JANUARY 20. 1950 THE CANADIAN JEWISH REVIEW Or. IMMIMI N�HW�III. ei.praiJd�nt of the Zioaht OrgoitiietrMi of Amtrica, who has cto�hr OMociotw! wirti the economic o* *� Jordan Vollty Authority Com-will ^Mk M Sunday ofttrnMN, 22, at Hit Zionist Convention, at Mo�nt Royal Hottl, in Montteal. Judfle Louis E, LetrinthoJ, ex-preiident of the Zioniit Organization of Amtrica, and a director of the Paltitine Economic Corporation, will 'discusi "Investments In Isratl" M Sunday afternoM, January 22, at Hit Zioniit Convention, ot the Mount Royal Hotel, In Montreal. Aubrey S. �ban. Permanent Israel Delegate to the United Nations, will address the guests at o dinner of the Zionist Organixation Convention, to be held In tfce ballroom of the Mount Royal Hotel, in Montreal, on Sunday, January 22, at 7* p.m. MONTREAL MEETINGS (Additional Montreal Meetings on Page Four) � BARON BYNG High School Home and School Association presented Dr. Charles Buckman, speaking on: the topic, "The Adolescent At Home And In School". Mrs. L. Steinman, president, and sister of Dr. Buckman, was chairman. A. Rudy, immediate past president, thanked the speaker. Other officers are: Mesdames H. Arlin, A. Rudy, I. Bloom; H. M. Stewart; committee chairmen: Mesdames M. DeZwireck, H. Shulman, J. Pollick. Dr. Buckman is director of the Gowanda State Homeopathic RESUMED DIRECT SERVICE �DUTY PAID Food and Clothing Parcels Romania In accordance with NEW Romanian Regulations DRUGS To Romania and all European Countriet � Streptomycin � 5 or orm . . $ 6 95 10 gromj . 13 50 25 grams 3395 50 grams . 66 50 � Penicillin � I million units ...... J 3 90 5 million units . . 21 50 10 miJIion units ................ 41 85 Fricti iftclud* TrovsportatiM laiarilaa Overseas Parcels Reg'd. 1M7 UNIVERSITY RT. Mt*tTMl, f.Q. _ MA. 745J Toronto Branch: fmli's In ft Ciffn Ci tU QMM 5* Woe* &��� TUJ TO NATURE UNSPOILED * I 'YOURS TO ENJOY Lik* e mMofur* parrot, ttw WHTTE-WWOS) CROSSMJ. MM hb �p�daliz�4 b*ok kxtfh for dbftbfcg and for opening to �v*rgr��n eonci which contain ffw �*�<** h� IOVM. H� b an aftrodto bird, and *og*d b� protoctod. loot for Mm In pint, tpruc* and . TOWS TO ptoncr CURLING'S Hospital, in Gowanda, N.Y., and teaches in the medical school at the University of Buffalo. He is a graduate of McGill University, and a diplomate of the American Hoard of Psychiatry and Neufb-logry; having worked in psychiatry r,t Brooklyn State Hospital and Creedmore State Hospital, following specialty work at Montefiore Hospital, in New York. He was a major in the U.S. Army Medical Corps. � ZIONIST Organization: Jewish National Fund Hannah Sandier Chapter will give a money shower, card party, and bazaar, on Tuesday, January 24, at 8.30 p.m., at the Zionist Office. Conveners are: Mrs. M. Fettner, president; Mrs. M. Fleishman, secretary-treasurer. Hostesses are: Mesdames M. Gil-man, S. Sandier, L. Schwartz, L. Shames, J. Starikoff, D. Tenen-house, H. Veroff, P. Wolfson, S. Schwartz, M. Weinstein, C. Mac-Donald, M. I-azarus- � HEBREW CONSUMPTIVE Aid Association heard as guest speaker Lyon W. Jacobs, K.C., on "The United Nations Bill Of Human Rights". Mr. Jacobs, who is honorary adviser of the Montreal Ex-Naval Men's Association Inc., was installing officer at the 79th Battery Heavy Artillery Association headquarters. � NORTH END Vilkomirer Ladies Auxiliary twenty-second annual banquet was at