THE 02tawa BVBN'ING OUBIEB t LitaFiroat �al�doDianBpruig�. dowan. Mr. - d� MihV Lu T. the Editer or tbe TIMES. � | Wbiie ! w .., -: f)M tm'M*aw�r^^agrt of an inda^ crlbable tumult with a oonpIeofooatB and" my boots in my hand, depoflited them in^ gifety ln the gardes, ran back to get my ,trunk, and juat then met a ktodly friand %-y help mo to bring it'down. My own per-:Sonnl wskwas now at an end, tind I bave relatedit becaneeit waapretty near what ._lwppeaed to everybody elae, We were_ ^ l�i> ail counted in tin house^ and many of , lUtem on the fourth floor, ytt no lires were iott, and aa a g�nerai rule tbe viartora lost . nothing. Tho kame oannot be sald of' the company, though a large amoant of bed dmg ahd nome fnmitnre was aaTed, Indeed :;:thi> ellbrtt of manyorthetiaiton and even - ladic� to reaeue ail that wu prontable to ' �ave was beyond praiae. For m or* thon twenty minutes, aheetn, -' maUreftsw and oarpets might bo coen flylng outoftb� windot�, whilat parties b�low werr removing th*m into the garden, or : bringingout pieoaB bf furniture, t�U tho whole of the groonda to a consid�rable distance were corered with the mont varied ' articles : here a grand piano or a pier-ghim, empty drawera, Bofiia with three l�ga, pile� of bedding, trunk�, bundloa of cloth�i Ac The ftamea had now thoroaghly inraded _the main building, a fine large atone strna-' tiire in the form of o douole crois, and nmlnng remained to do but to look an. It irai a grand �pectaele, and as bon and there a portion of the maudre wmlls would ^fall �n, the block oloada of dont that rose-to tho lieaTens oontnUted with the bright duzling fiam�. It was half pa�t cight when ilte whole building waa raduced to a imuuldermg maas conWned between high tottering wallu. The hre nppean to lave onginated on the second floor over or near the boiter, or perhups in the laundry, and waa obeerred i.tor a little after four o'clock, �jid went to bed again. In the raeanwbile we are here in a tz ;r emborrasaed situation, n&t knowing ictly nhere to cat or to sleep ; everytn�ng ' '�ingdone fombleas poaa�blo. Three atages luit of IpaBsengere left tbiit morning for L:OrigmU, ahd in a coupla of dnys the crowds of visi-' .tora who only yesterday wert enjoying tbemselves here will haie vonubed. 'fuconelude, itmiybe conufdered truly proridsntial tbutthe hredidnottakeplace . in the middle of the night, or in the dark, and that, Tho North-we&t Exp�dition- �trange 1-xiking beings they are. They1 broaght k* rond, and was jur--prised W nnd it as good a road as it ia^ It�B really a splendid- road. Here and there you gometime* nnd a had apot, par-t�cularly atter moi ; but, when you come to conw�der it a� � new road. and 75 or 80 passing over h with heavy load�; women �nd *bil< Ac.t will be forwircleii whi �W-�thar-Jrerj cioa�. "' "laf�r~Tba Ciptain of tho lo>l boat bas jurt -fcformed jour correspon pondeot that th* boat L'�toile rankintoner and a half minuta after being struck ; that flbewaabesrily loaded with market pro ; duo�; thatfullyli women and children. were in the cabii �t the tim�, about 12 of whom, includfa'g the boat's cook, muit^ have been ' dronned, The lives of the-othen were caved by olinging t�~ floating-pi�ces of wooVl, Two sifters of Chatity-w^i^ bAppily.uwsdthrough the fxortiomv" of l�verai m*n, The Coroner has gon�^tothe acene of: discuter, jmd rtliable particulan can only-be ascertained on hia retum to-pight. The Captoin places the number of h�, paisengere �t the stnrting at about 30. . �U-iMAid-that-Mr.-i�aiveiHl^-^liejetiMMLWPAGNIE BE TUE DE-MONTR�AL^ �'get�an, willpuUish arvolum�* of bis t�.