Friday, February 9, 1940 JE WISH WESa^E^N BULLETIN :>■.■■>*)•■■■■>•••>......■><■•.....■■■iiiiiiiiii.....iiiiiiniiiiiiiii^^iiii^^^^^^^^in^^^iiiiiiniH^......■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■(■■■■■■■■■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin,.....iiiiiiiliiiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiii.........'iiiMiiiiiii^iUhiuiii^iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ■■■■■■■■■■■iiiiiii......■■■■■■■■■^■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■(■■■■■■iiii.....■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■iiiiihimiiiiii.....iiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiu.....iiiiaiiiiiiiiiil External Welfare TK^me Of Rabbi Cass At The Friday Night Services Noted Rabbi To Lecture Tuesday Night In speaking on "Meeting Our Obli-'' gations", Rabbi Gass at Friday Night Services tonight, at Beth Israel Congregation will touch upon the significance of Jewish giving in the past and today. Cantor Jacob Sivowich assisted by the Beth Israel Choir will render the services. BABBI GOLDSTEIN A lectvu-e on current Jewish affairs, ] will be given by Rabbi David A. Gold-Istein of Omaha, Nebraska, this Tues-I day evening/ February 13th, in the [community - Centre, under the aus-Ipices of Beth Israel Congregation. iRabbi Goldstein, a personal friend ind colleague of Rabbi Cass, an energetic and stimulating speaker, and noted leader in American Israel is /.'siting Vancouver at the suggestion L-f Dr. Louis Finkelstein, Provost of lie Jewish Theological Seniiinary, and Max Arzt, President of the Rab-smical Assembly of America. Rabbi 3ass will preside at the lecture which jegins at 8:15 p.m. The community cordially invited to come "to hear ibbi Goldstein this Tuesday eve- SIYUM HATDBAH The traditional ceremonies of dedi-lating a Sefer Torah will be witnessed jb Beth Israel Congregation in the pommimity Centre, on Sunday eve-ig, February 18th, at 7:30 p.m. The fer Tbrah is being presented to the angregation by Mrs. Goldie Ziimmer-|ian, in memory of her late husbandi William N. Zimmerman. To friends co-workers of the late William lerman, in the community at |rge, the Congregation extends a rdial Invitation to come and par-ipate in the Siyum Hatorah. IHAPEL SOCIETY NEWS i^t the last meeting of this Society, |was imanimously. decided that work be proceeded with in this or-ition towards realization of its Jective,. and every member present »ed wholehearted support to-rds this end. le luncheon held at. Spencers,^ IbniarySi was very well supported Id thanks are hereby extended to se acting as hostesses for this af-namely: Mrs. Cibular, Mrs. Sin-Mrs. P. Zacks, Mrs. J. Wosk, Mrs. Iban, Mrs. Weinstein and Mrs. J. bodman. February 24 has been reserved for jcial at the home of Mrs. Brown March 24 for a Purim social at Commimity Centre. HABONIM SOCIAL HUGE SUGGESS The Mt. Scopus Lodge Social held at the home of Boneh David Nemetz last Saturday night, was voted a huge success. A large turnout of members was on hand to enjoy an unusually fine evening that was both educational and social; The highlight of the evening was an address by Mr. Zvi Schreiner on "The Romance of the Revival of Hebrew." The next regular meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 13th. An open forum will take place, the topic 01 which will be "A Critical Analysis of The World Zionist Organization". Be sure to attend and take part in the discussion. B. LADIES' AUXILIARY le following members have been Spointed as the chairmen of various onunittees: Degree team, Anne Nemetz. Sick, visiting, Rebecca Kemp, R. "^eine«*. ivXmdleman.. Publicity, R. Becker. Phone, Jennie Hertzog. Intellectual advancement, Naomi Jreenberg. Girls' senior advisor, Julia Glux-lan. Membership, Lottie Sisson. General hospital, R. Nemetz. Admiiiistrative representative, Jean lose. D. Soils Cohen Scholarship, Sadie fotter. . B. Bl Auxiliary Scholarship, Uni-fersity of ;B. C., Lil Shapiro. Refreshments, J. Rankin and M. lerrin. Ways and Means, Fay Cohen and tsther Vernon. Clothing Depot—Sophie Miller. Tableaux—Ethel Koffman. ,The:;B;VB. Ladies' Auxiliary are ponsoring a B. C. Product Luncheon Spencers on Monday, February 26 It 12:30 p.m. A large initiation and St President's Night will take place our next meeting on February 20. Greetings and salutations Alephs, once again Vancouver Chapter 119 has shown its versatility—this time in the field of bowling. A.Z.A. is again on top of the Y.M.H.A. Bowling League and aims to staly on top right to the end. Games are held each Wednesday at the Lia Salle Bowling Alleys commencing at 8:00 ■ On ; Sunday, February llth, the chapter will again hold another old clothes drive. Anybody who wishes to give clothes to the drive may have same; picked up by phoning Social Service Chiarman,. Jack .Rose, at Bayview 819ijl<. r : A.Z.A. Calendar of the Month Feb. 10~Jr. B.B. Monthly Mixer. Feb. 12—A.Z.A. Boys invited to De Molay Installation at Masonic Hall, 8th and Granville. Feb. 18—Geiieral Meeting. Feb. 24-nJoint A.Z.A. and Jr. B.B. Social at the home of Aleph Jack Rose. ■ Feb. 26—Joint A.Z.A. and DeMolay Stag at. the MsLSonip .Hall, iv c.