;i].y-'.irfov .Yaiioto ed;'"iu: WiVia!^5; -'on '".Juiy .4f: R?r, J .ED KAMQ/;! "p'Hofi"s;";j| Ifyr per copy , MANITOBA 40c per n Saturduy, Jiijv ^>�X I\).l6 ' /apqnese . Ll X" i-l.fi^ji'.-.'iii*. idiicfc'i^^ �"^�ii'' �>,* > , ~ . * -.'�'��' '�'_ \ 'j � .-�'�-�.', 'T' ���_'..' �"�' � '_ _/' f i '/S^-. ^ ' ' ' ^ "-^ ^- _T -,.-'.-. ^-y --,- � I'-j _�_._� m � | _'_�_-_ r L'i ' � '/ ��-.-�___^ ,'fi? ^�''ij^^ ^-/.Jv-t hv-'J^ivps;o:;^^ /^ 'Vre\Viv ^uvp^jed -Ui^ ^�<;''<;uiu � it uus/'b'een^ ^U J^|: a/(iiioia �on;'n\ini^e:f^ A^l- '^i^ tho: ftilrd-h^ ; ;i, i e ha v o / b^ri ?l& a i)pl i eaV' teiv: itot ini liiding 11: or -15 ? i n--� � UM^V^OfttnM?'8. JV.^^�� .be'eii "vlaK tfrfe'^'jii^ aiiic'cn to JuiV l^ Of^ this, hiiiii-.;/^h^-/Jul)anps^.Coininitteo- pointed 4roo&iVi^u^'who" applied vrftatial&y for thefA^ OAA -:iwvHVantA/':jhfctudie'" riibre . �:r.ej^ifiatlpii- ships are ;beiivgplan^ tiver 5ti<> .;,> VSOHS in Tashnfe/" V ;in/,yiew of tlie jarge/nuinber of .; It:'wa><- ;::uinoiuK;ed; in - Lemon- applicants for repatriation, aeeom-C'e'c-k' i'r.'av'official^ of the Japa- njodatfoii on/a later /boat \v.iJl: be E^j.: iv.visi^hV.- treasury :depart- a; vmuat heci&ssity. ' ; tufiu \viil -AVnve--''�^ ]�W � bcen_-:"in.Hu:. liakeiuHe^^orv arrangements re-'-":'enc.C(l*-:. to apply for repatna tip it Eiroliii tht/.Vrausfev of funds to- on tiiis.:trip will be/'permitted to i-. : . ; :->vithdraw. tiieit:-appiications. the l^s I*'--;; revealed 'in a notice; same notice added. : ; /. J6fe Jtian HalfiCana jian Japartese ^IpVfiUO'n^eutre'Jta^ ' -:(^p;^-iK;r;^oi^.' /- SeyevriV^Oinliiiived/ :./n'tori^ are e;^ pst;of /(hose wlw arrived /on ' l)c:i{ver:anil:' itv.^a^do^yt; iCfcttaitVK.el^ i/i'P/y/Goiw^ ppeHani* byvVF:; A^^ i^ro\viu,vVro-' -v^ts no:/ch�r^ il t o; J awy ((r; V "-"::'�';:'-";.;: v/^:;--. '.-; .-":;:'<;oivyic lion ;-/�;';/, �_-- ��':�': /i:':x:'/:',-' /;.///'� /;- ^m>spojuieiits ik tiixi :i>f>so"are tlte:: ": : V'^i�; WW^fy�S^vh^her ori^^^^ '' near Fort William,; w-hile^aV few oiherMiave/left/for >yofk/in Ahim* tier/campi?;'.: the--gradual 'though HOW nioveinent from this camp- U) outside work is expected. Several, reasons, nialce if dTiYu ult for a very rapid: abybrptioii of peo])le here iiUoouts'ido jobs/ ,A large number �* families., have t h re e.; or" more.- n n d er-h ig h/so -li'oo 1 -. age- chiidreii. //in/addition many 'heads of families ai;e in the liftics and sixties. They are hesitating, to accept jobs -in logging camps - where, work ."is. reporfod i o "He /hard wakes .comparatively low. , wjvilc. ��'':.OrKi^ dOjr;S;/\YY5)i^^ ot�. lioiidoli. King/-/ ; The l>n vy t'onnei! hearing-;t ,'h;o /Ml;: ^rewin Vfucsiion.e(l/ WlioUvor >es V'i.scount i>hrion -'law hml.s./ �.