The Jewish Western Bulletin PUBLISHED BY The Vancouver Jewish Administrative Council Vol. 4, No. 29 VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1933 $1.00 Peon it as a duty. Let it be a pleasure to do so. Our Hebrew Aid the excellent work it is doing is proof enough of the excellence of thp work of the Federation. Our Social worker stated in our issue of the 28th ult. that the brightest spot in her work was that there were no financial difficulties. All the money required was forthcoming from the coffers of the .Federation through the Community Chest. we afford to let this work lapse? Show your enthusiasm in the cause by being present on Sunday, October 29, and come prepared to sign your own card and then go forth on November 1 ready to do your share in this great work. Hitler Gags the Press .BERLIN—The cabinet tonight ap-TfovM'lh'e 'first "secfibi law submitted by Joseph Geobels, minister of propaganda, designed to end freedom of the press in Germany. The press law affects all editors of dailies, periodicals and news agencies operating in the Reich, It declares that a daily, periodical or press Instrument spiritually infiuence the nation. • Hence, it sets forth, like schools, the theatre or radio, the press is a "public institution." The law in many ways resembles the Italian Fascist press law. It provides for the registration of all newspapermen, aiming at their co-operative supervision. Rothermere Paper Attacks Einstein University President .\ttacks the Nazi Regime LOS ANGELES, Gal.—Dr. Rufus von Kleinsmid, president of the University of Southern California, attacked the Nazi regime in Germany at a luncheon given in his honor, upon his return from a European trip. "The edicts against the Jews in Germany are as terrible as they can be," said Dr. von Kleinsmid, "This non-Aryan persecution affects even the higher institutions of learning and the program is rigorous almost beyond expression." He stated that American and other protests were keenly felt by the Nazis and declared. "The edicts against the Jews point to the dark ages. Anything that smacks of intol^^rance against this cool and courageous people must be condemned." Dr. von i^leinsmid's declaration Is notable because he has often been accused of being pro-Nazi. The Young Judaean Dance The Young Judaeans, who have been very active during the past year in promoting many debates and sporting events, will hold their first annual dance on Wednesday, Ocober 25th, at the Casino Bali Room, English Bay. Great preparations have been made for the event and the engap-^ment of Reynold Williams and his famous Ambassadors will ensure perfect music. The price of admission is only 75 cents per couple and it is hoped that all the young people in the Commun-ify will take advantage of the event and be present. LONDON — An editorial attack on Professor Albert Einstein is made today in Lord Rothermere's Evening News, which calls on the scientist to cancel his plans to address a mass meeting at Albert Hall next week on the German situation. The paper couples its attack with outspoken approval of Nazi aims under the pretext that they are suppressing communism. Professor Einstein is attacked for his pacifist activities and his alleged communist associations. Sir Austen Chamberlain, noted statesman, who is scheduled to address the meeting, is also subjected to the Evening News' criticism as is Commander Oliver Locker-Lampson, Professor Einstein's British host. Sir Austen is denounced for associating with "Reds", and Commander Locker-Lampson ridiculed for utilizing Professor Einstein for purposes of self-publicity. Photographs showing him bearing arm at his estate for the purpose of . defending Einstein from threatened Nazi Fehmic attacks are held up for derision by the paper. The paper asserts that the meeting will not do any good either to Anglo-German relations or to the German Jews. In any case, it declares, Professor Einstein, as a pacifist with communist associations, is not the right man to plead the case of the German Jews. France Comes to Support of Jews GENEVA—A Clash between France and Germany over the anti-Jewish campaign in Germany and its effect on the League of Nations occurred today during a stormy session of the League Assembly's political committee. The German delegate, Dr. Kurt von Kellar, declared that the Jews in Germany considered a minority in order to obtain the protection of the League's minority treaty. Henri Berenger of France, replying, declared that France considered Germany's treatment of the Jews as indirect breach of the minority treaty and a direct abrogation of "certain minority principles as accepted by the League." • In love we often doubt what we most believe. Zionism in Canada Executive Organizer of the Canadian Zionist Organization The Jewish Administrative Council Monthly Meeting By RABBI JESSE SCHWARTZ One must travel through the Dominion of Canada and visit the Jewish communities scattered through this vast country to realize how deep are the roots struck by the Zionist'cause in the hearts of Canadian Jewry. One does not exaggerate in saying that in .the smaller communities Jewish life is largely concentrated in Zionist activity. Those of the youth who do manifest an interest in Jewish affairs find their channel of Jewish expression primarily in group activities and efforts concerned with the rebuilding of Eretz Israel. Canadian Jewry is permeated with a^ devotion to Palestine unparalleled in any other country in the Western Hemisphere. The Zionist Organization of Canada may have its imperfections but surely the underlying Interest in the Zionist cause is to be ascribed in a large measure to organized Zionist efforts during the past quarter of a century. In contrast to other countries, Zionist activities in Canada have been marked with a minimum of ballyhoo, Canadian Jewry considers the creation of the Jewish Homeland a part of its philosophy of Jewish life. It looks for no cheap sensations in Zionism, It has enough faith in the justice and ultimate sjuccess of the Zionist cause to see no need for pandering to the mob. Canadian Jewry takes its Zionist yearnings seriously and intelligently. In the immediate years ahead of us, we may expect a severe struggle between the elements that desire to maintain the pristine ideals of the Zionist cause and those forces which demand a departure from those paths that, have .marked -organized Zionismj'lfor forty- years!r.