Epstein's. Mrs. I. Lesser presided. Officers installed were: Mrs. M. Kirsch, honorary president; Mrs. I. Weinstein, president; Mesdames I. Lesser, J. Gpretsky, I. Signer, D. Tesher, M. Firestone, E. Goldstein, L. Shuf-man, D. Buckner, D. Welt, A. Grill, J. Kirshenberg, A. Kobemick, H. Turner, J. Block, Z. Levine, J. Flax, G. Shaffer, J. Ghilsig, L. Shagass, M. Shrier. Mrs. Weinstein was presented with a corsage of Talisman roses by the members. Mrs. M. Stein, the oldest member, brought in the anniversary cake, with twenty-two lighted candles. S. Reider, Joseph Da vine, who were guests, spoke. Mrs. I. Signer, financial- secretary, reported. Mrs. B. Cohen, Mrs. D. Welt sang; and an orchestra played for dancing. � TEMPLE EMANU-EL, Dr. Harry J. Stern, Rabbi: Services, Friday, January 20, at 8.15; address by Victor Bernstein, director of Public Relation* of the Jewish Agency, and internationally-known war correspondent, on "Report From Israel"; this service being dedicated to the thirtieth national convention of the Zionist Organization of Canada. Saturday service, January 21, at 11.30, ser-monette by Dr. Stern, "The Un-consuraed Thornbush." For the Oneg Shabat and Kiddush reception in the Community House, LEGAL^NOTICE NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE is grv�n that 0*uM� Q> t*e city and ditricf o' c' Q-*t*c. will appty to Conoda. of f*� ntxf ie�on. at ensuing uuton t*wof tor o Bill taxi o�-�r, gt fh� city ond f-rtol. an th* grour>* o* Adultery DATED AT VOHTR^AL. H-H m< d tt oduNwy. Ctocvntw I4fh, 1949 HOGJBk b MCMGLflt. 3H ft Hostesses: Mesdames J. N. Neumann, Herman Aron, Francis Beck, S. Bick, Hyman Gertler, Harry Cohen, Louis Cohen, Irvin Gerts-man, Amelia Kramer. Dr. Stern will review "The Egyptian" on Wednesday, January 25, at 2.45. Mrs. Harry Joshua Stern will preside during the lecture and forum. Presiding at the tea table will be Mrs. W. M. Barnes, president of the Women's Alliance Church of The Messiah, and Mrs. George Hollinger. Mesdames W. N. Carin. Stanley Davis, Jack Freedman, Hyman Grover, Hyman Gertler, Abbey Sankoff. Samuel Zion will be hostesses. For reservations for the Temple Young Married buffet supper meeting on Saturday, January 28, at 7 p.m., call Mesdames I. Gertsman, AT. 9326; G. Rauch, AT. 5515; Alex Carsley, AT. 9253. Assisting at Junior Congregation were: Ruth Margo, Gerald Portner, Joseph Blustein. News ot all triads intended tor the H* view issno of on/ current vreei should bt> in th� Montreal office by Monday at 2 pjn, to insure publication. � HOSPITAL OF HOPE Units meeting on Monday, January 23, at 8 p.m., are: Chasie Small, at the home of Mrs. V. Helfie, 381 Edward Charles Avenue; Goodwill, at the home of Mrs. J. Plessetsky, .4336 St. Urbain Street; Jack Bercovitch, at the home of Mrs. H. Oberfield, 5147 Jeanne Mance Street. Unit meeting at 2.30 p.m. is: Tillie Cohen (Victory), at 4465 St. Lawrence Boulevard, with Mrs. I. Cooperman as hostess. Units meeting on Tuesday, at 8 p.m., are: Chaim Revzen Junior, at the home of Mrs. G. Mindel, 5370 Park Avenue; J. Manolson, at the home of Mrs. A. Goldstein, 223 St. Viateur Street West; Mordecai Baker, at the home of Mrs. S. Kaplan, 5815 Park Avenue; Yoisef Pinsky, at the home of Mrs. H. Bernstein, 5503 Trans Island Avenue. Units meeting on Wednesday, at 8 p.m. are: Rochel Froma Takefman, at the home of Mrs. D. Schrier, 5762 Plantaganet