[ - . ^ 8 Rm* i* t Biffai, M-artal. tr�gedian, will pub hiin�scenoes of Dickens. Mr. Martin Y. Tupper. of "Proritocial Phil*�pby," bu* announced. for publication,"�o a few diiya, by Me�rs.= Wrppk�n, MartbMl, At Cp., a p�m of-400r lines, entitled "A Creed, Ar. . The New York awion says that "many: of the American publieher�, ail tlie antbors, and ail ihe^lntelliaeut hone^t mprr �nj w�m*o who bave thonght thn thing out, �w�sh,an international topynght law to be Advicea. rrom Romia- itate that the French diaaatera cause profound Urrqr. The Pope h.11 asked Eug�nie for joet ohe ahlp to d�fend t�m from the Itahato-- �gai�i�Dgfor ' " " ' �mpIojCu p Th�, III � rnbft�n�# t the Papal do- montreal- duniona �d authoriiy. Sir Charlf� Morduapt, the plaintiffin _.ja too ceUbr�ted d�vo�i*e �ae* m Eng-^ lapd, has aailed in lus yacht for N�rway,-to indulge in the salmon f�h�ng .whl�h past event� have ibpwn - he lik� so much and parques at eo dingreeabk a ritk. Tho Daily Cilucji, of HaI�Ci�, wilL here-after, only a|,pear , tri-weekly erery day, it there thould <>e bad places, but- the wonder U that tbeie are net more of them. Our city, (Prince Arthur's Landing,->_ ii dull at pr�sent. Ail the boata ahd most of the stores bave been moved up to" Weekly. fha daily �dition wiH longer b� publkhed. Mr. Llewellyn Jewitt^ends ta Nota and j f^ti� oompiiu. marriage has �lways been �tated to have-Ftaken place, afr. Perby; but the chureh where that ceremony was perforn�d�d_ __g_____ the date have h�therto remained. a mya- j 45^fint fim nav tery. ^ n 600 *nd 6�c ; Verv B�ii Full Fli �'"Sei Ootoug, 45e; "Stick Plirouro trj �'tTtt, do, �io; Jipu, Oood, day� for �10,000,) U hourly eipected .^^^1, e with a large party of tounsts�ail h .. .r ,. t/ , , , , American. Our swe�Vare busy getting ^nd \ aUn^rh�be body wus found m up their good clothos for the occasion. ^ "vor on Sonday, wa� 42 yean bf �ge. The Cktcorxt and � Algoma have not- hftdj lie was marred and leavea a wifo and 2 ny to�riita 10 far. W. H. A. toronto. chfldren, ^ The stakehold�r in the f400 race bo-~tween Keraonwee and Deerfoot has decid-ed that the rren moat rnn,~and will not odmita forfelt, probable that the race will be some Tososto, Aug. 9. The civ�c holiday yeaUrday wae generally | ^m* thL� week." observed. L Yestarday the propriet�rs of the Eca�ng The Caledouia gathering andgames were \ Tdcgraph announced its discontin�ance a great �uccess, about 10,000 persona bemg 1 fwm ih�i (lat�. pr�tent. It is officiaUy announeed that IL M- Donald Dlm�e, Scottieh champion, took U^p^p Tama, wOli^e England to-^ - r - ��aand! for Qoe^ ^ ^ haok the P. C. ) O, "Rifles, at"pr�sent Btotkmed the first prize for putttng light heavy stone, and tossing c&ber, and ta* priie for throwing heavy hamme Jeter bnw�, . FrenohmMi, took th^l�^ th|! ]�^g cf ^ p ^"w'?�??'^^1 P |BiJbop0ntb.Wh.rf to^y, them � m entira absence of enthnsiasm and feeble efforts to rise a heorty; cheer from tho as-�mbled crowd failed. in the carriage with the Hubop rode his admihiatrator Y mg with the p�le. R. R. McLennan, of Slengafiy, gaine�V the tint prise, a gold medaL and chatripion-ship of America, for throwing heavy han> Psrkness ensued before the contesta were ail completed. . Champagne and lunch took place at 3 o'clock, 130 gentlemen being pr�sent. Hon, George Brown prtsidi bpeeches were dehverid-by-T��'Cbairman, Hon. .