Am. � � -,T 12 THE CANADIAN JEWISH REVIEW sept CANADIAN JEWISH REVIEW An Impartial Medium for the Dissemination of Jewish News and Views MEMS KB AUDIT IURJEAU OF OSCULATIONS __ . George W. Cohen, Publisher__ Presidents Play Palestine Politics Room 1207, 21 Dundas Square Toronto Phone ELgin I486 Room 80S, 1288 MeGill College Ave. Montreal Phone MArquetU 1208____ Authorised as second class mail by Post Office Department, Ottawa. Subscription II. per year, United Btates $2,00, Single copy, 5 cents Florence F. Cohen, tditor ' Rabbi H. J. Stern, Contributing Editor Lena A. Newman Idalllion, Suxann F. Cohen Advertising Manager_Toronto Manager_Ctrcuiatum Manager 1 wholly disapprove of what you say and will defend to the death your ______right to say it. � Voltaire to Helvotina._� SEPTEMBER 13, 1946 VOL. XXVm, No. 50 Population Figures Tell The Heart-Rending Story The New Republic says: Bartley C. Crum, a California attorney who was a member of the Joint Anglo-American Commlsairm of Inquiry on Palestine, made a statement on that issue which deserves to be taken seriously. He identified British Labor Government policy on Palestine with nineteeth-century imperialism, finding the stable core of British policy in an alliance with the reactionary semi-feudal groups in control of the Arab states. He saw the unifying force in that alliance in the common desire to keep Russia out of the Middle East, and the belief that a powerful Jewish community in Palestine is incompatible with such a policy. Crum believes the only hope for a reversal of the British attitude is pressure from the United States, since every British government considers continued cooperation with the U.S. essential. ______ Crum thinks that State Department officials such as Loy The Workmen's Circle CaD says: Henderson are responsible for frustrating the Palestine policy of The war has cost us a third of our people. Six million Jews recessive occupants of the White House. There are many men were killed during the war. No other people has paid so ghastly � me State Apartment with whom we are not in sympathy, and a price. Mr. Henderson is one of, them; but this explanation is far too How many Jews are still alive in Europe? Where are they ^PJ*' _ . _ v_ . _ ,___, to be found? How large is their distribution in the various coun- �^ Prefident* hav# undoubtedly been guilty of playing tries? No exact figures are available; nor could such figures be Pal�rtin* politics in terms of Jewish votes in domestic political expected in the chaos and of post-war Europe The best camped?�- They have, that is to say, promised American Jews estimate at hand has been provided by the Anglo-American Com- ***** were not prepared to force on the British with mead- mittee of Inquiry on Palestine. Obviously, it is not definitive and mum I"*-*** Until some American crirninistration makes up its is subject to correction; and even if it were final It could not be mmd which ""7 lt mtendl to ao� ^ �ticka to ite P011^ wgord- so for any length of time. lees, this divided attitude will continue to work great harm. It The Jewish population in Europe is not settled; there will be seemi to us obvious tb^ a reed Palestinian policy must be based a constant movement for quite a while. But, for the moment, this 00 016 reco9-tion �f Jewish rights in Palestine as well as those estimate is extremely useful in drawing, a picture of Europe's 01 Arab-� whom Briti*h' actuated by Imperial policy, Jewish population. The vast majority are to be found In the Soviet Union and in its orbit Ths figures are as follows: Soviet Union ............................................_..........................._..............2,665,000 Romania.................................................................�.................................. 335,000 Hungary ._................................................................�............. 200,000 Poland ..........................-.......-...............-------------.................. 80,000 Chechoslovakia............................_____________.............................. 65,000 Bulgaria ........................................................................................................ 45,000 Austria........................................................_....................................... 15,000 Yugoslavia...........................................-------................................... 11,000 Finland .....�........