Street; Feige Bookman, at the home of Mrs. A. L. Simon, 68 Villeneuve Street West; Fraid, at the home of Mrs. H. A. Cohen, 717 de 1'Epee Avenue; I. J. Borrin, at the home of Mrs. S. Finkelberg, 4811 Jeanne Mance Street; Saibel Rubin, at the home of Mrs. A. Miller, 358 Outremont Avenue; Sara B. Stein, at the home of Mrs. A. Gureviteh, 133 Villeneuve Street West. Units meeting on Thursday, at 8 p.m., are: Chaim Revien, at the home of Mrs. M. Kaufman, 508 Bloomfield Avenue; Shlamovitch and Medoff at 4371 Esplanade Avenue, with Mesdamei M. Altman, A. Buck a* hostesses. Unit meeting on Sunday. January 29, at 2.30 p.m., is: Saibel Rubin, at the home of Mrs. R. Caplan, 4427 St Lawrence Boulevard, at a tea. Marks, Mr. and Mrs. Max Feld-man, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. V. Cape, Mr. and Mrs. S. L, Mendelsohn, Mr. and Mrs. H. Golden, Rabbi and Mrs. J. J. Fromm, Mr. and Mrs. M. Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Leibow-itz, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Becker, Mr. and Mrs. M. Greenblatt, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hipps, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kaplan, Mr. and Mrs. W. Abrams, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kaufman, Dr. and Mrs. H. Baron, Mr. and Mrs. M. Chor-ney, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Brown, Mrs. Samuel Hart; Dr. and Mrs. George J. Strean. Basil Rubin, chairman of the Younger Members' Group program committee, announces that the symposium on "Judaism And Today's Jew", for January 23, has been postponed until Monday, February 27. A dramatic company, directed by Bernard Berlin, a graduate of the Pasadena Playhouse of California, meets on Thursdays at 8:30 p.m. for the play, "The Father" by August Strindberg, casting is in progress. Further details from Mr. Berlin, AT. 8127. The opening social of "The 20-40 Club" had Miss Esther Goldenberg, as convener. Sicrmund Fin�berg, took an active part in organizing the group. Greetings were extended by Dr. Harry Magder, president of the Younger Members' Group; Samuel J. Leibowitz, educational director; Rabbi Shuchat. The annual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary was at a luncheon. The invocation was by Rabbi Shuchat. Greetings were expressed by M. J.- Heillig, president of the congregation. Mrs. Samuel Hart, chairman of the program committee, introduced the ?uest speaker, Donald B. Hurwitz, executive director of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies, and of the Combined Jewish Appeal. In his address, "Youth Demands An Answer", the speaker stressed the importance of strengthening the foundations of the democratic way of life, the keystone of which is the belief in the human freedoms and the right to be different. Mrs. David Jacobs thanked him. Mrs. Philip Levy, president, paid tribute to the memory of Mrs. Joseph Levinson, Sr., and of Mrs. Sara Greenblatt. Appreciation was expressed to Mrs. Edward Solomon, president of the Eastern Canadian Branch of the National Women's League, and honorary president of the Auxiliary. Mrs. Levy was re-elected president; Mrs. D. M. Notkin, Mrs. N. P. Solomon, were elected vice-presidents; honorary vice-presidents, Miss Sophia Hirsch, Meadames M. J. Heillig, J. Stewart, Lyon Cohen. Honorary members elected were: Mesdames H. Abramowitz, N. Mendelaon, S. J. Leibowitz. Advisory