TOM^S 旭evnioN SALBB & SERViei GO LOB T.V. AMD St mo CoBipon敏te IIIC MUM JIM AT& (MMfed I RttlA) SCARBOROUGH, ONT, PHONE 759.1583 Billft ^^IhilHi • liftwffWi A砵一 Pノ Ki國OS & Accessories No r it dice 〔hino 463 EglintonAve.W. phone 489* S射1 Tuesday, September U,11)76 加N糊Can础加 A member of Ethnic Prcsji A明odation ofOーi?io and Canada Federation, Secon4Cl咖mail No, 0031U'、 Established in1939 Publisl]ied on everダTucsdjiys 、、and Fridaぉ T. UMEZUKI PUBLISHER English Sect ion Editor K.CVTSUMUkA JapaneseSectionEdUor and GeneralManager KEN MORI 479 QUnStr樣West, Toronto, Ont. M5V 2A9 PHONE 366-5005 Help Wanted PRESSER 、van,ed, .expei'iゅc.(Hl for quaUty oieaners'phoiie 787-5S01(Toronto). ' :DISH'y/A'SHER and jat PointRc?, Off !i^gt加ATe*, South of Bloor PHONE 233-3478 PAGE 2 r B N B W C A NAD I AN 1^ Talrara towreflbrs "EAR PIERCING" By Appointment ,1l>aBdM Sn. TortmUv Suit*12Phon« 863>0啦 Eve. By Appointment Ai《tVatan塞be WorlcTs Sma隨,tr柳 to be the 、voi,ld'3 snmllcst'cyc-developed by a team 6f ro^柳、 ailid Gh em ic 111Itに so ft ,A t(?ビ,t iwodolゎrtihe cyclotron) used fQにpixKlucihgi'adioacU\^e iyk)">】)ciA;ft)i'i"、れUm'i、tひf cnncey "mi hoaii disciレsc,、vaぉ(h)mplcted iでぐenlly by JupanSteclWorks ami 'l、okyo】っlet'ぃ'o" LnbiひratひHcs. tdfllbiぱis at t'ho Mm'oia"】)k"t iu i化kkai(k)ofJnpiin S"、el、voi、 .:?■,:.■-..'-。:/、.、 .■./r】ic::cyiii.Klrit'"l.--'、c^yc1ひぃ:oiぃis' ono-m control panel. Massage ffom necktひlegs Very qui i^t Opera "on ヽ'ICAN TRADING CO. I^TD" lOiaMAlNi^AND ST. VANCOUVER/B. €• (604) 688"^98S7 Onior write to dire< I Importer: NicanTnuIing Co, Lは 1010 M a i hiand St. Vancouver, B.C、 (604) 6幼.9857 or (fromEatem Canada) 3240 Lenworth Dr. MISSISSAUGA, ONT. (416) 625^3890 お