l�tifl OTTAWA COOR1EE, sK'ESING PAPE1U POLITICS, LITERATUME, C01IXERCE, IXDUSTIt}', AGRICULTURE*'. ottawa, (CANADA) TUKSDAY, .1 UNE 28, 1870. �-mfjkj�itt Ha �Xhc (Ottau'a (Donner. >lc. j[i.;k,nzic1 wim. inten.lod leaviiig h� tiip'tlirougli.New Rrw probub�y le tvf uttlk-"pposi Hmisliuonnection, ami bringabout a ciomt union ffitli tlio l'n.teJ States. \\V btlievu tint Mr. WurJ lia� giren the �ul.jeet of tl-mla relations with Cuia'ia u I/O <: A 1/ N H w s | fariner, living a few.milos^om St. Joseph'*; ' �illHg�iriGk taw* un tlii. ved by a large r A'sebeme alm �bjO. ivffl lie clly siinilar a pro)rqied �ofT. I�evnoW,. We imdurhtalid that Mr. Molley a t * re.c-.dled. �nd that Mi\ Secretary KUh, u tiike hispk-� as t'nited 'State* JlinwM whidi w�li bc dclogut<3 le, l. thi-re' w t-v. pniou b�irij; " . The �lection* in Gloucester and Carl�tM; i-ountie�. N. l�., took pfoce ycstentny. In t.Jue�'i.'s G>iiiity the piilling i� fixed for to ettling in the United States, und dweovered the fab�ly of tlie atate-menirf by which they weie oliginal�y in ilw-ii t^emifirato, arc returning honf '*jMi-r und wucr mon. Tho List steamer from New York for England, wbich called ai H;.li)'iv, had nearlv rive hundred pas-. -onger* of thL-, description .on hoard. Tliu compleiion of the indian telegraph lmia-been passed by. alixi03t uiinoticod, al-thoujm it i-s really a most important event in the bis tory of the Briiiab Empire. For tbo autliorities of the Intlian Office to be enabled to eommiu�eato at any niomenr w�th tri�t far away country. io ,in immense source of strcngih to the Empir�, ecjualin f�ict t" tlie addition of rnany thoasands ol Rriri.-h tn>np^' (�� the rnuitaiy for.e now �-tatioi.�il in India. MTiat happens in Cal-eutu of Bombay in th� moming may be tbo tbt-moi of conversation in London by niddjn and I \Va.^binj.'ton in thec But we are l.e.-oniin; . ^tu[ibic wond-�o tlm Otta. eoftheaften il�s khvl. Tnc imbik- nil-etmg beld ai Montre.d on Satupliy hui t.. take mi.� .h msideration tVifLirf'Ksnian raid l^i a \orj iinroriu-- nnte t*�nninnit�n. " It migbt bave Lccn espected that when the people of the great rtimm�rrinl nietn:i|rolis nift in pub- eml.lv . tho� nt�nr'nt^. tiV piweetlirjg), �would h�7e i-e^n t'binictorizC.j Tt�ih >rravity nnd deco-mtn. We regret to that -ucb Was nOt .tb,- i.ise. l"be Mon. John Young, who7 �t, ' aj.peare.1. bud mt leen consrjhe-1 as to ib&wordirgnf the Tnrinus re^nbaion?. in-.trodueed a scriea of 7e>r.lntkins ofliia own fniiumg. in which Wfro of rourse emltd-:ed hLri pc-i ih. i.iy Indcp�'ndcn- thingv ; the M�re Elue, in (jlouc�-ter. l�*t week. Iiave ail been found. Tivo wei-t; very weak. the younffcst having Hl tokei nfteraoon Mr. �un. bi a fet ith l�n; �,b�t. Jvover*^ Walk iras murh p>at nuniTKf'rs of hid�es an 1 gehtli dur.li� the wliuh� aftcrnotm j the fatigue , httle j h� btfid restin "sunday the)Ple,el-v eilj;,Uj onizeJ (�rt-jt j -t00!^*! down 1 ) Uike hin id r._-n >faf �gricnltural. mauiiTairturing il pro^perity. 