Council is: Mesdames J. Elkin, A. Gold-bloom, I. Kert, S. W. Jacobs, M. A. Brown, L. K. Freedman. Others elected were: Mesdame* Victor Cape, H. Shiller, I. Feldman, A. Lane, R. Cummings, Max Feldman. e MIZRACHI WOMEN money shower, auspices of Sally Finkel-stein Chapter, was at Tifereth Israel Synagogue. Miss Rae Fin-kelstein won the door prize and Mrs. S. Segal, the raffle of a hand-woven picture. "Chapter meetings were: Young Women's, at the home of Mrs. I. Adelson, 840 Dollard Avenue; Bnos Hapoel, at the home of Mrs. J. Litonetsky, 380 Edward Charles Street; Shloma Dalfen, at the home of Mrs. L. Moscovitch, 5251 Durocher Avenue, in honor of Mrs. Myer Sand and Mrs. J. Dalfen, who left to visit Israel. S. Dalfen sang. Cohen-Caplan Chapter met at Horn's Boulevard Restaurant, with Miss Sylvia Caplan, Mrs. Max Wolofsky, Mrs. B. Dubrow, as hostesses; Esther Scharf, at the home of Mrs. S. Cohen, 5975 Wilderton Avenue; Rishonot, at the home of Miss Marion Rubin, 4338 Draper Avenue; Sally Finkelstein, at the home of Mrs. R. Heitner, 772 de 1'Epee Avenue; Dvorah Brucha Schwartz-bein, at the home of Mrs. S. Webber, 5622 Esplanade Avenue; Aviv, social, at the home of Mrs. M. Fish-man, 5235 Cote St. Luc Road. Meeting on Tuesday, January 24, are: Shloma Dalfen, at the home of Mrs. S. Kastner, Dupuis Avenue^, Bnos Hapoel, at the home of Mrs. J. Rodel, 109 Laurier Avenue West; meeting on January 27, is Senior, at the home of Mrs. A. Dobrofsky, 862 Stuart Avenue; on January 28, Solomon Avigdor Lieff, at the home of Mrs. M. Stern, 5600 Canterbury Avenue. � BETH CHODOSH Ladies Auxiliary: Mrv J. Aipler will be hostess at a farewell Ua on Wednesday, January 25, at 8.30 p.m., at 1275 Lajoie Avenue, to mark her pending departure for Israel, with her husband, R�v. J. Aspler. � SHAAR RASHOMAYIM Synagogue, Rabbi Wilfred Shuchat: Bram Marvin Gelfand, son of Mr. and Mr*. Lewis L. Gelfand, will be called to the Reading of the Torah in cckbratioa of his twr-mitxrah. For the tupper dance of the Women's Auxiliary, on Feb~ raary 1, at 8:30 p.m., Mrs. Victor Cape, 5037 Ponwrd Arena*, DE. 9876, ii In eharft of reservation*. Partial list of labtcrttwrs: Rabbi Slraehst, MrJ and Mn. M. J. Heil-lit;, Mr. and Mrs. P. Uvy, Mr*. H. AbrtAowft*, Cantor aa4 Mr*. N. MMritbon, Mr. aad Mrs. B. � PIONEER WOMEN'S Organization presents Efrem Zimbaiist at His Majesty's Theatre, on January 29, with Mr*. M. Dickstein, AT. 0559, as ticket convener. Partial list of subscriber* is: Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Paull, Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Singer, Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Harwiti, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bloom, Dr. and Mrs. George Strean, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Jos�ph, Mr. and Mrs. M. Dicktteirt, Mr. and Mrs. S. Guttman, Mr. and Mrs. William Maliu, Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Cheifetz, Dr. and Mr*. A. La pin, Dr. and Mr*. H. Halperin, Dr. and Mrs. M. Berne. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kahn, Dr. and Mr*. S. Hershon, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cohen, Mr. and Mr*. I. Rabtno-Titch, Mr. and Mr*. J. FUher, Mr. and Mr*. D. Gtlber, Mr. aad Mr*. M. Perhnan, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Stein, Mr. and Mr*. E. Bertta, Mr. and Mr*. A. Singer, Dr. and Mr*. 