-We shall witness an attack on those fundamentals that have been considered the "sine qua non" of the alms and hopes of the recreation of a Jewish Palestine, In the past year or so we have already heard the rumblings of this onslaught.' Such institutions as the Jewish National Fund and the Keren Hayesod have been minimized by a number of malcontents and boisterous agitators, who claim omniscience and regard any refusal to support their views as coming from renegades and traitors. Attempts have been made to bring into the Zionist Movement forces utterly alien to the ideal that has gripped the imagination of thinking men and women everywhere. My contacts with Canadian Jewry lead me to believe that we shall find it on the side of those forces making for the retention of the original impelling ideas behind the Zionist Movement. The Jews of Canada will swiftly rebuke and repudiate any attempt to swerve from that idealism which has made the rebuilding of a Jewish Palestine an outstanding phenomenon in mouern history. Anything that smacks of a militaristic spirit will receive a cool reception from Canadian Jewry. The Jews of this Dominion endorse the words of the late Professor Israel Frledlander: "We are not going to Palestine to introduce a brass-button militarism." The Jewish communities .in Canada are in many instances permeated with a profound sense of Jewish nationalism. But it is a nationalism that eschews force and detests the use of the fist to settle and adjust the differences inevitably Involved in the reconstruction of a land, Jewish nationalism, yes, but chauvinism, no. That is the credo of Canadian Jewry. It takes pride in the fact that we are rebuilding a land as the American Senator Borah once remarked, "Without firing a shot." The Jews of Canada will turn their backs completely upon doctrines of terrorism and dictatorship on the part of any group concerned with the rehabilitation of Eretz Israel. I believe 1 know the mind of Canadian Jewry when I say that it will not assent to the exaltation of private enterprise in Palestine over the great national funds that have particularly symbolized the Zionist ideal. To be sure, the Jews in the Dominion understand the significant part that may be played by individual enterprise and capital. Envisaging the Eretz Israel of the future, the function of private enterprise must be subordinated to the fundamental social concepts of a Jewish Homeland. Throughout this vast Dominion, there is an unswerving loyalty to the Keren Kayemeth. This loyalty arises out of a realization that the aims and functions of the Keren Kayemeth .symbolize the aspirations of the Jewish people in their relation to Palestine. Whatever may happen in other Western countries, Canada will continue its efforts for the Jewish National Fund. It sees I'i that fund the one effective check on those manirestations of speculation that have profoundly disturbed many devoted Zionists. In my travels I have found in many towns, particularly in the west, a Zionist unsophistication that is inspiring and altogether delightful. I have seen Zionist groups to whom the selling of Jewish National Fund stamps and the clearing of the Keren Kayemeth boxes are akin to a religious act. The sincerity and devotion with which they approach these everyday activities reflect a zeal that is truly inspiring. No attempt is being made here to lull Canadian Zionists into a smugness and complacency about past achievements. I believe Canadian Zionism has appreciated the historic significance of the Chalutz period in the rebuilding of the Jewish Homeland. By no means is this period ended in Eretz Israel, It is important, however, to call attention to the need of Chalutzim in Canada to drain and clean the swamps of ignorance and indifference to Jewish life and its historic traditions. Zionism is nothing if it is not a philosophy of JewLsh life. It must motivate all communal activities making for Jewish survival. My contacts with the Canadian communities have taught me that wherc-ever you have a really active Zionist group, you find a serious concern for the education of our youth. I have noted that the Zionist leaders are increasingly concerned with the vitalization of the synagogues in their communities. This is as it should be.. The Zionist is inevitably a Maximalist Owing to the fact that we were compelled to go to Press a day earlier than usual last week, we were unable to give a full report of the proceedings of this meeting which was held at the Centre on Tuesday, October 10, 1933. Mr; E. R. Sugarman presided and there was a fair attendance of members and a few visitors, . The minutes of the September meeting were adopted, A letter was read from Mr, I. J. Klein resigning from the Board owing to his frequent absence from the City. The resignation was accepted with regret. The reports of the