I*AGE TWO THE NEW CANADIAN Wednesday. July 12, f. m Ha Zhan Kona Independent Iaptnfse-Engtisb Organ. Published on Wednesday and Saturday of each week as a medium of expression and news outlet � imon^ i-hosc ot J.ipincsc origin in Ca'nadiL Toyo Takala__________________Edilor. Tiikairhi .�(.'me.zuki '_~t____>_-----'.;, Jap***** Section Wltor Km Mori ... _,._.'....,..�___.-_.-.......Advertising (iffice. Hour*: Kubst-riptiim, in Advamie: *':.'�)'> a.m.-5:''.0 p.m. *;rno f(,r s;'x. months Monday to Friday. Jfl'.im .p�T 'nfic year . ' ' � .. ',':fM> a.m.^lS noon, Saturday. i7',( Qur�-r> Si. \\. � IM.u/a ."�(M�5 � Toronto, Out, M�ht i'ij-l!�*�;� .�.'.'� . T. I .o /.uki � ().\. 7'11'J, T. Takata RA. 2719 Authon/ed'a:: S-'CUIM] class icrul. I'ostOffice Oept., '-Ottawa. An Indian and His * sion Hv J " "Tn..- - :.�-!.>:>:'�';' '�"'i;!:i; i^ , .',.... ,'�..: �� -:' r- 'CrvV- � V t> . i:'ra'i. �� >v � : ^' -^ -�..'-�-' ,h<>,,- -' ;.,-' '^.' �� fci'r.r.'VT.at., ,ru, -v-" - f Khi 'fr-.a-::. K--.n:i. L I vl* . � ! **���'* * - . the Indian na;:...- '�' M'r' I'*"-0?' '" KK!V. Ay.d i�. live' 'up;'" this 'c.o^'.ii ;�:!:�.'hiv-���!'� ,^e . r..vr:vt.y. ^v,,; �',*'-V.;,f -i:,.:^,.to ,Uyat tom t..;>:s .a: Ottawa .f-r nil. , �'hV'.Mi ^f ']). C... \\>< was (.lie. of; iho r.ti'-delt'.iiaU'S- of various Indian bards ihp>ui:K�L;i c'anada � \vh�v c'aiiii'. last !U'';,:ih for a now wow, 'at 'tho eawital . and 'h'-ft- a. ifi-.w w�oks later \v!th .the,; into-ijdod ;ni tsion .no-, .lifir.jr fulfilled as THE WEEKLY HABIT TOYO TAKATA Perhaps. � it wa.ii;i or \Vaynos. lie: raids and ;I)-Vu^ias'. he states:: He siigjit'sts' '-I IK it they be .wore, ro.� . sourceful .:*:',d .coin a now set "of ; nanios thai, - i .-< . iihciu't i.oul 1 ' v" coin - , pliinonlary I'o thovr_.. Jat>ay.i'so surnaine, .�-�'��� .;.'.."" ;�,'. . ' . : .� With 'his � \\-ti;v;' aUviiys , been ; in accoi'd. : s\it he ' has .nanio's; to Smith; Johnson <>i'!.Ma-r- �; tin. Ki|nal!y .as"nMicli as' Hideo Jones or l-'unuko. Niy]><>".n"alut and ihoyinoye. we-'it,: tlie better it-, sounds. .'-'He. says (iial- the- Xi �produced', wilht'ut 'k�v.'\vi lo't o.f "suit able. ria.^:es. H ferring "to ;{he" s-n^rtevu/d' that tiie N;se; have 'g:ver> ' lo. t.hem>c;ves. � NVj-y �:.>�. keep s-ich nair.es-'as Ka/. Vosh.'. M;i>s. Te-i'u. Tak.. a-:ut-'K:\"o for � b�.�.-.> and Yuri. M >K !hsa^ K->_::. av.'d S::"-mi for c1.rh--.. i^o i1;::^ f-�'.����h. !o- tho Jap.i-o->:-'. ,>;;-�::':��-�._> :ha:: we i l - ." � - ~ - ; , - .- . . soiM'n to bo 'stuck. 1 ile pi'iints out thai Kn/.oV.Yuri are- not; troublo-sotno fno g'irl who is so intrigued by j them'that she., wants borrow them . when she has ''children of her- own. .'�' ..' ; . ; �'-.. .."�':�'' : yf.lt'. lias .something.' an'd'..-:more.-'' o\-er,-.\\;o have to agree with him, \ Not only' is.:\this � sensible, it's . sound and practical. It 'eliminate?.i the'- .need of having two ivume-s,-1 one 1-liiglish and one Japanese..'] Ihwihg two.,. in; in.,: some; cases.;! throe' 'names.-; is - burdening the'] child;, speed' and 'simplicity .is the. modern � trend",'..'"and".:'..'it:': out- i woiglvs.- ':iny practical advantage that c.:i:v bo .gained by'..-o'w.v.ng more than' ono na'i^V. Aiul this' 'practice will most likely dio..o.ut. -�' Ahhoiigh. we ".think tins .merit? con's'-deration; and is. oracrical..