ll? 8, m* go ' �; �ix?afs p'ay ba;; Leafs' .infield?,-, eaiiy U'argue.a get 'i ;'H o co:;;&e-: ii a-mild pro-it-?:.' the player? feY cuts ��in his facf . ) who �spop.5i5rfri endjy with jr-i^V d.b.iiry fans are ' '.nice, '.�i'O'i.i jakiv no in the.'waror., vhe.n she 'grws" ?. in "time trial? e't, bettered her astrokt' 'by ono'- ?et tbo. .rco�"r>i !?h .Kugby which is start-ith.?oTTit} Nisei? 'onunittee."per-:. ttl'.after tel :here ;;as h A',' TORONTO. ONT. . .H1A r_\ $6 Per Year�1� .;.. 'actually, to. �...:..���;��: � naturally � "'7' ' . ... xnr':-j\v!i.n}r 'around <,:;r.r\vhero, just '..'�: -he sand with 'Mv \v;vv to got WASHINGTON. 1 'y.er.ts a damnify w-art !>>�.(.�' Japanese Ai-.'t '.--ricav. evacuees fr-vv.1 the . 1\iei'f:.c 'coast sses. s'.istaliOi1 .:'as ; i'.urtai'oii ju/'/ar-'s-,1 .;of theliiniled funds ava;'uh'.e .to them': for carrylo.c" �i S-ram; it Was rep'orte : ' Whereas Japanese is to sit /,-,,M, ,:;� a-cpaper, sn 1-must -�-.-�.'.-.^;..':c'.,'>'iits'ide, "Air-Con--�'-v/|j'", ;-:;:i l>ei:rees; Cooler" .: ;;�;.-:. >�>..-.'>,-o'ii -so refreshing l\vo movies i-iiiVi 'f-!v'i -i'r-' so1.coii} inside fl .� '.i 'iliii 'Hive lots of 'futv. - \ .: r-. 'V.\Y, ->:::ivii'S.- "Winchester '� ";;:;ii "(iYirfiirhteV'' followed . ~:\"s:<:;i' \vV:rn.-out, Hollywood .rj. -.^v 'hvre - was enough Eh'' ' st:v!"f; hirki.ng villains. �-: ;:ir.>-las'i .\vook. First Report of Nisei GJ.'s in South Korea S ALT KAKK CirY, .1 i-'h --- 'I'He first ropiiri of a Ni-. � sei soldier on the Korean 1'rnut have.re'ocatetl to vurirnis .parts of . .>vas. nolixl hy the racifk <-'<-. the I'.'S.. -iho fact thai .only ;.tv -1 '�'� ti/cn ^hii'h me.nli--',ied that-: off foes at Fr:Hk:is.' tii date to an;>: t-f's-s. ami . s*�n\v (i. ^ "^ for food f<>'r. their jiu-�." funds,- it is.onU; pnssihle to ''set ,.:-Jvalf,-(lo/i'n .Up 'two ir.oro .such.- '.nffices. . This t'o:isii!ere: . ;AA^:;.KI-.>; ; v-a:.M. : \VW*--\�<*w*.)W^ uh,.are.rv cianr personnel who. ,w,]Vostah^ ;-,,,,-(ri, j,Hrts; f,,, ,thc' forilv Jish tejni>orary - 1 ield ofjVes: ),,r - ;: -; ... . �: , ,. -i-A^-,,^- -.c ' /the r-;\ ,o -t'lie iuatter \vas that . . � : � :� �: ' ' -'^ � . , � :w, -" < x -nany kids whoop- Japan- Business Men ;:;� > .iii \k?.:, th^tve that it. ..'Stop At Edmontbrt' ' '.AH,, '' firms in Japan; Stopped off at (-^ -;f ^he whole - ^ AT.H.AK1Xi:s. - O;Vt -- e- :MoH.>H.io.- 14. �r.-l-e:v,.d iuc ff .l..>.v."; err'.erued .;'. a heroine '(iv: a^^''!_('-';-'M� -T . ; >hc\:Seat::e- ijjs:/ N'.a* -;-;:i- -J':ii- hero. 'L ' ' - . .'.�'' � � -_ " ; \ /� A -.av -port <>f �" �.'. h^-->ve happily. ; ..... . . , . � rntrance c-a??,. f:-rir.--t Good Cir! | .Mrs.- Secord. J.^,O.H, � x--O'-"- "^J T;','^ V-^--A �-:> -;alt lough I'ciuitc. |'aj tlu-.irradiiatio- -ex.-v> - - '^;".-">^'.^^'= ;."' y>; o.-.\vas in tire | " ^:u-h[ye:in. addition" t - j"':'-~-^ ^-'y.v'K.'.- r/' ,!'i\^i/' a ?.T:i'-raTivo-pur-| { student is -:i' :v � i -'�-�' '; " '.;' ".' '',"."/'; '.'-y.-,. '. ,'' lype' I W'Hi'd ' and ; Makers "�' "�.":�� -;;f ir.-is ei't�.'. ,;. .Lillooet Nisei Girl \Vins Scholarship l^;;;;:;1;;; Si750 So Far For.";. ','!'..,'.,.' Japan-Manitoba Relief : N--:' By Staff; Writer '.l.a\lh' -M '.�':.�.� '.iv't.-:;V. ','e:.;-.- a .h'i:'dr�Hlfo.':d.. . a:.d ��'tA'iM'evse'il :\a\\ak-.;. a:' � ... ' -�. . .-. ; � . , 1VV, � �'i'J'-l ''�'!'ii'l'' ', o- r.U '. 