\\ydnesday. July 13. 1950. THE NEW CANADIAN Oanforttis Still UrinttieIn Sunday Loop, TNT Moves Ctoser Wl Home-Run Barrage Nisei Swimmers Set New U. S. Records \-'. � rain washed out last^1 ,; V^,'^, *e Toronto Sur, Western Jrs. Win, But Midgies Lose N .x .;bal: league resuine< , ::h a triple bill on. a\-^ ^v.*s�xi a chance, t.<-a>:ut\ � A'i':\ of the Ksvordalo . an >^ffrr from th�� Three Homer* } '^�:;^'d; ";;: ' :; :;' " ,- ... INT sy.oved into sole pos* j !."�''��<''-��!' ��"�> - ���: :� ��'��� I'f ' *ei-or. .����� ' ' *ei-or.< . t ;'l,- � trough; to. a 7-G,' win i th''lv: :l *;;�:�.�<�"'� '*'.;''/'.!O*e;i*; at Christie; Ti^. : V*r'ks.:-. _ ��; _ '\-\'\' ;� ;, a>!H\| three homo runs ;� ,'-.�. u-l> >'���� ' � " ..' ,,,',-:� W'all their runs. ' ,! v-^jr f":' '�� >' -1-- � � ."� �{.'�,, y Yat.abe 'clubbed : out a.| M'^^1'-'v : , ': _' � ;: , .,.,./'.. ";,';vi homer, Jackie Tana- I ^J;';0- ;' :: � v-' � : v'..: V"vv.y';:;hev :uul R^>' K�baya- ; lhe W'^'^'.s .:-ul K :; ;ll :.-"un elout, Vrttaho .also : l1^ S:.'.cV.a:!v M,;:;;,-':.. ";...' ;,�;. '-thi- way for the win. : l>:' Ju'>' !"v -� ; ^',.,- r'J-lhr !,.sors. K! Inamoto �11^ '-'lo:.' as: /'"�-.-��"' ^ . :-; '-M , ' ; >s�:''u^ a .-v-1 ^���'::^- �.,'. '.'' - <*\ c.< v.�'..;\j .' .s1.i ;uj ( ' <- , . . :, � *, . r i>,,.;^: a- !.�:�> h:t t<< home ' � . . ' * - r; " TV/.^iM- ;!�;� f ,-' A:- ^V.�^.aV'i- the N:it ij �'l-.i^ >� .� \v ii. r-.- ::. V.;i rtril fr.oi l'.�S:?. � Thi* 1'afk. S� 4 � - ...... ............... ..... ... '����-� . . � � � ; � �� t T � � *���.�� T;-.,;,.^ ��,:..-...:. ...... ......�....:... ......... i\ <; -2 win. AV;GT:T;$ -:\ i "i; Yatabo and. Kd Hi?aki, Kai ; Schcot Tr^Cx ,'l.! :,.Viav-h . '!>. Sakamoto; John Ka- ; UI.l.O'OKTi U. \:. ' vi^a alui lakahaslu. �; ra(i::>' 'ot -�'�� -:-; Westerns ]rs. Hot, Win. Three In Row , ':" . !'�-�� . ."/'.'^ �> ' .'.'. � � f' ,v �'':; '\\ �.��-��.-.'. :>,^i>:,:-' ;" '.l:\;.'..v. a\d' ;� '.-':'�'' ;; :M ;i^a:'.'. '>;.V, . . �.Pa:,:-,,!-.:!