-��'�' . /'.�;:' . - . ..'��". "��':/.- : '�'./:. .//and ; \vjiet hei' �'.siiv-li powv-r i'tsuld-ho/: ..: J lie -,'ip]>i'al is ill' rrforence t<) -,i v,,/ , i '' � i: �;�'/�-, ./ ' ' .(.)rdei\s-iii-('ounvil of l>oi'. 15 lf�-!'fv" :v'."^''/.-"�; - .. .-^ �'�" ,; ,'-��,!. . ,v / ' . �. , ('1 '>v tune o't pc.-avr. ..- .. ����- r..(..:-.(�;{;>�.. ,:>;i(�.-and i ;>:?. - wlijcb . � ,.,, � � - "���'. . .. : � �'�;, ���".� He coi;.(oii j)]-ovHie tor the (lepor't-aUonp. ' -No .; ./- ,-. '.-,,- . f'f ' .,, , � '�-�: .. �' ; - ' . .-�� inafi/.ed ( aiiatllan iicqutfetl tni-."-torciltle ilepoi tatmiis will laKe . . , , . . ' ... - , ; . . prrial status .lie could lo>'o It only place pending the outcome of 'the. .....�� �m* place pending the outcome of 'the. r , " / �'� ,'...' ����:... . .if the. state secretary were sal-is-' appeal; altliongii -'ihose who �w�nl-- ,v- , . --\---i ,' �' ., -��'-'� � �. -''-V,�'-��' �'.�/.v .. tied, he had been, guilty <>t "ius-1; U> go arc 'hcisig- assi.su:>�l to leave '"'���'*� -��'� .'"���� , ;,,'-,'� / uV: � - . rmet-tioHs Mid dis (>va (v to UM C'aiyada; OTTAWA'- Om' of a tot:�l popu-nc^i yf �..'.�.: ,'.-i: persons of Japa-, f-^r :a.i v v� u,; :;:i;ig in Canada on -.nf *;. year, �.it563;/OV : ." vc-n niOyod Oiil of ;i,ii)._. ;f 1:77:1 '. persons'. \vijvh \bipeiv- rdpatri-; :in (o^tlvat do le,. \vith; .; ,ro follow.) Thi^ --s uibled 'iu Ottawa -.;-iv= pf AA'e^ihiih^lQrV,.- tlie.: f; ' ^v^)orte.d : oil ;".' July ; nese to relocate outside British Columbia. For fares; baggage iuv:l;. stihsi*teiice allowance while .en raute, ;the tott\l- was $355,022. and the i-elpc.ation grants, ?7S;j>Sl. . I^ail\vay:traiJspm-tat.ion was /yideitto the St^tipn closest ;tq the; t\e$tination. (lay Qoaehjacconunbda-io�. Mai ried couples "were, allowed 1,500 /'pounds �'-� baggage";with -'SOD.; poiuuls extra for e.ach cjiild: over, '16 arid" loO' ppUJidk for^nmler:';lp. - The subsistence aliovranc.e froan Appropriation Asked By Defence Committee �'.-;� TOHOXTO/ Ont.--The Tomiito r Citizenship Defence (.'onjinittee. iias; asked. for .further funil/appro- priaHon to carry .on its work iiiilil ..'Siu-li { inie a? the �nationai ^Ce'lera- lioiv/is; forined/" /Tho-'Connnittee;: h.as .s-uggesU'd that 'the /required amount bo drawn from donrrtjon;' f 11 n il ^already : Ut hand. ;and^ letters '.j-Q(itf PS ting" authority to/do :go-;liayc- " ber-n Ke.ftX /to ifttli-yidival/-- orguni- is iiiid �disloyjiMy to ' Majesty/;.''