� Saturday.'Dec. 3, 1949 THE new CANADIAN PAGS SEVEN A fqghion-ancUbecnity article Our Little Woman = By JACK NAKAMOTO == Personal 7]otes ^Across Canada The 28th in a Series A"nocktie is one inexpensive item our.'little .� woman, can consider as a Christmas present for her boy-friend, especially if she has loads of gifts to give away to otluv* as .well..' 0 he important advice for her is to make sure ' she buys a tie the colour of which either niatches or contrasts harmoniously with the rest of his Wardrobe. For one of man's most carefully-cherisluMl illusions is that, women just can't choose a tie fit to wear. She nnisr l-enu'inbei' that a tie is a man's accessory whichVmust soi'vuv the part of a colour selleine of his suit. lb-re are a few friendly tips which our Niseiette may pass along to her boy-friend as regards to combining a tie with his suit and shirt. The suit is always the cue to the shirt and tie. For example, with a navy blue suit, he should wear a blue shirt; a harmonizing blue tie, or a tie of contrasting colours. However; if the suit and shiit aren't the same colour, the tie must harmonise with th;\ suit. Most men unfortunately avoid colon red. shirts because they aren't quite sure how.to combine them with suits and ties. The white shirts, however, offer sharp contrast to natural skin tones of hakujin men. and much more so to our Nisei men whose skins are darker. It is true that tie manufacturers have produced lies with an eye to their feminine appeal since women.do noi take inconsiderable part in buying them. Our little woman must nevertheless keep in mind that she is buying for him and that lie prefers quality while she may go more for colour and design. Just as men have invaded the feminine realm, there are. lady aristocrats who have entered the masculine fashion field. They are Countess Mara of New York and Madame Schiaparelli of Parish The Coiinless started� her. million-dollar career by making ties for her husband from lengths of richly-patterned silk. The results won such universal praise from her friends that she decided to go into the business seriously. In the case of dress designer, Schiaparellj, she has added a men's neckwear department to her plush ladies' salon. When hanging the washing outdoors in zero weather, our Niseiette should add a handful of salt to the rinsing water. The clothes will not become stiff when hung out to dry. She might also remember that a half a cup of .salt in the water used for Washing the front outside steps iii cold weather will prevent the.steps from freezing aud becoming slippery. . : j ENGAGEMENTS \ PICTFRE ITL'TTK, Alia. -The engagement of MissYayeko Tahijshi, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. li. Taniishi, and Mr. (lenji . Shoji. second', son of Mr. and Mrs. Tsune.iiro Shoji of Grimsby, Ont . was announced'at the home of the Tan'iishi'S; in Picture Rut to. oa Nov. 22. ' Raishakumns are Mr. and Mrs. 1. Aoki and Mi. S. Miyashita. . *-; '..'..*.'. * , TORONTO. � The engagement of Miss Isumi Uyeno, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. .Uyenoof Toronto, and Mr. Hiro Suehiro. third son of Mr. and Mrs. J.Suehiriv of Winnipeg, was an-' nounced on. Nov. 27 at a party at the International Chop Suey. The sewahin' are Mi*, and Mrs. N. Kikuda and Mr. K. Kitagawa. * * �* WINNIPEG, Man: � Miss KaV zuye Nishizeki, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Nishi/.eki of Picture lUitte, and Mr. Kenzo Teramura, eldest son of Mi;, and Mrs. C. Teramura of Headdingly, Man., announced their engage-�Mem on Nov. Hi at the Shanghai Chop Suey in Winnipeg. ' MARRIAGES RITAMl'RA � NOMURA PICTURE BUTTE, Alia. -The Wedding of Miss Shimaye Nomura, daughter of Mr. Ykozo Nomura, and Mr. (iiiehiro Kita-inura. son of Mr. 