^; c-ontinued on (heir ..! ;:v,ITy- way/ withthorr: sixth ^ jtra-cb: -Vvii) to iijcrease; their | 'biVi: iif last place Hobbies. ! Tucker'- t'ehikura: hotehed:, his .j lifth.siraiirht \viij without a. loss j f \r nan.fortivj*. hurling a 4-lniter. | Ace Westerns pitcher last year, \ Ken- Mitsui, made .his 1950 debut ' \viti>-the Hobbies, probably 'lim- j i'ovmj; up "his' arm which he had fraoture.d. '��'.. ��;'_.... - -. -" . IVa:>f-.r;hs :...;.,.:::.:...r....^., -i-t 0 2| �ii.-ii'bios' ',.....;i:.,-...-^-..:...,... '5 ;4 2: T.. I'i'hikura'.and ..Sho Adaehi; .A. Kuwahara, >l. Kuroda (1). K, Alitsui (4) and Don Mitsuba- �>a- ";' :-. . :�/'' �'. '.-.-�.'.':�'.;' ' .'.''. Uesuits of .the Hurricanes '� Quoou/'City game at Christie I';:?"Avere"' not reported. .' : 7K.� TONCI STRUT, TORONTO, ONT. Lucien Gi Kurata 1 Adelaide St. E, Toronto Barrister and Solicitor \st and 2nd Mortgage Loan* arranged Office EL. 5259 Ret. LY. 3427 were, -recipients' t'1- -a'-1-:V'.\;< . :"r performances-at. tiu- ',;\ ^:;:V :r:uk 1 ; Mits Siikai'r�:cci\iM! :hr }.�!:?�'��;. cup for- .It.is \\';;;.na;i; . i.:r':^'::?. a; received' the -�les>o.!-n..> ;:\vani i\-v the '�H:i;li;est- l^vys. :\\<-i\\~'\ \:, � At the- P.r.ldge Uive.r'.MeVt.'Pa:.-sy. >fiyok,> and ;MiU Sak;;; .-\\\-n' medaflions. -At the./Centra! Main land track...ireel a^ ,Ka:v: ;r liveir 'pav'i. :--u ;h� !'.>ys relavi'1-.--.- �',".- ''.�.''��� � �- : � '���'�� '�� A'.- k -:,-,, ' ' � ' ' ' l" 4 ' '' �'��;- .\':-:<-r;^!-:'lvai;:u-:s; XV,.;- 1; � AV;\I, |;:;; Hura'un ^^.vbros,-. 'r:-;S:v. tl;.ti A: S'.'-r^no'ns ': . Ou :i . I'M v':i>:^v '.:�'.;'�> i; tr;j> ;o\i '.lU'-r ' � ir. Mi'.^a^' S'.'h''> � y V- :N^,- .|>^ '^" ^ �'>'Vv�-!= t'.-T th<-'A<1.., t;:ftU riuu-k Kl.:M;.- Wally Hivvjiivr, hr '.N. !.:.'.."',.''��'� '\ � '� ' /l ,K:nri'ry. \\'-;!s^;v, :\vh.>' ha\v since ''�. - :: ' ' .'"...'-.'.'..� -V. ;.:h 1 oft y. t )i>;>-;e.', the \V innei\ aii(t.' :'.�> ln;'\\-rlJ. \\'as^!iari:'t;d \\ ii!i tin; ' ' Nisei Circuit Justice JtOXOLULU.;'---.-To'^ Ok;i-,.;. "V -"-'"'\ ' '. �'�'. ';.'.": - ;�-�;-��- ;;?;i � ��':-|�.,,' ;.:; ',,,;.,,;'( ..;,:-�-:;_' ';);_,- f.'-i Ai--i^'x:.-y< ;tv ''i!i..t:-'lio' jn-vst � -reinein-'.; � v"'^', *\"-.""':'~'. ' : �'� '.�;A " ' ! :\ "l< '"�-.' . ;>V- r.'�i "f;.:'-<: AU->'a:; c'a>r-:�> t�f.'k- plai-c. !'.-'s -'n-jw a [vart :.'f diamond 1 iv/^vl\--'l:.'i'>V:.i.v.i':'.'V ":��,-'�-. >a?'''''..-'-s.: 'i,; t ,.-."