." '"' , :'��� :�'..',_� �/'-,. /�,-;/ _ j][e jaid. t jiat u n ilfr i l.iv- "re y Is fit ' ,. �-�' / - / stalii'es of' ('an'atla./i 1()1!7�> even if Following;>s ri .report on pro- ;i;nalUraH/ed -Canadian ;\verc ron-cpcdin^ for ilve lirst J.w.o- days of / victeii'..o( il.j^aff.vcijpti or (IrsJoyaliy �Mie: hearing. ' -based -on t'niituiia'u }Vt,' \y^th\ not mvtoiuniU ally Josb ,' hiV.� stalus''bec-fiusx:-his rcl't|Iic< iisV ca^e 1)y ;O.f liat.uralixatlou \ve;i'i'; re/vokwl '<{Uotiu.g fr his status <>n!y/Avh r^-v^ts 'o:^^;^wv >--fe^;-A: Vi'gSjXif^ �>^vvrt*-^ t-$ jui.fhorixing di'poi;i;iti'>n. L o/r d (I^poi |<\<1 and ..(.lie.: o'H-ly ground is Siino.H.saif Jaiujin. -�Ip'yiih.yl ik In "a n:itlOuai;of ;('anada;;"^ ;;:: :/::; "Mr: Hrt'win..s;yid he did not thiiik MViriuS'. Uie; war a .iapanese per- " tluti. was iu to'H.d't u.l. v.Mr, IJuMviu �-.- .son >vas_ subject .10 'uutuX'.i'estrict stated that there i^fs iu> definition tiV(> nu'asuVos �;i.S:..!i -ri-s'tiit of. whiou ^f'^l^'^i^lll *,:^*\-->ife*V.':.* ^j�B| i.~\ ���-. -n^v.V^:?T^^ ^;i^9iffi;^;;??^-Jl :^ 5^V;S-.^g ;"iV-j- v?'-.>-_:�?�-i"-'w � T^.'/ .^v; rr :r,-/ -'-V - ;v U-/ ^ /. /;$i.^0; - ^laintobs, ;$5;-. PorL Anliur- v/ .aitenjaii ive - suggest iw- should the '�� �.^v^-.--,^ "-'!i across Canada -�^^.vv,jfj>-^::,:X^-;:f)rj-�7, - , ;.:;;:. ; .: '// '."--,.,.;- ;-:f ^fc-v/.v. :-: ;- '---�"'-'".'�'-. .;'--.."���'� - "�.':-:'--f : -.-r orl \\ iiiiajii*-.^p., >\c> >,-. viit^.- y'. �>.-�-_... iu'oi)oSiiL' jfOt '111661- 'Vri.tli --an-provar- ^^^^^f- I'^rf.iirr-s1;^'' -''^v-;irti'

.t j,.a{t.- -,, .VT:. ;t> tollows- Brittsh ->,"-�./. - �IA . - - �; - -�-. - ;- : - - �� ; 'T; . -.- . --^�r;-.;..l.\ : -. "�,-.'- '.,:.'.'.- : - v : :� ..-�.'- -i\laritinies *10. - - .-. : .. ; ,�.--; -. _� . , -. jrd lrtw;ird� thn" niiernliiVsr S^SKK^ H^i H! -": - *-^^^i^^Qivn�r^^7^i*fw^:^ �:,^-";:. ��'�/�� ;"���:. i;^'- ^4 7-:; mavi:ie(t coupler. |l20;/cihil(h;^n in; -.--'*.;.-�- ^.'-v'" -/� ^!i?.\y}c}iv lOv'^OVa- /i" '/: -7;-:.'' -."�"-'-:;"-" :.-;-:-'..^- �*i-'.-VV>'--jc-. fe^M^ ;/i:^^ 7:/\yiittiv^ K-V� .Tv. -"'�-'-. ---';-^ /V>/.t~Hf- - * -- /'/:: .-�-"-/-�"".'-" ;. V.-/ r - '�--- '�' ~:''~-'-- '- -:'".-- - ""' "-A �""''. i '-"�>''/ /-/-�'.://"::T-t:':.".?- -�--�/ '" ./'- /-:".-.^ '� / (.-TficL Xbw--Caiiadian" i?/ info'r.nK'il. :'!.i ;v-.%'.-; '^-;; / ;i v>> h!(Hl"-;that Hie / tiiat: the;se new: increase^! {rates ,\t 1"lj: ^/^ y;-frHU.had"; spent/ caiiie into. ;effexT.-at..-Hfe.'Uegln^J-fn^; cent nb.it'ufd- towards t h e" :pppra t iivg e^peii se' of t h/e; x^om iii � t tCja iip:. 