Vol..!4�No. 31 THE WEEKLY HABIT By TOYO TAKATA Frank Kumagai Scores �'�..-�.^ _ -< � .. in Mikado Production JCCA Conference Honors And the clamor, for and ag-ainst Mac Arthur, still rageg, Though the controversy is strictly an American one, it has evoked debate beyond the bounds of the stars /i.arid stripes. Anyone \vho ha? 'an opinion is sharply one way or the other, and we can recall no other political broil that is as tangy, Even local and home .�.comment' proves interesting. We find that the Issei, pointing to MacAr-thur's five year occupation rule, come out strongly for the man with the cob. The -Nisei are morp .divided. Anti-MacArthur-ites feel that the general is paid to do a job, not create new ones, and like any other .employee, must conform to the thinking, of his superior, or resign. Some who uphold -Mac Arthur are .those who -dislike Truman rather than support Mac's convictions. : .We see that the .majority of the Japanese American presses and their Nisei, columnists lean 1 . � � � . . ' �, *� towards Mac. They, like many ^ of their regular dailie^j^are.critical of the adniinistration's policy in the. far east and accuse Truman of consorting with the willy mlly appeasement'', policy of some of her allies, particularly Britain arid France.- ����"'"Th-c-r:;? �'e":t'>? of France ami thur�and more. . We kinnv 'hiiw' long Prime Minister Churchill Would have stood to be flouted by a theatre commander, inedd ling, in political issues diirinp . ^....... World War 11. lie wouldn't .have j Kdwarrf Wodson. let alone several j Telegram '.musical' .Frank Kumagai's role' as Nan-k'i-l\xv in -The Mikado" .being, presented this .week at the Simpson Avenue t'nited Church Under1 the direcilon of Frank H. Pilous-ton has. scared as aii outstanding principal in .-the (Gilbert and Sullivan operetta. the Toronto critic, wrote 26 Members For Work Done Among Alberta JC's that; Jho' Nisei tenor gave � m.�n tion'' Pleasure. and ^i^nK his stellar per- lasted a day, months. ..: "MacArthur, the idolized proconsul, made the mistake of thinking he''-was bigger.than his |T^ruianco,Mr. Wodsoiv'.said,' "IV bosses aiid beyond the reach of th6 United Nations which had entrusted/their forcesto liis coin- ! tn-� mand in Korea. He -was hcil-bent j a lll"at ot Ibat tempo nor an nc-to start World War 111 in Ea'sl Asia against- UNpolicy to concentrate on the defense of Fu--| rope under Eisenhower. .and prido w.er'o in his. song speech . . ��>. and all through never lost cent of;vo.cal tone . HI � slia rod . t lie. . ill u s urn of abso-lute naturalness;" �;..;', �['�,' � Aii. three performances LETHBKIDGE, AFta. ~ ly 100 delegates representing | six provincial chapters Kathered i here i�n April 14-1 .Vfor the fourth ; annual conference of the Alberta j Japanese Canadian l-iliwns".As-j sociation held at the Marquis Hotel. With Ted T.Aoki, retiring president of theAlbertn JCCA ;ihd the new National JiX'A head presiding, the delegates riiet in have .,,-_ ,. ...,.-... ... t been presented before , a full He has been repudiated ond ., .-4 �� ���;,,, �' e '��,.,.'�� , ' , �� ,�� ,- ; � " - audttaruun.. (he 'fourth and last ,�,:. f 4- �-..��: ���'�; �'��'.-,'. . , presentation is to be given, to- disgraced. Yet not even his worst critics challenge his sincerity or "j. his military genius. Maybe he'sj right; Maybe the next war is al j. ready with/us. . Maybe the, last ] hope of talking China into a" he- j gotiated peace has long since gone by. . :; ' �;, j . "But in the circumstances Mac-Arthur's vainglory; beclouded his: judgment. If he wished: to.alter policy on t he po Ii tical level he should have resigned, returned to ifhe; United :StatCP, and ai'gued!'J of trayel and publicity at the fiis.case beforo Congress and the I tario tourist conference attended UN.' ' ' "" ' �-��'-���- � � �� � � � He chose" .1 �..�"� regard him?e]f.as Resorts is Warning .Hotels and such which 'provide-accpmodations will be discrimi^ nated against, if they shoul..^... �-��;�-.> . >f flic the devastations .of major conflicts and tasted .the bitterness of de/cat ,and .occupation will go to great lengths to avoid risking �J!i. aU-ejiveloping"' war. Britain " hoj(. ,, r.