday. November 18. 1982 have reihfiltrated Lebanon NEW YaRK—As many as 7.000 PLO terrorists — almost half the nambo* of those evacuated from Beirut — have filtered, hack into Lebanon, an Israel official told the national executive committee of the Anti-Defamation League of B*nai B'rith at its recent meeting in Houston. Benjamin Netanyahu, minister and deputy chief of mission of the Israel Embassy in Washington, said these terrorists are now redeployed in the Bekaa valley. Another 1.000. he added, are in the Tripoli area of Lebanon. Israeli forces which enter* ed Lebanon to end the PLO terrorist threat to the northern border area. Netanyahu said, expected to deal with a total terrorist force in Lebanon of lO.OU) to IS.OOO. f ^But tve undeirestimkted the threat,'' he told the ADL kaciers. He reported Israeli fonxs disod»vered a PLO force estimated at 30,000 with enou^ weaponiy to arm kiiaddi-tionki 30.000 terrorists. **infact.'!he declared. **we realized we were dealing ,wtth a PLO army or a force in the developmental state of60.000 to 70.000—and it is not improbaMe to assume that this force could have reached 100,000. That would have meant a complete PLO takeover of Lebanon.** Referring to Syrian forces still in Lebanon, Netanyahu said all indications are that tlMl troops are ^'prepared** toevacuate the Bakaa Valley. **When they do so,** he said; >tbe thousands of PLO infiltrators under Syrian aegis will probably go with them." JTA. DIES ALIZA begin; stalwart comiiaifoni and wife of Israel's prime minister for 43 years died suddenly in Jerusalem last Sunday of massive heart faflure. She had been hospitalized since early October for serious circuIatQry troubles and suffered from chronic asthma. Menachem Begin, hi Los Angeles at the time of her death, immediately cancelled the rest of his 10-day iJ.S. visit and returned to IsneL Soviet emigmtlon reached new low fallen to a frightening low as only 168 Jews arrived in Vienna m October — the lowest level recorded since emigration b^an.** NEW YORK — Chariotte Jacob-son, chairman of Soviet Jewiy Research Bureau of National Conference on Soviet Jewiy, reported recently that ''Jewish emigration has Documents reveal undjsputable Soviet/PLO links JERUSALEM A mass of secR^ Palestine Liberation Organization documents discovered by the Israel Defence Forces at abandoned command posts in southern Lebanon during the fighting there in the summer, underline the strong links between the Soviet Union and the PLO. There has been and continues to be a steadily growing flow of Soviet, Czedi and East German arms and equipment to the PLO, largely via East Germany and Hungary. One of the seized documents, dated May of this year, contains the minutes of talks held a month earlier • between East German and Hungar-ia|t; officials and a PLO military ddegation. The talks covered arins and ammunition deals and training for PLX> officers in the military academies of the two countries, r During the discussions, the East German Defence Minister asked for ai list of equipment required by the Pilo, so that he could submit it for aii>|^roval '^in the name of the party 2^ the State . , ■ , •:i^lie PLO list inchiid^ r^uestsfbr majdhine guns and anti funded courses. MRI& — Pnsideol of tfad /has oibled^ leaders of the Soviet Union to ask for immediate re^ ease f^. S^ykil Jewi^ Anatol^Sfii^tiislgf wiiofecorrei^ servmg ai 13-ynr prison aentenoe in Soviet Union. The yoiiiii Jewish scientist has been on a himibFrstiii^ since the eye of Yom K^piir lo protest against conditions of his detentionand Jewish sotnces say his life is in d^iqger. JTA^ PLO niimiiil scNh^ VIENNA •-^'i^^^ United NaitionszRdkf and Wdifcs Ageni9