't o . eiid/ofJuhje, -i ' Of the ter in .VJiijta. nwyirract-' \iiiji lM^/;lu;:inig ht "hr�\'e,- appeared " "uncy-'- '.oix!ei-s.. .:�'..."�. �'.';�-�-.�;� / -: : : -." ;- f'P'.'.'tHlJ.VjP." li\U . noi; >U;cc^iTily jdiij--;: /. Wiien Miv I3rt>\vin ;si[iiled :iliut \/loyaj/of disrifu^ fed;- / '^:: ':''; :: :leftors e^di^iig^ :atf�':."..�.-:- ..-� = �'..-"-�'"-�-- --,-^..-'-^ ^-'r^- '�- '��'-�- " . '-''A'^ �"" :'-LV: *-r;:~.-'T-'-T*"<' *-� - T--^-.C1 k-V �";;'. Ma': Jire\yin vcin ^;ir :;fr oni ^ -"" -.. '--. " l"''-v- - ' - ' -� f'-V^ .'f.--�*.*:' .-_-.'.- ' :_ i . - -t :;|,n: th^" ca^ of '\:.'''K', � o;F)onne!l . ii_U(i'>< At l?>riV^y- Xjli/eus: Avjip^^had coioiifjiTted iH)t\(^ oifency and/ a'gixinst -Whoni theH). '!- C'oluriTl)Jpl-\ =" >:i^ '.?-�-� / ?' " ^ ^/ . �;-<;� of �? ^ t46/GjV�i Commissioner ^iik ; Vr-. --�.-�'� �-�*-- t.'�- ^i �,�.#->. o. ;( : �.,,: ;. .. : ^ -.v Voting. ^"erconu- greeted; niei Kamloops Couple Die as Roadster 1 *: ��'-� ir: wrs Dvief Control �l Evacuees - , - .--'.---. " -V" -'- -_ , * f- * � .- i t ' ^.. .' t .. _ -- - - . i ' -' ' ^' . ". ' - >i - j � The Commisj- ^ s t ration of Japanese affair? nndi r; i?-th^/ Departnlent of Labor. -The *._/same, -order establislted the pos-in/ tioh of Cqjnmi?sioner of -Japan*^^" of PiacemcTit; - /'� . -..-'..-._.'. ? i.o'f Japa- Vart>r P.C. J�4�5. the- Minbirr .of in Canada . ,i-a,-'hc�r t� nmniefi following power-*.' ^�' *tlU1�>^ ��aJ' ^. ^*^QS*?r^l 1� ^fhe f of Japane^t Place--- al i-piiti>/sil"'":".ii.caim /when Ihej.^ aijiVed in New York '..ha'f Uoi On -.Vifly :2V - /..��.. . : - -;: - ^-- - ; ;�:'-, �;/: / ''.; The iroop-rhJn \VilsoijJ" Victory" which cai rred the -Hsl meri and :1T -1! -.' was/ . >u" Ijatinirf! Ibo liv/.-s of Turiaf-"-'�'.. t rash :ahd wrefirag.1:- sjrn ttfj~<;;1 1 . 5? yeiir old f>iK;nxtor/of -. 1^ !0'nc-d into a CTR pass^rfg*-!- Jny: rjin- .at.: tht- North Ka'ij;Io.o|�:;-; . -;Hf�th vie Afn>y J>oni|vei.-. 'iui?!s. "on- one, of which a . band ; played Hawaiian ' inusit in hoiibr oft.heNi;?r:is whos:i wr-re- -in Hawaii. .ThY-rc-. 1 the - . - July. ".7.. .. i/irtn. .Mr/ \VaT.ti ri;^-.- �{; on -luFv'-''.. : ." Mr. WaUt^jbr dtfu .in Royal inland Ho.-pHaV 2^' mmut*-s aft*-r_ c -r-inif- tr-tri Jij�:r n s l.-oin ju an*! M-f .-.";" 7^9*/"-U>i'".. rl e-'tl-:'J f. Si''.'.. V>; su^ Lc ijii Tacftaticm fitus pnKertel Aeu^mb^ trom ti�r t� tocalttte* ta awl arouiMt tfce ibe S b � h \< w tf < Vo to , �J P�r-*.*�7 �> 10 b�*>f. TfcHr report �K! tf> at Mr* Ma^tWa of Xrr. y Kika AJT Norf fc