-. we c'an'i -s;ee -Nisois^takihg t.his � as: it's okay -iVui-'wo-- wa;\t t-v do-' �what othor^s do:'. TJial's 0110 of ^n:r fault's, .weho ti'^'bridUni w;:h : voiwonti'^al rtriviahtios ";that we; hesitate :to do -a.v-a\ \\ith-. - " :� � �Like a-T^ivdlo e;v.a t;.;r;\tah'e. ' .\v o. f-'l'owf a Wv'll.\\..T:'":r ^r>> ve. AN'e're -h.o:T."-.oU .in by" cuvroiit tr-,'T'.�is .ar.!.}" :\x-''o :�.'-=�'. w- ��.'' ^.'" ag:ii-:si vhr tide. -.-. . . � \ Ard w�v thi'h-c h's-ab^;/ : ;;:-v -�\'o 'h�:v;i;hy> -yoro -of a:- :r;4'v:.i;ui-;-a-ui "./>> -.if a sot-twitter!:. ''-'' ' . PASSING THRU Ot'.tiy.iud fro-- pagy H � 'Horn .''��">. yeurs-airo.on gate Indian Ucsorvation. . 'Queen Charlotte Islands, Pr. Kelly (le-�scends'. froin/'lhe; reputedly iv-�sl . intolligi-nt of I'acific, coast Indians�the Haula 'tribe. Ho .related jokingiy. that the' tribe; had at ''one. time terrorised iluvH. 'C. mainland, often' capturing .liiom-.bors i'f other:;tribes"ns slaves. . .: 1 Becomes Leader 1U- receive i) ;h!s;'fonyiaV education .in" Sai'dis; [}. ('... in a humble Indian . residential, "..school..' from which ho '�"" \vas-AO graduate 'later .as one of tho. first two. students. and thenbc to outer Chilliwaek; :High .^hooj; : This, . at 'a /time when.- very few Indians "had p.ur-.sucd education ^oven of . a^public school levol. . '. .: :- Fortunately. . just about the tinro wlien htv" gradiiatod from high school !�T "whito nialo princ.in-aj n nd a � f e in ale t o ach e l- o, vi it tho 'i'o.sid.eniial -school .of iiis. birth-' place. As 'a 'result, /he was .asken ''tin :ho ;roached fhr> ago of "21. ho. was " ''neverth'elesA chosen as ;tho leader bv th>~- will of the poonlo. . � -� - � - . * , > And by virtue .of the faet, that hp- :is .also a hereditary chief, he en- jviyod groat- prestige w-lrilo head- iyjg t];o- council -of; ~ � iv.eu' a:id ruling -tUo 'affairs of his tribe.-: Fivo -years later; in .1010. lie toft 'for HartToy H;�\Y H. C. ;�b > servo as a niission;Vr>- toaclior ";Us V'oll as: a pos(mad .t-luit-ho hocasno fnlly coghi/ant of Iho problems of Indfans. IHe -Ko- oatno involved in a Indian movo- moi.it and. in 191 1. ho Vas picked as a youncrest s'pola'stnan for. a dole can" on of H. C. Imlia�< vh<> approached .the- provincial ^ov- oriimonr for a renio\;ti of Uu-ir aboriginal title. 'N-.. . ' ' �...,'� . tual hope of helping the lot of his people by .becoming a minister ?ome day. He enrolled at Co-luvnbi'an College, a Methodist institution in Xew Westminster, H. C.. and, in lf>ltf, he realized hi? dream when he was ordained a minister. Subsequently, he immediately took over 'the charge ; at Xanaimo, where he spent the next 14 years.'� Duriiig the interim., in 1020, he made his first trip to Ottawa as one of the represeiitatives to .])otition Parliament, on a title question. Leaving Xanaiino, he then hud a .'{ year'stint-it t Holla Cooia Indian Reservation. Travelling Evangelist Then came. the. most interesting and adventurous period"'of hfs life. In 103-V he began to serve the Central Mainland � ' .'�..- i �' - ' �. � ' ' . . 9 ; Marine Mission;of the United I Church of Canada,... The work--.took the form of evangelism by, : boat�a 70 ft. Diesol-enginc.d-'..craft. � ;',. - . ' -J .