1 ,:..i. �' ,, .1 i., > ''�!>'. .N:sr:.S'.'.o va-.:". , , ,. � , �� , ', V ,>\v ''\ e- i'.el e. � . � ,. ,.-,:':�-,,' as hw t'-.: I!'..,-'.- ' ' . ' : . . . �'. , ', .. ;>n. ':�(>> dispatolr i�i! .l-ilv �> hy. (): H. P. .Kin>i in Stniih Korea said that I'mate, Fit>r i'lavs James. U. Kolia-lue. move than i?.i<.'P: million/ has . yashi. 27. of Thiladelphia. -Was ' heen intimated-', as; op.e-''\f '.h-v chief reason? .that/ vlio ad.iud-ica.-'. � lion pro;.* rani "is Itojr^ed (l'.'\vi;. . - ,of'.: '�t-.-iv../,-,; 'f.-r Japan \\itV. >'eMd;iu-' \vi_tb -.'J'.i'V � ;'�'�;,.-!: 'Sun.' .._. ...^ �.^,,'-[,.., J!-,:r>. - - �� lia> S-'h^'l te:iA-h,->;. ;' and'': fro-n ,;,,.!,� -|,.,,,, .'.;��.,,-,.'-,,<..�, '. h.e.Vi'1 she1 has l'i. �<�!: ; i -.i-fVv.'Vsi .^;. ::'V v;'i 1"V -;;�!s.- -. . -... ' �-� '� ' - '�}'-. ' \ � >K v.(;a': a^- *!�' u:-i 'eii i \\-tlv vu^-- s'.v is, hap{iy t.o.re., M :'.-�. \\ ;_!;i'cr.'-. Sr Vi-'. :;;i'.'.. , t\i \'r.-,t o' T>M'-.>r.! o. s|se sa\:- she is i'-' A.!"eva a;;' s< v\ ^'e 'vt- . . a >,i\:i.'.�:;-.. tr. ;:r!. . l�ac'\ ti> Japan -to ,kv .%;-~l's: -\''h..i vhe- ,.A! :,-S,e ha'^k"-. u'.'vjv ' lier. fa:ii;!y. lief i pa V..'!;-..� t;-ive'e> i:v.-Ja.pa!,.. h\i>h:i;:i{, 'ii/r,- �; nati\r i>f . .I/i.iv- '�> .:hr��.�:'.years. She--had: s:.:u:.' ^Ma'hiira!;. -� aftrr neafly ; i:. V' '-:i''i,;:i: ^a. \vher(> she' thrre' yvai-s -i':i ,",la]>an.. has In- �v-t.'\'rd as-'an - :''le] p! i-'e.r '. v-o;-;..!' \ n \ ::it' ae-h.ed- tv> t li;il Vo.ua- Ivh'e e'lass ;,!,:d !'.C.. tile �-', c\ and 'do.'< <,\n\. nvind -'sue'i'idins' .' "- ..."�'��'�' " �''-: ''"'..!...'�' ' -' ... '..'�' '� � : * ;;;�pUr!r.. ^. � � '.. ' . � : 'it- 'v:-s-'. !:/f h1:'- 'days' iheiv. iM"'-s!.:v hi-M'e^ \\-;'- .!i"t-i'r � =; � ' - :. - -�� """-;�'.- ' :.-''� "�: � � ��.>�' � ��....-. "� '�'�! . " '- � 1 .' T '��/�"� r: I'M � ' ��' i '."H',-r-.-i.:a�s ar,. ��,..� ],v;':; j i' ,0 .! '.OT;-, o .'|O. K/U A. �! iO'vii ; of - intevviewinsi' � *"1 . � �- ....--�� -. � ' �- . � '- ..'��� .i For 'r.rokc". :n ."st'orv-:V�f. the fa-inves- ; - � �: �. -� "�. . �� : :: nmus ; Japanese1. - Anu-vtcan .e->!r � bat ropiineiit,- hav(-. heen as-krd :to � rogistor'. then- rianv^; f^V -f i-uirv reference in. cor.nee;,jo.tv.v..�;.;i c'astinvr.' -. ��'�" �;'. ��: '.' . ';. ". �- : >\ccoi-d;ns: '.tiUMti;-.wrUtn:^li;'cclov;;.v;i:- tb/-liroduction.- the firiiAhinij.'�JMiu-'nes are nowi"'|ievnv�- .rnado, 011 . thi1 script, atid casting 'should .l/v';i:-; ':in tny � vor'y 'near fa'ur(\ - '.�'.-. -. .'':f' s'-.e" (i;d---n-' �:, �; f' � S ;v:0,>a:>-> . l'ther at . Nor' -'Vh-ra^.: th n th i -'���- ,-' i r ">�. �.;�.�!�?.: ! or -Japari, ...! t e.e? float opened Mhe LethlMidK*" lUaO Mvliilnl ioix N\i(lv a i*ranil- '� Mui T\ nil tin- inor nii\n '.n.i" Juilr � � - - �� at I lie ( '.(' A and the ' .' � - ''':/.Y � �" \~ � �� '�-�'' " ".1 � . -��'.��.' � ' : ' - '��''.-_�.-.';�' . j pariisols atul .. pelilr . >:tiis clad -:-K :V''s]ii ;� K-nVakV-.;! -in -ci>!oi.fuj kimonos, :' ;. ' "-� d.cpa i-'l U;'-- f'iV i '- Tlu- float :loc>U ^OCOiid ((fi/r, e�''.nt;i.r. nf ,|lc f|)i;U Was .SVri-'Ti>m'.S'n nuir;i to � \\tt\\i K�K-S the. :ij�r '-^ *"�'i"�* -. *^' �i r',.;.' � "-. ,_, ] �' i] �'� * t - -'% ^ i -� ~ t' ^ - � . f'.;/r. .-',_'�/..-'1.'.eaitt a ri:i' :"'! a' '"V n::S' .�:; � d- � Uv .:. I Hl- -:v-| . .-s ll