----------......------------....._____......M.........�......... 1,800 There are only two other countries containing a Jewish population, exceeding 100,000. They are: France ----------------------.--------------...............�........................... 180,000 United Kingdom__________________________.......____............ 350,000 As for the rest of Europe, inducing Germany, the list is Blood-Drenched Torah Goes To Palestliie From Poland A Scroll of the Law, drenched in Jewish blood, was handed by the Warsaw Jewish Community to Chief Rabbi Dr. I. Hersog, of Palestine, as a gift to "Brethren in our Holy Land." The presentation was made at a moving and impressive ceremony attended by about 2,000 Jews, many of them survivors of the Warsaw ghetto. The Scroll was found near the Jewish cemetery in a small town near Warsaw after the mass execution of 8,000 Jews belonging to Pultusk and other towns by the Nazis in 1948, since when it had been hidden in the home of a local peasant who returned it a few months ago to the Jews of Warsaw.��-�-����---�---- Accepting the gift, Rabbi Her-tog told those present that he would take it back as a "most Srecious memorial of the great ewish Communities that have died in Poland." Accompanying the Scroll is a letter, in Biblical style, describing the unutterable tragedy that befell Polish Jewry at the hands of the Nasis. "Among the sacred remnants strewn about this country," the letter says, "a Holy Scroll has been found, drenched in the innocent, blood which was spilled in the days of fury by the diabolical agents of Hitler. And thia Scroll,, consecrated in the bioodV�_fv� martyrs, has been marked eat . a symbol of the inbunian Jt�JJ undergone by the Jews ox, Po* land, that it be delivered to you, our dear brethren in Zlon^ as a* everlasting memorial, having toy. gard to the depth of your *yrow and the poignancy of your grw over the holocaust which has hs� fallen us. /. "In the presence of the repror sentatWes of all Jewish ovfsSlea. tions in Poland, the o Communities of Po1 name of millions of t our people, to-day to Palestine Jewry, representative^ His Chief RaW Dr. Isaac B< "Every line of thia Scroll the last wail of agony dt tbos* carried to the slaughter,- aM throbs with the battle cry of *#. Sons of the Ghetto who fou*4�V to the bitter end. "Fix your gase on this ones* raent of pain. Hay it conjure ss) before your vision a picture of tpf suffering of the people'of IaTaOJ in Poland, and may ^ be Sjsjp4m| ful memorial to the usuluriej pM. chain of the tradition of IsraelJpj Poland; a remembrance of WsJf*., tyrs, of dreamers, and of fltW M tit* era. are so concerned. the national home of the Jewish race," contended that the majority of the Jews of America "are opposed to political Zionism, to the idea that the Jews all over the world constitute a nation." He also maintained that the Arab-Jewish problem in Palestine can best be solved by collaboration. In 1927 he was largely responsible for the organisation of the Permanent Commission on Better Understanding among Catholics, Protestants and Jews in America. In the same year he went to Mexico as a member of a committee to investigate Catholic difficulties there. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Beatrice Eechner Landman; two Ames end David Landman^ a " " jr.; tradition which became dogma and a point of honor, namely probity, impartiality and information, whatever the form or subject The fact that the Palestine radio viol, ated it so impudently shows by what spirit and methods the British administration in Palestine is directed." In conclusion, Mr Blum expressed hope that this incident will lead his comrades and friends in the Labor Cabinet to form an opinion of the situation more independent, than hitherto, of the advice of their special officials. Commenting on Mr. Blum's article, the Manchester Guardian says that Leon Blum is one of the best friends Britain possesses and if he is correctly informed regarding the manner in which the Palestine radio broadcast his article, then it is very grave. Fifty-two Jewish chaplains, have served or are still in with all branches of the forces of the United Canada, were the "scrolls of honor" at dinner of Yeshiva TJ; New York. The dinner expansion of Yeshiva into versity, the first to be est . under Jewish auspices is ths icas, and was attended by than 1,000 religious, and communal 1&500 ..... _ . . ____ 28,500 Si ittlSOO. Bssbre