'Yosoya Kita-nujra, was .solemnized on Nov. 1!> at the Picture Butte- Buddhist Church by Rev. Kawamura. Following the reception at the �HYA Hall, the omipie went on a honeymoon to the U. S. Sowanins. were Mr. and Mrs. J.ujiro .Edam u ra.aml Mr. andMrs. Seno Kobayashi. : � BIRTHS,- TORONTO. � Born to Mr. and ..xMrs. Krie- Nobuto on Nov; 8: at the Toronto Women's .College Hospital, a baby boy, Donald. Both are doing we)!. ^ MISCELLANEOUS "."_. ANTIQUE JEWELLERY~mp^ dernized, highest cash prices paid for old gold. ; Cray's Jewellerv est. 1028), 3208 Yo'nge St., Tor-.' onto.: Phone H.U. 9543. FOR RENT THREE ROOMS,, sink in one, suitable for couple or three persons. Phone LL. 0529, Toronto: FOR SALE HOUSE, Rushohne Rd./ *1<>.-r call'for full informs--and rates. Mail inquiries promptly answered. DOMINION TRAVEL OFFICE 143 Qiieen St. Toronto, Ont. PL. 64", 1 ~x~:~x^:~~>-:~:~:k~x~:-%~:~:~x^ DANCE OF THE YEAR St. Franc i~ X^vicr Cluh - NEV*r YEAR'S EVE BALL , St- Michaoi's Hall Bond and Shiiter Sis. Utx. %\\ 1949 .\r prizes Dress Optional FRED URABE CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO, -2-T. Dundas Sauarc " Toronto Pho'he AD 007�-? 1!17 Sr. Catharine'St. W. " M.'r:Tf 1. P.O. MA tiit R�v 3S43-Lcrr>e Ave.. PL. S32? PMIMU � COHMEICIIL � CIl'DM Totom $TUDI0 �5� t I Richmnl Hodnut Lipstick for every ady r. fttt^oence T AKEMf JEWELLERY Harold Morishrta * � � 193! Avenee R*ad TORONTO PW: RE. Mil 1SS EI - Ii U \\ l' V, H EC J CCA MONTREAL.; � The recently-organized Issei-bu of the Quebec JCCA held a meeting on Nov. 25 where they discussed the setting up of a, library of Japanese books. Tfiey'also invited Japanese businessmen in Montreal to relate .their, business experiences. ORDER YOUR COAL NOW from . GEORGE KAKINO �''..�".. Representative for: McKinhon Fuels Ltd. 2234 Gerrard St. E. Res. KE. 8303 Office: GR. 1187 ELKCTKIC MOTORS repaired � rewound rebuilt Call LAkeside 2113 MECHANO ELECTRIC 1403 Rathursl St. (rear) Toronto, Qui; Rebuilt Used Motors SOCIAL CALENDAR DECEMBER hi IT Toronttv Tt^ronto YHS Tennii ami Baseball W.indup Dance, Henry St. Synagogue. Montreal. Montreal Teeri-'Agers'' Meeting, at .Dorchester Street Hall. T:30 p.m. �Toronto. St. Christopher Hauce at St. (.Christopher Hall, 'ii? Wales St.. �:30-t 1:3<) p.m. -.Montreal; Montreal Fellowship Xmas name, at N.H.G. "Y". S:30 p.m. -Toronto. Club hownbeater's Pre-Christmas Dance, St. Christopher House, <>7 Wales St., 8 to 12. .-Toronto.;'.Metropolitan Nisei : Christ ian � -l-'el 1 o\vship, 7th An-uual Christmas Hall, Masonic Temple Auditorium,; Yonge ami Davenport, i> to 12. -Toronto. Club TNT Xmas Dance, St. Coorge's Hall, corner of John nn'd Stephanie. ^Toronto. . Toronto J.C.cIa. New Year's Dance, at. Canadian Legion Hall, 22 College St., 0 p.m. IM.fc TONOI StMIT, TOIONTO, ONT. | ???�:^M"M":�x--x*<�:~:*.h�*m^':*':' Corsages, Rouquet, Hineral Designs. Cut Flowers. 1171 Danforth Ave. Toronto . . . Phone C.E. f>(Ui>' DAY AND NICKT Fr a.m. to 0 p.m. Annual Toronto JCCA NEW YEAR'S DANCE Friday, December 30 . '.;�'� Canadian Legion Hall -22 College St. H p.m. to? r� Admissjon-^^1.00 in:FRESHMENTS--ENTERTAiNMEN'F--PRIZES WHEN" YDl 'RE THIN KIN(. UK YOFR X.MAS (JlhTS, . j IT'S THE TOWN HALL SHOP m L.thhriflir'-. Alta. Tome in and l^ank \round for the Ne�M >t>le^ in Ctofhinc <)i'}'r WiTH CONnDKNCK AT YOFR TOWNF. HALL