various standing Committees were read and adopted. Particularly interesting was the report of the Social Worker (Miss Peters) of the Hebrevi^ Aid who reported that during the month of September, 217 people had been visited—49 visits paid to homes—9 visits to hospitals and 31 interviews had been given in the olfice. The report of the Community Chest dealt largely with the coming drive for the Welfare Federation which would open with a banquet for workers on Sunday, October 29, the drive proper would start on November 1 and continue till November 7. An appeal was made for workers and those willing to help will please leave their names with the Secretary ai the Centre. An application was made to the Council to sponsor a Yiddish talkie but was not granted. The question of absentees from meetings was discussed and it was resolved that the Constitution in tliat respect be enforced. The Report of the Committee appointed to interview the Zionist Organization re joining the Endorsation Board was given by Mr. P. Lesser who advised the Board to the effect that the matter be allowed to stand over till the end of November when they would consult the Executive Organizer who was expected to be in Vancouver about that time. The question of enlarging the Centre by building an auditorium was again discussed and the committee in charge were asked to go further into the matter and bring in a further report. Several other questions of communal importance were discussed before the meeting adjourned. Junior Council News President's Message Ten years ago, the first meeting of the Junior Council took place In Vancouver. As we turn our thoughts back and cover the events and projects that have taken place Jn the Councilj-since its inception, we realize what a-truly splendid branch of a truly great national organization, we really belong to. When one joins the Junior Council, here in Vancouver, she immediately becomes affiliated thru our organization, with the National Council of Jewish Juniors, with branches all over America. "SERVICE" is the basic fundamental of the Council. In working together, we must not confuse our minds with petty obstacles or differences, which if we could but see them clearly, are really stepping stones to achievement. There Is certainly a wide field, Coun-cilites, for which the Council stands —"FAITH and HUMANITY." Because of the hearty co-operation of every member, we certainly have accomplished a great deal. Here are some of our local projects of last year: Sponsoring a Sub-Junior Group, Chanukah and Christmas Toy Showers for Poor Children. Furnishing Living Room for Senior Council Summer Camp. Entertaining the patients of the Crippled Children's Hospital. Contributions: Local Aid ......................................$ibm Opportunity Bake Shop ........25.00 Santa Claus Fund ...................... 10.00 Community Centre .............35.0;) Winnipeg Jewish Orphanage. §7)0.00 which is balance of pledge of .$155.00. We are pleased to report that we now have a bed endowed there by the Vancouver Section. Besides our local projects we have two National pro'ects. These are annual contributions of $25.00 to the Hannah G. Solomon, Scholarship Vund and the Cuban Sheltering Home. The Scholarship Fund maintains students, who win this scholarship, in Social Service Schools. The Home Fund, grants hospitality and guidance to young girls and women seeking entrance to United States through Cuba. It is both an honor and a privilege Synagogue Robber Escapes With Seat Sale Receipts A youthful robber who escaped with $91 after a daring holdup in the Talmud Torah Torath Moses Synagogue, 558 Macy Place, tlie Bronx, Wednesday, was being sought by police yesterday, ' ; . The thief entered the synagogue and with a hand thrust menacingly in his pocket, demanded that two women and three men hand over all the money they possessed, Elias_,Herzberg. president of the synagogue, surrendered returns from the sale of tickets for the High Holy Days. Sir Herbert Samuel Slates Jewish Persecution NEW YORK—"Principles of the age of barbarism have been adopted by Germany, a nation which was long in the forefront of progress," Sir Herbert Samuel, British Liberal party leader, said tonight. Charging that German-Jewish intellectuals have been affected most, Sir Herbert urged that American universities oITer faculty posts to the exiles. Tel Aviv Votes to Float Huge Improvements Loan TEL AVIV—The municipality of Tef Aviv yesterday voted a floating loan of 350,000 pounds, maturing in twenty-five years, from private banks. Consent from the Palestine government sanctioned the loan. It is estimated that about 180,000 pounds will be used in improving the water drainage system in Tel Aviv and 80,000 pounds wiH be expcMided on .school buildings which are badly in need of repair. If your face wants to smile. let it; and if it doesn't, make it. to be a member of the Junior Council, and we hope that every member will be with us again this year, with the earnestness and co-operation that we had last term. It will be a pleasure to greet all our members and prospective members at our Merbership Rally and Social on Sunday, Oct. 22nd, at the Community Centre, afc 8:00 p.m. Faithfully yours, DORA LEVI. in his demands upon the Jewish community. Many are the tasks of Canadian Zionism in the immodiate years ahead of us. Our supreme effort should be to sustain that unspoiled enthusiasm for the Zionist cause that one finds in many sections of the Domhilon. One would like to see it remain untainted by any cheap synicism. The retention of Zionist enthusiasm and devotion Is a challenge facing Zionist leadership in Canada.