�\ KEYa. 1848 THE CANADIAN JEWISH REVIEW \r i flOYAL BANK OF CANADA llAS PROFITABLE YEAR Profits ttbstontiftHy improved � Amis iliglitfy lovtr � Public deposit* at $1,845,205,533, nearly doabltd in ftvt yean � Loons in Canada and abroad incroase The increased momentum of Ca-butineei activity during the IS months is dearly reflected balance sheet issued by The Bank of Canada for the year November 29. 1947. Profits daily higher, public de-and bans both in Canada abroad show notable gains, the traditional strength of e back is again evident in all de-MUtnseats of its operations. Pobttc deposits which laat year vejftstered a marked increase, nave -*f*in risen to a total of $1,845,-|K�&$. This is ahnoet doable the volume of nve years ago and represents an increase for the year of ever SMOO.OOO, Dominion and Pro. vindal Government deposits have declined $62^78,092. in eentage of liquid assets to public liabilitiea being 74.0*. Profits for the year after the usual contribution to the Pension Fund Society and appropriation for Contingency Reserves amounted to f8,724,Ki9. an increase of fl31fcV 188 over the figure for the preview year. Out of total profits an amount of $2�50,QOO has been set aside for Dominion and Provincial Govern-ment taxes, an increaae of $796,000. In addition an amount of $892,687 has been provided for depreciation of Bank Premises, leaving a net which began a steady upward trend throe yean ago, have increaaed by �ore than $126.000.000 and now stand at a total of $485,872,162. Commercial loans by the bank's foreign branches have also increased from $105,064,911 to $118,717,- ^B^Be^t � The increasing use of the bank's funds for temmercial loaning purposes has been accompanied by a natural reduction in investments in Government and ether public securities, the total under this heading bring $875^47,469, as compared with $1,098380,240 a year ago. Total assets amounting to 12,-098,641,219 are slightlylbelow the record figure of last year. This decrease is more than accounted for by the drop in Dominion and Pro* vincial Government deposits previously noted. The liquid position of the bank is as usual very strong, the per- profit of .$4,981.882. This figure compares with $4,020,895 a year ago. Out of net profits, dividends amounting to 12,975.000 were paid, and 12,004,88? earned forward to surplus which now stands at |8, 474,246. The Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders will be held at the Head Office of the bank, Thursday, January 8th, at 11 four sons, Samuel H,Lof Loe Angeles, Calif.; David, Dr. Saul Simon, Dr. Murray L. Simon; two daughters, Mrs. A, Rogul (Doris), of Palestine; Miss Lillian T. Simon; anid six grandchildren* The funeral was held at Goal Tsedec Synagogue; interment in Jones Avenue Cemetery, Mrs. Simon was one of the pioneer Jewish settlers in Ontario. Born in Poland, she was brought to Philadelphia, Pa., at the age of nine, came to Canada sixty-six years ago, and has been a resident of Toronto for over fifty years. She was one of the original members of Goel Tsedec Synagogue, belonged to the Goel Txedee Sisterhood, and was a member of the Jewish Old Folks' Home. Mrs. Bessie Grossman, of Chicago, HL, the widow of Samuel M. Grossman, died on Friday, December 12, in Chicago, HI. She is survived by twe sisters, Mrs. Jack T. Levy (Belle), of Toronto; Mrs. J. Boyaner (Jennie), of Los Angeles, Calif.; and one brother, Moe Rit-tenberg, of Montreal, Qua. TORONTO ___ .,MEETINGS tJ^Sm^l&�s^i^&::- :'-- � � *V_a3t�; Roes, If. Solerow, F. Bloom, J. Freeman, E. Gaaee, A. Mosoff. � SISTERS OF ISRAEL tea in aid of Palestine was at the home of