-�'�'� v. ; Troubling as skipper and missionary,: he .made the rounds of - Indian villages, Jogging, mining and fishing eamps, canneries,; lonely li�ht houses and many ' otlior isolated1 spots where minis-: try was needed. \Vith -head-qua vt.ers at Ocean Falls, his 'itinei'ary.; ranged fronv Queeii ; Charolotte Sfnuid up to tlio Alaskan border, a round trip of 1100 \ miles which enabled him to |nrake;over .70 calls. :./;- �;,-., '�> l-'tifortunateiy, it wvas but a year ago t }i a t the st 'raj n of his .';'� work began to show:on hiin, and : lu1 was forced to resign the Marino Mission "to take another. "� charge at Union Hay.where he '-. is, actively engaged �among ,.his' i pe<>p'e today. }lo\vcver. in' tribute -;. to.liis. untiring efforts in' ininisr' [ tering'; to/all'manner of :p'6ople, i regardless of color or:creed, the ,i y.H.C. soon awarded him the :. honoi'ary " degree."-.,the doctor-, of ; (iivinity. - . . '.'. � . �' "" '"�'. .�.',. . Careful Man '�'; � . Dr. .Kelly - i? perhaps not-, as laconic, as mos.l Indians seen} 'to be. but: he is nevertheless ifot :;a" '."'garrulous;' typo; rather, --he i?' ^ku.mble and unobtrusive, ^'ow <>f ^loveiv.ont .a'nd slow of s'peech;- - !\o ponder? and chooses hi?.words �carefully.' ' .-',",- ;'�'' :.-�'. ' '� . � '.' " IV. � K'ejly soii-'dr-d .with a bit-! " ter.'ivoto that-.both the ^t ate. and �' * i'e -church nro . forevor. taking a. �pa'ot":-^] ; atthuiio to\vard his - >W!'lo.; ih-> situation, which tends ' t;>- hinder . tho;-i fron> Ten Niaei At .-. uuation . attending Sa in Greenwood Jewel Theatrt-,_Rev. F: �.Ft diplomas r.y,�i graduating N: valedictory v ginia Mura;-, prog-ram of h;. : tions,\ and,' a'. �'. The award , 'trine wa? give: shi. and CJo;>; . Nobuko Shiy.dv : Graduating Keiya Oye. J.> Imao, Akio Murao, >iar'i:a: "" Uyeile,- Xobtik yoko Murao. herein are jconta;-'necessary VegaUv H is true tha' : ..<. diaiv problon-> ar, complex, aiuLyot tliinking tlia't th .our country aiv-' ^ around at; the: sa;;-o tih-f. � compared' .to thv ' Inaia'r*. thought that 'tho'l-t of.' Jaj,S; in Canada is corniiaiativ^v j ter 'and is ��.certnirhy far <::r ; a ' �: �' - e. ',i:.v.v.-..i ' . As '.for ' (lie, � ar.^i.nliv.c:-,: -^ the ..Kskimp. r.nt being -ox^f .: from taxation by stature � vote. 'and ;that-_.tho huiiar. ";.:.- exempt from taxation by .jtv;-: .may; not vote;ti".ho walv;;.': .exemption, Dr.- Iv^lly -felt-'.t p' leased about; -'such cnnd. franchise.-!! was hi? :i^pL'?:'c t'J all' Indians sliou'd no ;*?nf:iv.:"'. �ed' without any strins? ru'i;' to -the ng-ht t.> A-'te oiv -?. .-;-j hasis as tho rest -^f tho h: adians. '.AH .in^all. ;he"f-c;> �last sometln;^, has 'boon iis'lied; even thoi^h .the .still stands. {';>r:furtht:r c-i tion at the -.'next: s,>?:o: Pa.rHament. . � '.. One. a:iioiKi;i;o:~t ^.';'h -fcel=;"tliat they h;r-v avvc much' .is the �hWs'eu^..!" pensions. . 1 to e^u^^si/; ly "that :ho" , i^i-M. r straight in ..'-the '�/� '-yv?.; �v'; elderly. i:ii!:i'jt - j--:-^^'. ,:fshed find hr::x. vv^: to ;v,^o';> ing. ., tired jiorbap'-''/'" ' ;;"'::^ -':'' \ uucs- -1 y.c ;'V.:'y.-so --'^ *.:".;:-s-' :'..i:v.os u as t'o s'l�'>"":��:.: ;r';t ��� "".i\e '.''.-^ h-% Xat':ve A'oic-"-, the -official ' ' i aTi ,->f;"ho Native Brotherhood j -H. <.". T->'r" w'h:eh, \\-:- is �>:��' of \ -�� d: ;��.;'-.��.;"-rs.- A'.-y:>-/-' in .a^ od:--�! a" that, the hi-iia.:; .Ac.:.' .--huht -"'" l^o w:tv-d "off tlie statute.' ".'-�� '}�- s-'-'yve? oy.^y as a yof-or>-:; that h-.'iii"a:\< aye'-:?n :nfor:-:'r ��:�'.�'-.� Pr; .Kelly, however: a-i-"�-..": �;".:�". I'y.dian* are r;ot o.v.he .o:.;to- ��'�'� :hov .1 ;r.'.i" -