THE FISHERMAN Page seven JWE MUST STOP THE DESTRUCTION- OF OUR NETS BY TUG BOAT COMPANIES An Editorial by Jack Phillips In the last issue of our paper, #13, re carried a letter from Arthur Halvorsen ho lost his net at Spanish Banks. It was tot his fault. The tug Goblin of the Gulf >f Georgia Towing Company did the dirty 'ork after brother Halvorsen signalled them o swing out. The crime is that the Goblin 'as not in the regular steamboat channel. Two weeks before this happened .rthur's partner lost his net, too. 'when they went to the company to •omplain, civilly, and with their hats in heir hands, they were told tc go to the .evil. Since when have cur tug boat officials been given the right to treat fishermen this way? Are they beyond the pale if civilised law and common courtesy? Not long after this, Brother Watson ost 80 fathoms of net, valued at $100, nst. off Xitsilar.o beach. This time the iffender was the Maagen of the Cliff Towing ;ompany. Complaint was lodged, but to no ivail. Mr. Cliff was not in., on Wednesday, August the 18th, [Brother Harry Senft lost his whole net -L.50 fathoms of it, between the airport and It he Yacht Club. Senft was the only boat lin sight and he signalled the skipper with Lis flashlight, but to no avail. The boom |behind the tug tore his nets to bits. When Senft went to the Cliff towing ICcmprny he was told to "get the hell cut |of he re J" Is this the wry to answer a fisherman Iwho was in the riglt, a man who has lost |his means of making a living through the criminal negligence of the very people he r&s trying to talk tc? Do the Towing companies want us to Ifight the matter out rather than have a [private settlement? Very well:.' We will. Fishermen pay out good money to fish |for a living end they are entitled to some rotection. If the companies who have [destroyed their nets by their negligence (will not settle with them as individuals, the Pasific Coast Fishermen's Union will inaugurate a campaign that will force them to be more human end to toe the line. Our livelihood is at stake and we have no other alternative. The matter will be takon up in court end will be given the widest publicity. The towing companies have asked for it. we will give it to them, ?nd straight from the shoulder, too. HAVE YOU SUBSCR T 0 I 3 S D "THE FISHERMAN" YET? HA YE YOU TAKEN OUT YOUR SUB YET? HAVE YOU PA ID FOR YOUR BUNDLE? .H. Jrhillips writes: "I an enclosing $4 to pay for two 2 year's subs, one for Hill and one for myself. I have been getting the paper regularly but I've never had the money to subscribe." How ;.iany of our readers are in the same position? No money to subscribe? And how many will subscribe as soon as they get the money? How about it brothers; Will you do your bit? YUCLATAW TRADERS General Store at Stuart Island, 3.C SUPPLIES FOR FISHERMEN, LOGGERS, SETTLERS, TRAPPERS, CRUISERS, ETC. "When you are waiting for slack water in the Rapids tie up at the Stuart Island Floats where all Fishermen are welcome." - DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE - ******** FISHERMEN ******** When in Q,uathiaski Cove Visit RYALL'S STORE and GAS STATION For a Real Good Union .Deal - Jack Lewis, Manager - I want to subscribe to the "FISHERMAN" A progressive trade union paper. I enclose 40 cents for 3 months......... 60 cents for 6 months ......... §1.00 for One Year ......... (mark with x) My name is .............................. My mailing address is ................... I am an old reader.........(mark I am a new reader.........with x) (Clip out and mail to Jack Phillips, c/o "The Fisherman", 176 Hastings W., Vancouver, B.C.)