�. S. McDonald, Themai Eobin, Col. Gllmour, Hon.1^ C. Cameron^ and othera. Prmes were delivered at the flort�cultu-ral Gardens �n the evening. During the games a diaturbance took, place between Orange YonngBritons and s were arrested. fi. Trudeau, aUo lion. Mr. Ou�met and Aid. Devlin, respective Pr�sidents of St. Jean-' Baptiste anxL-SL Patrick societies. Pre. Btshop's carriage marched �n about 100 ecclea�iaticu and half dozeu Zouave�, while in the rear of the Bifihop'i carriage walked the r�ception committBB foUowed by the one.fifth of the pdice force. Although a large crowd fol-lowed they were not in procession order. Tbe procession, proper waa yery short and' pasied np Jacqnoi Cartier square, ftlong tbe police. Capt. Pri^^cLVoototob�^ I 2f6tM- 8treet to ^ P1^ chaTcbi wm struck on tin bead with a brick, and 1 over the entrauce of whicb hung aeveral oerious wound inmeted. Three of the j fla^ wbfla ihe interior of the btidding failj decorated za� fcrillidntly' iUum-off, among luaUnl Tbe a iJuiB�^ Bna Mr.' Hir,�1 orrived here from �rbebandownn Liko lont night. Cm Wednesday evening 1 Col. .Tiirvis ahd the Li�t compsny of �tu' < mt'rio T.attali.jn leave McN^dl^ Ciy j lbr Fort KrancU. McNeill'.i B>y is a -ny J>ri'lty onejnnd waa calledafter Lieut.-CoL 1 -McNo.lL the 'iovernor G�nerais Militaryl .Secret^xj-, who L^still there, and command� i the poat. i^ii boatd Ieavo every day, hav- J c^go^ ing one company of soklicr� aivl '�* d-KUTs to eaoh boat. LU morning the fiiat of the Qu�bec Rattftli the head'inarters, Major Irvino, Quarter-Masler Villier?, l'iiymnater IhuTird. Itov. Mr. Roger, Lieut. Dacbeanay, and Ensign Tetu. They were rea.iy to leavo early in ths morn�ng, but tbe wmd was sa stmng and the Iuka no rough that they were detained for several hours. tioih oqlccts and tnen WBre m higb ppirita. Capt, Allan UoDonakl'� company . lot't veaterday morning. A brigade whkh con iats of six boots leaves every day, and James Grabaro, of Ottawa; sees to evety-thing being ail right before Uwy lwve, He U Mr. Pttwaon's bead mm at �uban- which were the Odd Fellows, to Orilla theMasonic excursion to Pnrt Hope, per steamer ; Knlghta or St. Crispin, to Niagara ; and St. Patnck's Sodety, to Niagara St. Gecrge'b .Society pb-nicked in M�m-ko Grove, St. Cath&rineb. ljThe Caledonia Society came �ver to witnes� the gimea. Three children were dr�wned near tbe Ialand by the upsetting of a boat Mr. and Mrs. Christy( tbe parents of two_of. them, were with thrm, and tbeir being under the uiHnonce of liquor caused the. accident A sp�cial meeting of the Council of tho Ontario Rifle Aseociarion wai held yester-day, to receive the rpport of tbe Pr�sident on bU return from the Wimblcdon meet-ipg, who stat�l that a fond *or tbe purpose ot g�ring "priiez to the best shot by Cana-dian markimen h�d been established in f-In gland, as on acknowledgement of the bravery of tbe Canadion volnn'oers. Tbe priM meeting of the AisociiUon takes place �X\ tbe I?th S.-pt, when ta�! in moncy, and other priaes, will ha gi^n. �>evlin pre'enf�d to tho Bishop at the palace an nddreaa of welcome to which his Lordship rrriefly replied. Flcar tstiemely heavy-j no trnn^.cti�nl of aafhcieot importance to alter quota Lord Lytton ia writing a new novel for JtliVkvwTt Magazine, for which, it�s said -hewill recerve �3,000., - �lr. Blanchard Jerrold's w�rkonLondon, iUii^trated by Gustavo Dore, will be pub-luhed during the next few week�. Mr. J. C. Brough has juat been appointed to the Librarian'i post at the London institution ;�an office once held by Parson. Mr. Mill ia at work un a new .