Mrs. E. Penovsky, Euclid Aver nue. Assisting at the door were: Mrs. M. Schwartz and Mrs. S, Sandier. Those who poured were: Mesdamea S. Dubiner, A. Krangie, S. Cohen, L. Craig, P. Kate, H. Stein. Preparations committee was: Meedames S. Shapero, M. GUck-man, A. Strom, R. Wagman, Misses Ruth Tobias, Molly Kleinberg, Adele Cooperstein, Pearl Goldman. � CAMP WINNEBAGOE fifteenth annual camp reunion was attended by about two hundred guests received by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Danson, directors, and W. Bert Danson and Mrs, Earl A. Farber, assistant directors. Camp movies Btfci Cards Of Thanks BRENZEL: The family of the late Sylvia Brensel wish to express their thanks to their friends, relatives, and neighbours for their many kindnesses and expressions of sympathy during their recent sad bereavement in the loss of a dear wife and mother. � MIZRAJ SAYS JEWS (Continued from P*g* One) "It is therefore satisfying to the heart whenever a group of Americans such as this congregation immortalise their soldier dead," he went on. MThese magnificent memorials not only honor your loved ones but they silently convey to all who gase upon them their deep significance. "TfyBy symbolixe the spirit of the departed and the valor of those who stood the test of battle. They honor men who went to war as champions of the fight against bigotry, tyranny and oppression. "They are eloquent reminders that these men were contributors to the cause of freedom and to the dignity of the individual. They are skiaing proof of the patriotisoi of to* Jews aad to the fact that these ^ -yfv ,"�:,*.*� rr r^� . �.*._'� _ M � .. �� M - THE R OF BANK DA General Statement, 29th November, 1947 ASSETS Note* of and depoeiti wiih Bank of Canada.. Other caah and bank balances......... Notea of and cheques on other bank*....... Government and other public securities..... Other bonds, debentures and stocks...... Call and short loans fully secured.......;...., $ 162,276,927.93 169,001,062.93 70,779,865.93 875,847,469.18 116,509,788.71 42,512,791.49 $1,436,927,926.17 433,872,162.46 4,331,251.20 8,117,482.00 118,717,442.19 10,631,002.53 72,190,306.81 6,853,645.23 $2,093,641,218.61 LIABILITIES Hotet in circulation..................................$ 4,760,709.72 Dominion and provincial government deposits............ 88,960,316.16 Other deposits....................................... 1,845,205,532.97 Commercial loans in Canada........................... Loans to provincial governments........................ Loans to cities, towns, municipalities and school districts... Commercial loans�-foreigm............................. Bank premises........................................ Liabilities ol customers under acceptances and letters ol credit........................................... Other assets........................................ Total Acceptances and letters ol credit outstanding. Other liabilities........................... Capital.................................. Reserve fund............................. Unpaid dividends......................... Balance ol Profit and Loss Account.......... 72,190,306.81 3,095,547.02 35,000,000.00 40,000,000.00 934,559.38 3,474,246.55 Total Liabilities.........$2,093,641,2ia61 PROFIT AND tOSS ACCOUNT ^^^'.'9K^:9ffi^m^^S9HSK-/a^sJ^^-^^ipmf''^:Js^L �� it-!*1 .s-Vvpi.- -' .' �� *.'.�-.�+�?'?& '-"�' ~ "^ >'� �%'ivi*-.",'^'iU - *:\^^?s$mm >����>��.