'i* nqpr held mttoua. It L> .juite po^ible that Mr. iVard arguer in good failh. but a very nasty porusal of bis brochure will enabk--be readerto see that he �? qui te ignorant � to-the condition of public fe�ling in :his country. That he should he ry>. i* Oie aatural reault of the grave miirepreaent 1-tions whioh are from timo to^Lme made in .lie c^hrrnmof American newspapers, con-Mming Cairadian affaire. As we remarked ji�ly yesterday, the poople of thw country vt�M at any timo be ready to listen to :my propoMli* emenating from Waibington. having for their �bjoct the estnblirJaruent procjil freo trade relation-� vif-on which ehall be fair and idvantJigeous to both coiuitrie^*. That situated aa Canub. and the United States are, should be div�ded by a Chineao wall of cuatoms' duticV st?emj man�fe�tly unwise, but it i* for those who e barrUr to pull it down when they think proper. In tbe meant�me the Juty of Canadi;in3 U cloar�Idat th^m co nn developingevery branch of native indus trr. andpromoting an intercolonial trade by .11 tbo means hl their -power. There are other markets a�o which must not be neglected. Tho West Indien and South pay a large amount to the l'nit-ed States everyycar, for eommodit�e^ wh�ch 'niild �npply on more fa. iklra�.i.-> t^rntf. When the Arnerica-ns b^ve exhnujte-I 0.7 :i;t,',^ w autrv.og, irigbtemng. or ulej^n'l^ncp,-" p-w-il>]y they miiy , �iwiisly think ohout negotiatmg for anotber treatyl Our poficr. however. ia rery plain, t�z. ^o to develope our ami , iources, nnd l>uild up �ur own dome^tic trade relations, tiiat whether reciprocal free trade with the t'nite-l States ever our future progresi and , proaperity may be well assure J. A WELL ilEHITED COMPLEMENT. .Some day^ t�nc� we had great pleasure copying lnto tbeae colnrxms an account ' a d�monstration given in h^nor of Mr. William Wuinwright, of tho f.rand Trunk rUilTray, on the occasion of hia obtaining �ave of aKience to proceed to Europe for lie heneut of bia healtb. The [t'iiL were gaoled thu:^ IL ai. East 5 i.-ll � 1"?' foi the ril[ piM ilotr Chiu.bers rnills. The nig �nun Tat- up, and dur-weeka a great c Titi ittue bu Ha�r Vigor, for resloring gray hair to ils natural vilality and color A dr�j�td� -wbi'b ' healtby, and eSertnal for pre^ervin� the understand fut-veys are beipg made preparator)' to drain ing the Mer-.- B��e. This � ^n knmetis� tract of Kivannabor bog land in the tOTrn-shrp of GIou���ter. It is covored awith akind ofcru*t. thmn^h wliieh you can run a polo down for .V> or �O fret, a� though there were notb�ng but water unJerri&rth. Some dry �bruba are strewed oreriL.ond w�ld gra^s grmv* mnkfy on it. st. patrick'* s<-ietv.�Tbe anno.il pic-1 Rev. Gervuse Smith will lecture on the nie fi tbe above .-wiety will lrq held- this 6th July on tlie *� Si�ge of Derry." yearon S�nj.ir',* Util. Xo pain* will b� J Wonherveiy warm, interiperaed, with sparedtomdtoiipleaaant to those who 1 fre-iuent tbundei may attend it. Tbe comniitteo in whose I \ �peem� to the Olu'- ��^�a St. rau' h-ir.U lb._- t.i.rr..ig-m^i; of Uie pic-nic Ls, ! therp �* nnthing neW at Fort (iirry. i ui" tbe expedinon n liailod Uc-n by the Ukiss ot the peopf A femala infant was found on Friday night on the groonds adjoming the Queen's Hot^l. ' "Tbe OTganbatJoti of tbe Odd Fellow�" encampraent, Baltimore Unity takes place on Toesday. Rev. aa \\llauama, of St. John� Church, ha� frid $1 T"> presented to him by tbe la-die* of hiy congr�gation, at the Epis�opal Synod on S.ttiird�y th* eoed. fah to ils original color ~_ vith th� g�ess and frtshnu* of youlh. Thia hair'�s ih�rk--ha�r checked. and hj'd^ ou^h not alwiits. rured"" by its iii*. Koth�rjg can r*=iore tb� bair �here (he follicles are