�dition of his "Logic" ; and Mm Helen Tayli ^l^be^ediung the posthl Mr, J. S, Konu, anthor or "UncUh SUsa, �s eng.iged upou a new s�riai story, which .work of ineonpsrsble* p*�it l� fore� nt petit profit, �fin q it" dft 1� bvrse. On fxp�dU hou J rgm d� tnjsspurt, i �or�it pu latitliU* dm M AGEE t Hl'SSELLj EXHLBEBnXT DEMAIN jax soi il . Engl�ih BrwkfMt, Broken L**f, Strong THE TEST. , Jioj Y. ig If7� Souuauz fjfr� de Sabet a Soie Pairons de Rob� en S�lb NourtlUt GamihcTf� m Satin^ J^wtmhz Manteaux en Velours, ifouttttiur Rubans ci* Soie et Satin. Nouveaux Hvbans de Velours. Ktts pour cAcwhx, Xi m alla Crazrta pour Dmnes. yjmeaux AVr* "zee BanderoUe�. Komtllet Der$e^*t � la Thtchait, Ncmvtav* Gante �* Kid. Souwemtx Patron* * Brillants. ; \\>i an* novt �il Very Fin� fl5e;V ~= :er(I; Fin.Ounpowd.f �ife �- �1 bakaomlp d�T -�=- iu� gomtite.1t.-'.- . - � 1#� p�lots de 1* 1 to* Th� dorm�nt aie l�tI�fMtloa f�n�n oor la grands qoutllc qa� "1 jioui a �t� renvoy�s qa'no� - - nmif ktIvm �xptiiit par � i bue luc 'nflanr� ] 1 Th#i ^ psqneti. Oa 1 J|OTEL PU GOTT\"�2tN'EME>"T. Jswli, 10 Mal, 187*. SON EXCELLENCE LE GOUVER-NErR- G�SERAL EX C0SSETL Obuirn cotri AdrttH�1 la Caapagal* d�_ j Th� d� Montrial, fl. Kq� de l'Udpital, MluLrf�l. -t- Agsntpour Ottawa, � 3 JL M�LBAH. �* , 18, Uns Bpirlu 1 �hang�3lent D HETRES. CHEMI1T DX FEIL-DE-HBOCEVILLE A OTTAWA. TABLE DtT TEHPS, No. 33. Cammeafsntla L�TSDr, �8 Norombre, 1(61. LIGNE PRINCIPALE. DEPART DE BROCKVILLE. *�15 P- DeiuTralu p�rtirootdiBrMki rHIfl tons iMJoati i 4.15 p. us. et 7.45 a. sr-:�t�i.t i S�ndj>o�nt� I0.Q0 p, �. et I-fiO p. m. -_fj DEPART DE SANDP0LNT.. �rfK> �. m.�Deui TrainJ partiront d^Sand-' potot i 8.00 a. m. �t i p. tn., vrinst a ;TalU�6J*p.m.etffJ5a,tn. - D HP A HT DE SiUTlTS FALLS. �D�ux Trslitf partiront _ _ JJcmtTj A hgmt O. Sereral vessels orrived from sca this moming for Montr�al, with g�nerai Another btirglary occurml �n St. Roch' 4ast nigmv-Tbe grocery sltop �(-one- Va ^�^�wJ^�IrtJ'J'eet. waa-VaijtW.I�rtc- er. robtrfd of gtwls to tbe est'unated value of 70) dullars. Tlie skilt with which tties� robberies are edected aeems tocompletely � mystify the d�tectives. A fire ocenrred early thid morning at Levis, completaly deatroying a nous** occupied by one Momu, and an �table. Theprem�rs were not insured. The ateambont L'Etoile, plytng between beroand Porateaui-Treinbles, came into colltaion th� morning with a barge, tmd was �utantly sunk. As yct the number drowtwd ii not^enown. It ia rutnored e bemg from 18 to 20 poreon*, includinf wRl be shorily commen�ai in Castclt's J�q Pu intima Magazine, in an article on Du racli as u �Ute^nian and a novebst, wj9 thnt "Lothair" nlone ln thereahns of Eng-_liih - wortby__to.. be nlongside of '-Wilhelm HeUter �t L-� snid that a noble lord, tbe grandson or on Irbb earl, and recently a member of Christ Churcb, Osford. is about to start Rt Xhiblio, a pennv eotnio weekly paperr The Kni-jhl Errant.' _. ' . the b6uk-mi*king exp�dient of wr.ting commen pitre sentences in short ^paitmo-die parngrhphs, nnd enforcea ita obj�ctioo� by qooting. from anew novel ��illed Ac-, quilted.'' the following iipocimens of that style run into ab?unltty : . �' At length, however, her ladysbipV snpper w� �erved, ��Sbeliad�rdered mock-turtlo aoup and sj rump-Bteak. " L*dy Perwent was qulte a younmtnde, and drank bottled atout by order of ber m�dical adriitr. '� Uke aa �jetiits, I*ty Derwent nutde a grea t noise m rating and drinking. et on Jasper waa very distresa-e ma y say, ia no wonder I ftwa, U Mm, 1B7 S*sdrm�r H. A- rittakd, Cote (hwrsvs DklkoviV* �* Mtaa IHJ - OTTAWA COOBjJUl" v.ii mrtrj sTseiag (Stasayf asd hobdayaet-cwm),sttlw�eW,�0p�rh�km', Ceacn Jwwt, Ottawa. M. *tttaw. rroffrl�ta-.