mo war these had been over ten . In Earope. The most heort-rending figure is the one wflsBtyM mat mere are today 9OJO0O Jews in Poland. It is tragic in a twosbsd sense; first as we recall that there had been over three mflhon Jews in pre-war Poland and that they constituted a Jewish community in the true meaning�in the cultural meaning�of the term; second, as we realise that even this remnant�the fortunate ones who survived the monstrous occupation�cannot rebuild their shattered lives in an environment of comradeship and security. Equally heart-rending is the figure for Germany. Of the 944)00 Jews there, only 20,000 are German Jews; 74,000 are refugees and "displaced persons," that is, Jewish men and women compelled to remain in the land and among the people that brought upon them aU their misery and suffering. The figures teU a story, and it is a very sad story. For the four xnilhon Jews alive in Europe today, the rr^tinent will continue to be for many, many years a kmdscape of death, an immense cemetery stretching from Paris to Stcffingrad. And the story is perhaps sadder than tins would suggest One cannot go to a cetnetery and place flowers or say a prayer at the grave of a dearly beloved child or parent or friend. There are no individual graves on mis cemetery; it is one conrplete all-inclusive grave. n� s^ * attuation no afl he wants," The session, be explained further, should not be an inquiry or investigation group but should possess the same powers for negotiating a settlement given to the Indian mission of Sir Stafford Cripps and C. V. Alexander, whieh, he held, Msiieceeded gloriously." Dr. Magnes deplored as 'lamentable" the ignorance in the U. S. concerning Palestine which exists, he contended, despite the anxiety over present conditions. He express-ed regret also over the practice of prominent Americans�writers' and statesmen�who allow their names to be used by organizations they have not fully investigated and which, he held, publicly defend the use of violence and extremist activities. The new office of IHUD which will be established in New York will work, he said, to arouse public interest in the program for a bi-national state which proposes immediate self-government with equality for both Jews and Arabs �equality in rights and privileges and also numerical equality. Radio Assails British Refugee Action The Jewish underground radio, "Voice of Israel" bitterly attacked ae "harsh and srutaT the the British are using in Use newly arrived illegal grant ships, as 1,200 new Jewish re/egees were traneehipped at Haifa for utofeaemt to NOTABLES URGE BLUM SAYS (Continued from Page One) voted to call on President Truman to convene a special session of Congress to consider legislation to ease the immigration of displaced persons. It waa decided to send s questionnaire to all candidates for national and State offkes asking their views on the admission of refugees on the basis of unfilled quotas and on the opening of Pal-to the j>ohee_end the aUp Four DEATH ENDS GA (Continued from Page One) ation in that country. The Palatine radio had quoted aim as having defended the Labor Gov-eminent against attacks provoked by the recent events, and summarised his article in a manner whieh distorted its meaning. "British authorities have made of the credit that be attached to my name the Jews ef Palestine," Mr. This is a grave act m ny-ilm eontreeietien with the /N FIXATION is no respecter of _ Like the rain, it falls on the just "and dec unjust alike. If, through free and careless spending, inflation should descend upon Canada as it has upon many other nations, its evil would fall upon twerjfm. ' . : Upon the shiftless, the thriftless, and the �l*ck market patrons . . . Yes ... *^-v,. But inflation's evil would fall equally on the "just"�those decent, honest, prudent dtixcos who . observe the law and do not seek to satisfy selfish whims to the detriment of the community. These, fortunately, are Canada's majority .... these are Canada's No. 1 citizens. In their bxnds lies victory over inflation. Here are their five cardinal points in personaf financing: e Hold on to Victory Bo*dj sod Bey only those goods which are ia hit sejpesy for the day when soods sow la si be readily e Avoid bieck Bank of Montreal **\*fUf, Kf MNIT This is csaseroeesem- the nrst requisite of prnnsjsl security�the first attribute of good ritixesshtp, Tbk k way we sayr Ufl sqs TOUIItf ... ami T�l latt y�j