PAGE! the hew cxyypTXir W�du4daf, Not. 11 19^ C7 ^are * By CINDERELLA Young Adult Meeting ' The next peroral :r.r~*ir.ff. [the Nisei. Young Adult Gr...up. of. ! the* Queen Street United Church I will be held on Thursday, N>'. j at 8 p.m. An InU-rMting' program ( including the��-h-wlnjr >.'f . jxnd refreshm .at- . ha s bo London-St. Thorn. JCCA Holds First Meeting LCNDON, -On J/evh-n-Ht. the he'd hs l the. year thf � rst �� vr-: iwrar i ?.�at ;;.'>� mirotmci-:' Have You Done Your Christmas Shoppina Yet?" Mike order and system to a point. But to me there is something \ planned." >. ; ridiculously annoying about being 'greeted around the middle of j. ]. ury, r .-,,r >;?. November with "Have you done your Christmas shopping yet?" My j taw f.v c > .{, first impulse is a sarcastic retort like "Don't be an ass, Of course / c^;, .i-/u 1 haven't!" But realizing that thi~ is no,way to k^-ep friends, T manage a u0- no! Have you?*' I knv.v he-fore.-h'-* open* h<-r mouth that the answer will be "Of cnur-e!" ^\ pressed with all. the smugness arid satisfaction of a- routine mind' which �{**�.ts. up. in"th>- morning-, make? out a long list, allots so miich. per capita'per each name, and announces to a long-Piifferlng husband .(of 'Course--, he'.would have to be long:sufforing . . .''jx-bat .cd?� - ?)� that Today being the" of November,'>he will g^-t- down town, nnd 'ir/'t her 'Christ n .as. shopping rlone. Old RertlcKye.- ..will do just that too'!.. For all -my money, .she can', keep her system. 1 ctmose to live in a continual flap for another..t'hroe week:-, busy with other-thing.-.. Now is the time'.'watch y.'bndro'us -sunset's' as/.th'c.y fall over the Mountain. Nov.- is-iho time to feel the'.njddrm- advent, of. winter/in the nir. Xow!s the time to sniff .burning leaves, to .yell at a football game, to ?ee a few choice plays, to phono .'-friends to- meet for a cosy* tea at some elegant place you.ordinarily pass up for a cup of coffee at .Joe's; Now isthe.ti.hie to take thr- Jong way home and take time off to. think awhile before 'plunging.' into the' fe?tivp season. I like tp-use up my November in a sort of .'way' .which, stores up for me a ho/lge-podge of 'pleasant memories.- and to cram Christmas into its own alloted month. I like to rush with a mad crowd just a few days before Christinas. The frantic wear and tear of Christmas shopping' rubs riff my veneer, of .cynicism,, and the .-good; .old Christmas spirit -begins to trickle' through, my hardenintr arteries. - In November no amount of radio or advertising-, fanfare will or can get me into the Christmas .mood. I'm ton raUonal. T see everything with a slightly jaundiced eye. I'll even manage to.�'get' t/> a way. of. thinking where I'm ready �to dispense with Christmas with "What about Christmas,?-It's too highly commercialized anvwavV " ?: <:?.'\ be r.g ..Rev. >b-K. riv-.^as JOC a .'V-etm'r at -racl-mr. of-the t\V0 .youthful' speakers- representing Lon ion at .the .Ontario-Wide Oratorical Contest; . � -'- . The "two orators presented their speeche- 'preparatory/to the cotir test and 'the .business portion of the meeting was run off.-Report:; of "various committees', '� program for the 'fiscal year, "and. the a'n-' ri0unce-:ni-7it' '.f the -recent electier. NISEI GIRL JOINS WOODWARD'S STAFF VANCOUVER � Woodward's Depart ment Store in Vancouver add> d to its staff, Miss Jean'Chi-k > Ikeda, the first time in its '.fiu. years of history that it has had a Japanese Canadian girl in �ts employ. She began her office and clerical- duties on Nov. 10, as-.-isiing'- Mr. Akiyasu Masuhara who; is the Japanese representative at the store. Mi-s'lkevia and Masuhara who h'.�th'speak Japanese fluently, may i).- found, in the mail order de-pavtmem where they handle orders o-ut of - town and also help Japanese Canadians in their shopping needs. Miss Ikeda is the second daughter of Mr. Chuhei Ikeda of Vancouver, and prior- to. -joining Woodward's, she was employed at'"'-the Homer Grocery in Vancouver and at the Red and White Stoiie in Greenwood, 15. G. She is an active member of the Maria Stella Club executive, � Gcnichi Ohashi. itiiiittimuiitiiuitttniMiHMiinttii^ Ave re -given. cers offi red Sune- The new .slate da, executive .'mem-hers. �' . " � The Christmas of 19">0 is one reason why T become annoyed with Mrs/ Beetle-Eyes; That year." thanks to her. .1 startled my family by an announcement on the 1 st of November that it was high time we got ready for Christmas.- All our Christinas shopping, assisted by Eaton's broadside which -announced 'Tre-Christrnas Half-Price Sale", was finished by the. end of November. It \vas," t must admit, an orderly routine- No wear r>r tear.,Sales gir!^.were politely helpful, their only error being their remark} "This is so nice -for. an an layers: ary or a birthday." When, I said rather embarras.sedly~and why 1 should �feerembarrassed X-don't'-k'novv�.-that it "was a Christmas gift; the girls all eye I me as if i were something .downright, peculiar; in a city where anything and everything happens. . - For all my co-operalion. 'the Post -Office slipped up badly'.'Cards .which were posted in complianceiwith Pe-st-Offiee Bulletins, turned up at the doorsteps of.:my various friends with undue"..'haste, and five or .seven days before Christmas, .my plmne would rincr with comments like .-'My, you do believe in doing things .'ahea-d of time' Thanks .for' the 'Christmas card. By -.the way. you -aren't sick, are you?" A card 1 n^ail.ed to iuy hos< on tlie. of December'as per Post' Office order.::'f�ni'n(l its.df on my de-ld 'us Mary was out' huyintr Chri>^ �'pre's.-Vi.t >..'�' V.'.- ea-'ied-fed; \vh-> was alwav- f�'>r;r> lamrh and a �friends were mo : pared, thanks tM: ' Them--day*>":hird at Svi". !���'.;-if..' falk. - St ::� " ��'. vm< eertrtm ir% '�>� � w v �'. Vf �>v i,..-.-'e-r p--�:n-t jr. air* N was iy oo'd V'pntr. g.'Al! :- -.0_p;c-K U :av:v.-:d ^n.'N..v.. :: ! :r:: wi!" '.--.. ;' � i ec �h. >ap '�'KING COLE ROOM. Wenthworih Arms Hotel Saturday, Nov. 22 � 9-12 p.m. (ient ar \ ( . > i :-* - >-. N For all rr.\ m�>r�'>. lV�'!(.K\e- , �'� t> :.r tv � ;. - �.: � - /..:- _ krr.t � ' ' ^y... - �'�� - .; fer �evt ral f'*'�:-r..r.cs. ;. t :rs ' '\ � - - ^� ep oer -'om. ' -ipe. Ar: i k-"* a TtdMrir.ter ear r.a: wav CITY MOTOR SALES IK HAMILTON Ccraer Ferguson & Kmq Sts. East BETTER CARS BETTER VALUES V'--H.;v � Sell or Trade � MTTS SHIMODA :St> Queen St Scmtfa ' KamOton PHONE RES -M6G4