【Dates ft Doing豕1 ''、,■ Bonspiel Application Deadline: Sept.16 EDMONTON. — j PIease not ify yourloc«acuirlin« dubs tb^ due to the hod id ay s^suson,她e de«dlind for柳licfttkm to girou" topM^icipate In the Centennial:Bonapiel,to be held in Kdmontofi, is Septemiber1^, Anyone Tiv e'ー service there willbe the TearOearemonydeinonsitmtkm and Tea"Offering to the Buddha by *h)e Toronto XJrase争T幼"Oe-r柳ony group 1(Sad"oUirasenk^e Toronto ohaipter). Tea wiU be seト \red to alloftenioon service congJi^egwtion after t)he service inや he dowftistairs sociaihalレ 'O,;Higian is the tr^adirtional J鄉anese Buddhist service through whieli weもxpres, pur thankfidn燃to ovw ancesftors and pledge to Buddha* toi (Jo our 'best.fひr the welfare of ourselves «and others. Toronto Bu她iat Oh咖h b exjtending its exordial invitation of this service to all,Rev. Tak Moriki邻eaiially <^xi>r€sse» 'hi& wiaih to invi^ Japian欲new i^WDigrrantsaimi ibusiniess p鄉le who are staying in Toronto, who in geneital