^^j^y has been riddled by licr v.-nr effort is likewise hc-sna;u about taking steps which !i-i^ln lead to an extension of the Battle-lines and this is! what Muc-Arthiir has been advocating. It should be rcnieinbci'cU that both these countries arc much closer k� -the .Iron Curtain than the: States, thus they arc un-dabiy more reluctant to .sc aggressive measures. If the i_. v.-(rc -as close to Communist-nt:�...;;-,.j.areas as Korea, these ^ghi think differentlv. �He -was justifiably toppled :from:"doi)artmenl;?Ji id HuiX ^ his -self-made-'throiie; ."For party reasons;the Repub-. |,- ... licans have flattered 'him nito a---. j-lishniehts will be cut;out of Ibe ! benefits of an Ontario advevti?- Vpaig-n to attract wrong/ �tio's-ii" idea, of his 1 fitrhts. X^-.�. his ro?pon?ibili- tHcy :'cs.-k t-> - ' ito C',:ii- tourists to the. province. He said grcss to: capitalize-, en 'hi3':--t'ary j;re^tigc^ and' to U-L-O ' u another Dicans of: %?cinJ;t Truir.an.. ' V/o --'wilJ ' doubt that ~ '.liat s.uvh prQct-icds /aiv (M '-Vrcrc^i . l'-'gi5-latio!*s ou'l' ifr-.-tjcrt-y or employment i '.iijr.j based.- 'on ' "rate-, ctl creed and'; tlsat : his .depar would ;:i-jt . .l� or- TJie Xisei Student. Club to bo: awarded a first-year Nisei student enrolled at the.'."' -U'niver� sily of Toronto has boon officially established. . "..".'/'The prisce consists of;^25 cash to be awarded annually coih-nionoing with the ,1951-52 term or if jn any :year the-'prize is iiot awarded, two awards will bie avnilal)lo in the following yetir. The Awards ''Committee, of the; University of' Toronto will make thr selection .on the academic records of the applicants.' The applicant who in the opinion of tho '.Committee' shows the greatest promise of achievement will be awarded the -scholarship and tho pn::e �". ill be ,tcnai)le v.-;th ai:y oilier award. Aplication' forms -may 'be/ sc-cured from the Registrar's off tec and they will be -'received by the : Powdered Milk, Glbthes Most Needed In Japan .. K. Sakakibara, secretftT.y. of the,". We 1 1 f n TO Soci el y for : j apa-ncsc A broadi told Mr. Fred Has-lany, executive secretary of iho Canadian Friends Se h'i'ces Society which "iin.s boon handling l�A-H A .shipmonts to / Japan, that clothing and powdered milk were the best articles for relief shipment to Japan. They arc especially required by orphanages and other aid societies in Japan, .he Registrar not later than October .31 of any year for which the applicant is seeking; the. award. Further information .concern: ing the Nfisci Student Club Prize may bo obtained from the new University Calendar. I.ians disti-usl-'thc arrogant'- maiv. pn-Horscback. In fad, wo ��think. it .would be fatal for Ah-r Republicans to try to rcviv, I'K >:*:k an Ycu Lift 500 !b&? To ro nto Nisei Boosts Body- B u i I d ing N".v. Hc\l be- anythf.r 111311 wh�J CO'.!I'd . "Fur ma- ^.\:>r.<. the difference of e i? danger in en-man with too much f1>rn.-� a.c!ipn. He is r�. spun- t^jn only to the United o^, -,' M->c\rth^ accoi-L-j r. :. also to the United ;H:;-ln-ib^0_ w-rc:^ ;,;;.;: t'sons." Sun- in its edi-; ^�;-------�------� "He asked for It' SpODSOr Of Bill CloiniS TisK KPITOME OF MAL i been cyjnb' lions: bic'cp;i: )0'i os; c hrr,t: ; opening feats have bci-n -i 5. . i nehe s ; wa i at : 23 ' 's . i nchc s ; v f.at In \}v : 2-i in�'h�'?, .cueh Ui ">bviously, are not HM rjago I'r.'afi \vli-> would "cnwi'-'r in comparison. M;>ok >ays thaf. anylr/dy, lishcd. To. mention ono. Mack has sat down on a low bench wilh 50ft Ibs. mt his shooWer* and stood up.twice!, Somn other' fr.:<:. padi\v. A nuc-ann 140:lb. exercise, can gain.a bctcx look-protrf>rtioned body. H�- ,- ,- !ail.,7V ;ra� ;n ->r-i r :- iif: up hca.vj- weights, tainly not crdinary not f ^ of \hf Variety Grill wbcre Mack h�� a* il'epal f'ir fix arr rratch. Tr� Trrnnan put up with � of the bill rtand tnnn JfecAr-! mitstlirg ' j - -h, : fa- iraist carr.�5 propor - "Mr. Mack stresses tttr u*rd for ail Ni*ri, to take ^Ml. A alt Ike pr��u ran practice re- 7)