lie ok By JO】 •' it was Herbe: Stdlallo's |*Stki)'"i Cookbo.( Only $1.50 XXX—Xo.:8C For '67 B aKa tTORON,TO,—Sopra iTor onto, has ノb' いOpera. Comj: Sa则R '〖ケW that Japan's 0ミzun〗;has ,a Mは,:can !^ゃn gir】that J?^!', after池r^ fi^,:"トe has *A 〔in n 、に. t〜,or'"么;or L,." !eたthe :さ?h:p , -'こ'-'ニ:.'s ;:uer. /f A,! t"?んOニ れ.—iにS】 PAGES THE NEW CANADIAN Wednesday, rvは er1: Fourth EstoU Ori棚talTront Rivalry On Endless Deadlines Bjr KIM WILLENSCm L TOKYO.—Imagine 500. reporters and photographers camping おtents on the WSit* Houselawn for a couple of daya just to " fcjjre they were present when President Johnson announced a few chjum(M in his cAbiま k r^J*«^ne an. executive of a .major newspaper attacking the publisher of another with a sword because the competition was 豕ettin豕やfierce. -Im«g1n« sending: 'reporters down into volcano to chedc onlovers committing, suicide, No, you have an idea of some of the things that with new^peringinJapan' past and present ,WSen Japanese newsmen campeS out on the' ^unds of Prime やnlater EUakuSato's officialresidence for two days at the endofJ[ulyjnobodybaUedimeyelaJBh, It WM nothing more than a repeat of抑aimualperformance. Six years ago when thelate Prime Minister Hayato Ikeda formed hi a first cabin6t1»6P0 newsmen siiowed up, しForty-od4 ye,rs柳a pre<^ssor of Sato awoke to discover t)m,'. an enterprising^ report.e? Kid a,hieved a scoop .on. a . new cabinet ' cre^pf^- imder his' house and..eavesdropping from beneath the floor b^iii?ds of the smoke-fille9636 WsS幽ize ill 6iflmofQ幽 I 一 BufiwvriM of WMd« ButW* fl暖"ii«f "pwvM Paiatlai — Orient a J ScTt, 一 Ftom Arrwigcfliea( Ao Mb SUt«ett«t erf Plciaiー Fi 鹏811 op Dan!or^ A". Tmnto, OnL TELEPHONE HC. 3^7831 to S of that day Temain remaHuble^ The Yomiuri once sent n reporter-photoglyph er team to write a...gri£ly附ieS from inside Mount .MiHara,. a volcano best .known "a suicide.:leap for :the ■lovelorn. It 'w貼called' a "scientぱic ex-feditionノ, The As«hi sent a man to the United States in a diiiciUち《nd hardly blinked when he failed to send l>ack any atoriea ^>r sevenU months. Its inventive rewrite迈en , to诉theflengthy stories on his "adventures," and when his. 'first words' did come iii.they were in the form of a simple dable: "Need money, regards." Thも paper sent iぃ, ■Of course; there are moi"e.than100 daily newapa^ra in cities cmtside' Tokyo. .Thelargest o£ these so "Cidled proYinciaTdailies the ChubuNipppnShimbun,or "Chuniohi," of N柳沐with a circulation of'1,900,000. But still,the re a! giants are' in Tokyo with its pop. ulat ion. ofll..million.:. Theぉainichi,:A^rancLYo2niuri each sellabout.four million •papers aday.. Actually,: their totalcirculation i do able that' Since :each. produces both.: ra ornin.g:'and., aft枕no (in edit ions. .Hiis .is more than the'combinedてcirculat ion匿of: all-the. daily.-news"pe.ra'.in ariy, .0thercount;ryexce]^t:'.United''Stiltes.:or,B?ritaiiL,ノ'' .They.:ぉot:that; :big: thro叫K .fierce'.:circulati6n .wars that .saw gsngs of rivalnewsboys beatほup oiie anothfer in the provinces, along, with,■■extreme, pressure 'tactic."pplKto. get,subscribers. 