3. S. Sp�rber, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pofttt*. Mr. sad Mrs. J. Ehnaa, Mr. aad Mrs. Leoo CnstoU, Mr. JUMBO � REGULAR � COCKTAILS With sauerkraut, on buns or any other way, you con be sure of the best when you serve "Levitt's Hot Dogs"' When Buying Delicatessen LOOK For The LEVITT'S Label Assuring You Of THE BEST IN DELICATESSEN FOUND AT ALL LEADING DELICATESSENS EVERYWHERE LEVITT'S STRICTLY KOSHER PRODUCTS and Mrs. H. Caiserman, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kornbluth, Mr. and Mrs. M. Kornbluth, Mr. and Mrs. M. Burman, Mr. and Mrs. H. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. H. Maizel, Mr. and Mrs. B. Sommer, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Frank, Mr. and Mrs. David S. Jacobs, Mesdames Samuel Hart, Lyon Bercovitch. J. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. L. Tinkoff, Mesdames Arthur Becker, J. /Roos, Ben. Robinson, Olga Guilaroff Bercovitch, Samuel Hart; Miss Alice Stras-berg; Ben. J. Baittle. Metzuda Group tea on Tuesday, January 10, at Chevra Kadisha Hall, had as hostess: Mesdames S. Kreis-man, B. Kreisman, N. Poch, B. Tolchinaky, F. Shecter, H. Koff-man, B. Green berg, B. Finesilver, F. Shinder, S. Godlevsky, H. Fri-berg. f400 was raised for � the Pioneer Israel Projects Fund. Miss Betty Hershcovitch was guest soloist. Goldie Myerson Group paid-up membership tea ia on Tuesday evening, January 24, at the home of Mrs. A. Kornbluth, 288 Mc-Dougall Avenue. "Jerusalem The Eternal" will be read by Mrs. M. Berman and Mrs. D. Saibil. A film will be shown. Chanita Group met at the home of Mrs. J. Chv-fetz, Dornal Avenue, Dr. D. T. Shizgal spoke. Revivim Group met at the home of Mrs. Frank O'Brart, 6714 14th Avenue, Rosemount. Wednesday, January 18, at 12.30 p.m., at the Windsor HoteJ, saw "Tale Of The Thrift Shop", written by Mrs. Solomon Vineberg, with: Mesdames Harold Segall, Sydney Lithwick, Harry Botner, as the cast; and "Council Family Comes Into Its Own", with: Mesdames Moe Abramowitz, Ben Bernstein, Benjamin Robinson, S. Shacter, J. D. Frankel, M. Rosenthal, I. Kornbluth, Sidney Levitt, L. Rosen-baum, H. Frank, A. Gould, E. Hof-mann, H. Israel, Charles Levin, H. Lipsey, A. V. Simon, H. J. Sloan, M. Vineberg, Misses Birdie Was-serman, Belle Campbell, Lillian Hecht in the cast. Mrs. M. Sandier sang and played the accordion. Mrs. Morris Simon and Mr*. Robert Drffcr, co-enilrmen of tfte Council Thrift Shop, were in charge of the Thrift* Shop table. � NATIONAL COUNCIL of Jewish Women luncheon meeting, on � NEW WORLD CLUB of Canada is giving a dance at Adath Israel Synagogue, on Saturday, January 21, at 8.30. Reserve tickets through Miss Dorothea Guttman, secretary, 6220 Durocher Avenue; TA. 2295. Orchestra; entertainment. Information from: Dr. Jul. Pfeiffer, president, DO. 4386; Dr. F. Reich-mann, HA. 6659; Henry. Rosenberg, EX. 5014; E. Brody, EX. 3238; M. Brandt, DE. 0665; Dr. W. Freed, MA. 0677; L. Herrmann, EL. 2004; Otto Joachim, HA. 1581. Friends invited. Purim ball is on March 11. -7/-CQDDOU5EL Held Over by Popular Demand IN PERSON * JOHNNY HOWARD Montr Ml1 1 Favorite Cnr�rtii�ir and < a ntw ffroap of Wautiful ffiri djnctr* pro4�c�d by MILDREDRAY IRMA HWRIOUEZ � 3 Sfctwi � my Sttwfcy � � DfllCtOUS Ft INCH CUISINt � � NO COVtl CMAftCt � � 2 SHOWS NICMTIY � 2IANDS2 MAftCft OOtl �h^^ll a^^tt ^Mtf^B^M^VA NOIL CJtOUX i .\ .