� : .-�-�'..'' .�'���. � '- ' - .'. � .' ' ' ""'�''"'-"'.', � '-'-'.- �� V"' V- '>'.�''" �',''-'-�'-. '��!!-" ;'��[>'.- .-��[�',. . ,(.'. '', ',, �'��'�� .',. � :'��], ,;-, (''�'r1 1 j .-'[-'\ 0 ' -,� t I, ,- � < \ K-'l} I ' � �� .:^V>>y::/-^!-:^-;---a^, � ':!?�/� .1;:Hvi,-r^ - ..^. .-;f'U'.e-_\e\v > ovk' Cra^t/. :thc^r;:it.:vhi> n�-:vk >;;'. -i(, \viin- � KlNnKtUiAK'nCN TKAl'HKK ;�� MlinVAA , \M �.-'!"(:;; '-''.. -� Kij'h't ,, rlii^dron .'..rcr�/!vi'd .(iiplo;i;:is � -and ' Nr-\v ��'|Vs.ia.'-n�int.s. at the )',i.aiiua-.;' "Iinji �� (.�\�'.i\iis<'sr for:...-. the "I'iulcd t" h u re h K i ? i�fc r t; a rJ r ;i i i > \M | < 1 u a y r I'j'i'sriitfni: the ' d.JpN'yiias. .was � T'- � * "''�". �"!'*, 1 r . ' ' ; to becoine the -Tirsi: Xis- -i. uidtro in llawaii.�: .lie .\v�:V.tin- r:;d�rst^ ''menl of t-lip Ilai- As^"-;:iti.?n -'of Ha^vait' 'regarded as '.-;iii- ind!ca-tio.n'.lhai l^e .will IsL-Vfipp'-iMied:. .partnieni of;Justic>. in ^Vas'niii^'-ton wli:clv:in 'tuni is rXihH'lco! ,i>'<-j::^;^-' ^ i^'V:V,v;i(>-V;i<|:i>�^>-t5'i-'!-f;-i^'-M:>i>; |i^�v. Nauiba.- a .'-,'.'--:"� - -.;-, � ' - '..'.- ..-.�..... - - i ;n-o i)a.v.;�l ' t�.vO:t:r:v'- �!:<. -..v."K-, :- M";--: TED TETSUb OTSU :".:: .J"'-' luent of : �. Realty Co. r.i\v<>ll- St., \\ jv \i;\\ s '! :::".i '.:':� - '� .' !:'"' 1' i'^ri!:' ij .;� {'���'� :'; .fa' id ,1 >af | !�."� � a;r" ;��: d ?:;-" '!""�'� ri:r- p-uvr -.T'_ATH(>Sl/K. AI�\ i:in isr:ij> In Hamilton, It'i LUCK INN CHOP SliEY HOUSE 21 JOHN ST^ NORTH . For Fine Chinese Food F�ciliti�t for PARTIES A BANQUETS Y I t SKY'S PHARMACY S, Shtnobu XORMAN SKY K 1>KF.IVFi: .': s :-.�:.. < - :�'.�� �"'> "Quick, Quality Service" DANFORTH CLEANERS Toronto, Ontario "H!""* Joru-"'. AXOIUIO 27-r fl.tnfr.rth AX If'! u" Shaw "Strert . . . ! li'2 I>ariforth A.\< nae . ..-.. .">.">> I iiind.'t-*-St. \\ . " . '-_'� >>- Qnvr-n St. Y.. . .- r,i.. -"i -<;!,. 6774 I '.hone- I�A. 920S {'hone HL. 20:,2 Phone WA.-6W* " OX. C)X. i'horw 727."� n f'.r ;>�� A 122.1 OX. 9 '�:� �> I tan forth � A^ . *' 7 J '.:�!' f'.r ' li A \ � r'it�- Siui S. Kadonafa - Jl; . , �-" .- - --*. - �-.'.. i '/!" ',: ',; ,j'. -. .'. i -'. ' � � r !� .'� r'' ; �{ ': I '.;-�} .;1 ' :i 5 f ;- I:'*-