de^:roved. or the ^lagda otrophied aed deenved. -Sut snch ai remaia coa be &a\cd for usefulaess by this application. Io^iend ^ ot fouling the ha�r with a pa*tv sed� mept, �t vn'll keep it cleso aod vT^iou�. oaat u�o wiH pretent tbe ha�r gray or f�llin? ofT. and . conseqnen�lT preveut baldce,"?. Fre� from ihose deleteriotia tnbst m aie Mrna pr�parations dat-pe injurigos to the hairt the Vi utily Lenciit but not haii� it. I] merelv for a ivUl �nvo when their VA vo cabmen started choir h �r^e^ full gdlop down from tbe stand. t�ub Imn- -mi the whip bard ' Xbc sioam?r Srnndi and heavy. On coming to tbe Sparks streec Point ai S:4o u.m^ hr cro^ing onedrew re;m. probably f^aring j 34.5 -teerage pwsengojs. tbp pr�sence ofa hnt^?-butt^ned gentle- Duriog the paal two weeks Mi man. but ih,- �th-r -mly ^toppei when op..: Conin�isioner Ans tin h�s'heen bus j>vite lire Ru-'5eli Hanse d,>or, where he j gigoa laking er pari* eyid"n� wanetng \ , 0f tbe IVimini n Glas W�r 3 edtnlr tcld ao cal> ' steeet railwVy �ae?.�Yesteni�r four j j*-'1- whi^�ropert^: cars for tho Ottawa ,nc' of whom w;-,'., i^n^r,.l M,-. wbo happened to b.? iu Uontretd i j^j^ It ras a d t fnr gi-iinteil that ��Sw. of tbi zi.-l I tb� �bi'.-h many a puMi.� man of long p' onld bave- felt h�nwelf �iighly bon. *ct*iving ; nnd Ijcing bestos-ed up wry inuch pro-mote.i, tho �Vhery .mosli-m would le- set-Ued, aad th? American^ would no longer be ftqtject to .tb? constant temptation of wanting to abtain the propprty of their neighbori a.- u..w they are. ' Above ail �t Wou�S maure CilwLiU� huirptnd�n^� ofall ed be very Old hcul on hi-slioulders. and tlioilgb bis r�sidence in Cm-nJ;i ha.-* nor. heen a very e.Tteadcd one, il bao reen qi�te long *ivouj,*li l'"r him to lcive mode for him>elf Very miny warm and steadEast friend--* throughout ihe-length and hreadth of tbo Dominion. ' >i: bebal� of tho?�. Trienis we vriih Mr. W.iin-nright .1 wfe pacage orross the At� ditic. aud a ?peedy r�it�ration to good healtb. Tire slu�e�t.�Monday.�ThL morket was ni exception to the g�nerai run of Monday markets. Hucksteri and gardeners in the Tieinity oonatitu�ed the wbole ftttendarjcc, which lasted ordy dur mg the.coxd houra of tbe morning. G-�i ni^rketa ntred not be espected now, outil tbe ni/�7 prodnee cornmence to cornu in. . .rday Einriiing when the fii lwarcbi___r___ _ . r.puin L:mr.?nt. Un***, of .V>. l'i rtarge, lying in the Queen' vassel. and wrnt M sce tho fire. Abou o'c!n,:k h-1 purcha^uii a Ioaf-of bread, btlUv-. and a btind'le of nniims ata grocer'� �iK-p near the Hn?. and returned to bw barge. at he w,i3 �tepping from tbe wharf he steppe.! short, and �ttnmbled agiimtt , the bifj�e, Tiio hrwvi rotted on board th purclia,^ j whiJe U�vniy fcll uito tho water vrilh tbe uttor and onion_x. a man near at hond 1 threw himft long tbr surface ngafii. anlw^�. drowned. The poli�x> made miirch for bia bedy. which they found aboutseven o'clock that morning, and tho beld an inquest, when the jury retomed n Uli3"^1* ..... [ Terdict of accalentally drowning. De sfliern os the ^cbe Elce.�The tbre� j ce�*�d was obout twenty.fivo years of �ge, ciildrcn whrt were lo?t On tbe M�re Elue [ and waa of very steady liahiln. lift week rere three son'* of Mr. Labelle. Gc4d, ]11 ; exchange. 9;. IsrlpivM PbliUU, Chmils ftmoctiltif, rmBmctiwaa " 1 - �' �J * *----- bwiauca a udac