"。,、ゥ、":'"'" i, TH翻NBW C▲W A P Friday, Ju,y 23,1976 New Translations To Give Holy Bibl像 A Fresh, New Impetus In Japan By mCHARD M. HARLEY く The Chr)8"aひSciei^e Mon"or> TOKYO. — WihileJai旭n a (lounti'y said to bp 9$ percentli-t<>rjUe, only a minute1percent or its people readゆe Bible today &3汰basis their religious 'iiv€s...: Yetぉpanese Christians are 6ptimi8もiしovもr new eiideaVors in Bible translatioiiii、d distribuU-,on.' 、かh6 endひf、h^^i9ャ6、wはnesa&nese Coin mo n 3ible,i$kol-m>ni*," the Biblical Greek word for^ fellowship among Cliristkiiiifl, wiiat is done iひcomnaon. HひWe-V63iv as theケnow ;staaid, Pro test; ant andCathol4c and Orthodox usagesliもtle in common— especiaUy wJipn it eひmes to proper nam© a 心f the Bible. Their readmgs often disagiree, and even where they do agree, existing t i»anslab ions fi'equetitly dひnot follow modem ii幼ge. Deciding pro per names Bernaa'din Sohneidもi',c.O"Ohaih'-' man of the editorialcommiはee ieports t hat lb y;the simvmer of 1975, the translation committee had met almost mo—ly for six years t^o decide about some 500 Greek and 2,600 Hebrew proper names. Also, they a re compiling: an appendix which willexj)laiれ expressions not common m modern Japanese. 1975 marked an increase of 200,000 in total Bible sales by the J a pa31Bible Society — up to some 2.5 million. A statistiea1 sm、vey taken severalyears ago showed more than 50percent; of Bible readers in Japan were un" der 21.This may indicate. a growing religious interest in the Bible anlong yoimg people, but J邵anese Christians say it aUo reflects1aa"gely an interest in tSie Bible simply asliterature among わhose in school. Yetfor many Christians in Ja-pail,as one young woman puぃit, the Bible "is not just an oWも00k you can read 6nce,ぁiit aliving book people can read often and find meaning for theirlivゃsto-'day." Bible asl"eratー About 40 perceitt of the Bible readers 'have nopajrticまr religious affiliation, 60 j)ercent. are pcm-Chrstia怖,and 40 per cent of Bible p life has«s apparently occur in bookstoies. These facts reflect an aぉeれJapan ys^ich publications of rdigh)us literatureおun-KMered—n radioal:c6由ast to a ceiUi^ry iis:o when Japanese nationals rぉked exile .or d纽th if they coop«ratedwithmisk>na-"es in Bible di«tri"tion'抑d t)j€ World War H period wぉen the Japan BH)le Soci"y's opera* tioTis were severely thwartej and aおre bomb Mマaged the Bible House and its stocks. To flay the Bibie society of J a一 pan is Mlf^upportinf: atid contribute to transkUon efんits in other countries which ne^d funds , for their own Scriptuw trans1" tion廳ml distribution* ALUWAY ROOnm UMITEIX Mi AT MOnmつ S, bill 10 DIAL IT WORK ー",.,的. N卿OW柳. 0柳SHmAY ーw雄固鍾— 173 DUNDfiSSTBEBTWEST/TORONTO ,JSOUB RU8Bie^ABJ!%£&助R PARKING柳*卿UTH OF L 10HI)8 GARDENS) FURUYA TRADING ST ORき366-"51 Again It's Sukiyaki Day at FURUYA. JULY17 SAT. ONLY REG. $2.5(?lb. Special$1.75 lb,<5lb.IhnU. No home deHvもかfor this special* For your summer Barbe-que, stock up with FURUYA 舰I YAK I ME ATに Sorry, our B.C; CftABS planned for 3 day sale werefiold ttut on first day,でlease tome early for)any future FURUYA SPECilAL. Have you tried FRESH BONITO.? WE GOT SOME. To rem to幼,0n(, TRAVEL• SERVICE 3€3-Q655 FURUYA GROUP TRAVEL TO JAPAN To Tokyo Jul.16 Ju,. 30 Sep. 03 Oct. 8 Oct.10 Nov* 5 Dec,17 l^eturn Aug. 06 Aug. 20 Sep. 24 Oct. 29 Nov, 7 ov.お Jan. 7 Three island tour of HaWaH departing July 25. Book now. Space willbelimited. 職L邻OE犯ES LATEST STYLES ALL HEEL HEIGHTS LADIES 2 and叩 MENS 4 and up MEDIUM & WIDE FITTINGS ALBERTS SHOE STORE 1328 Queen St, West 'I^hone 531,1931Toronto TIMES SQUA円ETIRAVEしCENTRE LTD, —* »一 672 No.3 Rd., Richm6nもB.C. 1157 M el"lie St., Vancouver, B. a Phone 273-5696 Phone 681-7お1 幼O诉DEPARTURE TO JAP AN : Sep. S印. S印, ()"♦ Nov, NOV. NOV. NOV DEC-DEC. VOBIYO纽 16 21 21 5 $ Oct,18 Qct. 20 Sep. 29 Dec. 5 DEC.は DEC.12 JAN18 JAN. 2 JAN. iO KANKODAN — Thre* weeks Una eu' 13 19 19 23 mm em to Caiiきd農.Please gWeua acall.We explain. 一 S ■ - THE PL A eg TO ST ART YOUR HAPPY HOLIDAY