'In:the.i20's and 30,s.'when Miiteuねro.'Shorik^,.owner Yomiuri, was bunding his pa per from a tiny Aeet inTokycJ to |i greatdaily riv^alingtheMaimぉsmd As a hi, he used allkinds of circulation gimmick?...,. He. sponsored, .free fairs and chiysanthemum國:,shows.. - flower admii^EKi'b.y the 、Ja]paT^ese.、even more .'than cherry■ blossoms) and ■p.rinte^ Ueketis .in:'newspaper.. He was the first to sponsor and publiaJithe results of "go" and "shogri" (fonnsi)fJapanさsechessimttchesメmongthe injasters, ■the fir5ぃto、:',1o i*adio, and.he brougl^tbaae-balland commercialtelevision Japan. The thre« big papers eventually drove nvariy of their small riValsciiitoJf bu sinews andsp ark e-is that they hi vるto pro dueielit 一 rally dp zens oflまliJditions serve alltheir readers. :.ににnにi Its news staff alone totals1,800 m仇It tiiinka nothing assigning.100 :mもn more.: to .a major breaking:きtorylike :the tぉn air disasters near Tokyolast.March. in1合59, Mainidii mobmzed around100 newsmen to get tKざ firstヽvoid of the engagem印t of former Princess Sugfa, the youngest da lighter of Emperor Hiir当to. The paper niainU^insmore than a dozeivairpねneis and heliicopters to geぃ.the news, 一 Like the othertwひ:big papers, I he Mainichi prints simultaneously at plants scattered from Sappoh) in the. far north, through Tokyo and Osaka in the midlands to Fulcuoka in the south of this 1,500-mile clvain. To W, — T««H EM. 6-55的a I id跳 、4t はi。 Jdpan Detides f^oreignWorkぉs TOKYO."Cr"'ded Japan has tentaU"ly'decided not 't<]r import workefs; 'from.less developed countries to help alleviate a growing.— scardt.y. ofl^r* ThelUibor-Ministry is..authoritatively reported 'to, have' reject* ed a proposalthat 3000 to 4000 young workers be sent here from —th ..Korea. It fav9rs. witrain-ing of older, ゃrkeぉ,more technicjaleducation a n(T streamlining of busineぉ structures to inc.rease -pr^uc-' In recenに.years, Japan'slab of sはuaUonlias changed from chro-やover-supply to a growing shortage, particularly among youths^ While industry expands, the post-war decline in the birthrate and the almost universal"sire for ゅe number of high schoor and junior high schoolgrad\jat«s en-t«"rin^ thelabor Tuarket 、y about thpe« percent armaim》'. ,La St spring,' even with Japan in the grip of a recession, th«re were two jobs for e»cK high school graduate inTokyo. Fjictories, h。te,s and d stoゃin the c*jiiul ryu^jor dti«e ha" in re wit y"rs to… personnel in Hok"ido Honshu, in Kpwh TORONTO BUDDHIST CHURCH ,", S UK DAY, OCTOBERは,1966 10:90 AJilB,Ugious School • .'n:00、A^M. MoralS«rri". Bw. Ktiste 1totoTCBB。, Pal。 Alt». C^iUfornia 幼PJ(. lopaxMM S«rTi" P«rp«hxai MMkotiol , R»t.i:»i»ho M勿am?r WhyTcike A Choree? ,、Our Spec id ty" For Yotir Diamond and Custom Jewellery TA KARA JEWELLERS 【11DmId I is Sq, ToronU^ Saite喊 M饥一Frt S".ゃl. iv». By Appointmn, Hfro Kaw09tfd1i, Art Wo,。n。" Lichee Garderi Phon豕384溯 (4 Ums To rve Yoi" CATERING SERTICB — TAKMUT" ORDB^J* Banquet Facilities For buuMM Or Prfri wEPPiKc nopTI cms (i [|MO AUSUC '、• ;ニ-さ-メゾ? ,iざV: . に」,に .,「、ゃITrぺ l tハ丄, パ,ふfュ" ,■ !jv.r)JIーi^fc-,ー丄v