�*� >33 t^sfy|a%^ are: lfa.8. ., -,.. jea�j jieaflJS3nae �. �*�����. ��� Ifestjsvr. Boss, M. Weiser, J. A. ASKFOM AYER'S CLIFF, QUE Cotton, Jersey, rubber. isad Cotton, and Mitts for the whoksak trade. Also Cotton Mailing LESSONS IN HEBREW and Y5AHsh given by an experienced, ejaalified teacher. Special attention to Bar-Mitsvah eoune, Success guaranteed. Call . . . ME. 3129 New Walls and Ceilings of A. TEOUS LIMITED IU un B4TWDnwr sr Famous Studio RESIGNS N. � COUNCIL OF Jewish Women J Contemporary Jewish Affairs group, Mrs. A. B. Bennett chairman, win have as guest ipastsi at their luncheon meeting on Wednesday, January 7, at 12.46 p.m.. David Savan, lecturer ia philosophy at the University of Toronto. Reservations at 44 St. George Street, XL 8012. Mrs. G. S. Pearcy is publicity chairman. � HEBREW WOMEN'S Social Service and Convalescent Home annual theatre night takes place on Saturday, January 8, at 8 pja, at Eaton Auditorium. Two pictures win be shown, and Senator A. W. Roebuck win be guest speaker. Proceeds in aid of establishing a convalescent home in Toronto. Mrs. H. Kamaraer is president. � BNAI BRITH WOMEN: Chapter 484, at the Royal York Hotel, Mrs. L. Isaacs presiding, saw the presentation of the degree team, directed by Miss Mina Adelstein. The foHowmg took part: Mes-dames C. Citron, D. Brill!*, H. Pachter, D. Grossman, M. Moseo-wita, M. Cole, M. Levine, D. ftnfta-er, M. Shugar. R. Frutanan, S. Mffler, a Wahl, Miss Mina Adei-stein. Mrs. William Fienberg was pianist; Mrs. M. Spencer, soloist As the result of a radio broadcast by Jane Weston, of C.B.L,, donations from all parts of Ontario are coming in to aid the European relief project. Mrs. 8. Wolfe Is chairman, assisted by Mrs. T. Le-rine. Catholic, Protestant and Jewish teachers could not be admitted without obliging school authorities to consider the applications of Moslems? Hindus and even Communists," Dr. Dawson averred. School officials would be compelled either to let sH the sects and beliefs in, or set themselves up 'Srith power to pus on religious beliefs of teachers and content of teaching." Such an assumption would be contrary to the Constitution, h� sakL Dr. Daween said Baptists else opposed religious training ia schools because it would inevitably introduce the element of compulsion. School authorities would feel they had to see that pupils released for the religious rUnti actually attended theni, The idea of compulsion in religious studies was "repugnant" to Baptists in the speaker's view. No. 238d 8%pe Mo* 2?ft al 8% pe Mo. 240at 8%per Mo. 241 at 10% ps ***mm i � � i ��������< 700,000.00 TQQ^OOQiOO 879,000.00 1947 $2�06,8&47 1,467,414.08 $3,47<246J8 STOUT a DOB9OK, JAMB MOD, �n ..��; "We believe that God ordained the home and the church to su> ply religious instruction and that it is a serious error to depend on the public schools for such,* Dr. Dawson continued. Tor centuries sectarian religion has been obligatory in Germany, with three to five classes a weak for all children in all grades: Protestant children under Protestant teachers, CatnoUe children under Cathobe teecbert. and Jewish children under Jewish teachers. Has it worked out either for the good oithe church or statef The answer, of course, is no. " to separation af church anel atat* must have a revival of interest in the home and church as reUgi*** sgencies and "in the pubtte ad ing and national unity.* DEATHS Mrs. Leah Simon, 20 Poplar Plains Crsaiiat, died on Monday, December 22, at her hone, ia her �ifnty-Afth year. Tne widow of Chartei Sine*, she is wrvtved by LEGAL NOTICE NOTICI OF~APPUCATK)H FOft DfYOftCI L MWUXRS of awm imut/um is tnej pMi ew-Fov. tfcee? ONWKft MO r NOtt TJKH % Of TOM. Sjs^rM^pe^^Fe7 600QOQO ta �s �r af *-, �.*�* :*^�>.'' & � �� '/*� .-->-;--�/ ' .:- ��� V. �-;..'�:'".; -<� � ~�i**LZ- �"' '*^- -^ '� ->^'- '^�- J�!fe^ - ' " ' " *