>, Preparaitions are ^ already imder way for the big Annual Spring Frolic. Bob Rozen and Jack Rose have been appointed co-chairmen for this great event. FEDERATED WOMEN'S OR€ANIZATION RED CROSS The Jewish Red Cross unit ifi beginning to show satisfactory results of the combined efforts of our Jewish women. An appeal is hereby made for any sewing machines that can be donated towards speeding up this work. • A phone call to Mrs. Brenda Garland, Bayview 6402L will be much appreciated if anyone can make such donation. Mrs.- Bemice Brown, president of Jewish Red Cross imit and other representatives, attended the annual meeting of the local Red Cross at the Medical Dental Building recently. It was gratifying to note that the Jewish Community Centre was mentioned as a Red Cross centre. MSGANTOR^O POECK WiO Also Give Concert ' Saturday Evening at :: Scbara Tzedeck Hall Cantor Ja«ob Dorskhid, formerly a' Cantor of Ottawa, vfiil arrive in yaiicouver and will officiate at the Schara Tzedeck - Synagogue oh Saturday, February 10 at 9.00 aon. He will also give a Concert on Monday, February 12 at 8.00 p.m. at the Schara Tzedeck Synagogue. The Cantor is an otjtstanding personality in Canada. Blany people who have heard him on piievious occasions, will enjoy a real treat to listen to his chanting of Hebrew songs. IMPOVERISHED POLISH JEWRY live in hovelslike this. Worry is in-grained in their souls as they face a future that is beset with fears of war, pogrom and other forms of. devastation in which the Jew; will be the chief victim. Their chief source of help is that extended by generous Jews in America through the American Jewish ^Joint Distribution Committee. BLACKOUT 'QUSH JEWS fARNEO AGAINST 'f ROVDGATfONS" WILNO (WNS). — Continued ex->es against Jews in Nazi-occupied oland were reported here by reliable jiirces which told of Nazi measures ^ igned to harass Jews for the ightest "provocation". Executions, nes, arrests, deportations and expul- ACHDOTH SOGIETY ELECTS NEW OFFIGERS FOR YEAR 1940 At the annual meeting of-the Van Achduth Co-operative Society held Jan. 24th, the following members were elected to the Board of Directors for the ensuing year 1940. President, A. Wosk, Vice-President, J. Reed; treasiurer, Sam Gross; fhi-ancial secretary, M. Miner; recording secretary, J. Green; insurance chairman, Mr. L. Davis. Board of trustees —L. Zack, M. Morris, J. Kachenovsky, M. Glucksman. The formal installation, of officers of the Achduth Society will be held at the Community Centre Sunday, Feb. 25th, 1940. To the Jews of Eastern and Cjentral Europe the world is a grim reality. Their homes have been BLACKED OUT. Their communities have heen BLACKED OUT. Thousands of lives have been BLACKED OUT that will see light no more. Let not their hope be BLACKED OUT too.^ You caiiirekindle the LIGHT OF lilFE for many by making it possible for the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee through your contribution to continue its war relief work aitd its prog^m of aid for the refugees and other distressed Jewish communities overseas. yOUTHALI^^ ; There is- direct immigration for Palestine is the information received from official Youth Aliyah Bulletin from London. On an average of every two weeks for the past three months transports of Youth Aliyah children have . been arriving in Palestine. Among them was a group of 26 from Holland, where they have been in a vocational training school since their flight from Germany last November. There are 169 youth and children iu neutral countries in Europe, who will be leaving for Palestine as soon as their transit visas can be obtained. Italian children have also been included in Youth Aliyah by the Palestine government. Over 1,000 children have been saved from Germany since the war began. Cable was received that 49 Youth Aliyah certificate holders, awaiting in Denmark since the outbreak of the war, flew on January 19th from Amsterdam, whence to Marseilles and Haifa. There are 100 Youth Aliyah children in Polish training schools before the war broke out, and the war has possible. A social will be held at the cut off trace of these children. Word home of Mrs. Joe Morris, 1796 West llth Ave., on Saturday evening, Feb- FIRST GRANDCHILD TO MR. AND MRS.A;l{OfHSTEIN Mr. and Mrs, .Leslie Sussman of Tacoma (nee Sophie Rothstein of Vancouver) are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, Paula Jean, in Tacoma, January 30. Sharing in the felicitations are the maternal grandparent, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Rothstein, prominent members of the Vancouver Jewish Community, and the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sussman of Tacoma. PIONEER WOMEN ORGANIZATION The Pioneer Women take this opportunity to express their sincerest thanks to all the women who participated and helped to make the linen shower as successful an affair as it was, and we hope that the gifts will reach their destination as speedily as KEYNOTE OF VALENTINE DANCE A look behind the scenes of preparations for the 16th Aimual Valentine Dance of the Council of Jewish Juniors, creates a feeling of excitement. Shiny, large, red hearts, smaller more conservative ones, traditional cupids, streams, etc., will artistically decorate the roomy White Rose Ballroom on the occasion of this affair. All guests are to receive individual, original favors, in keeping with Valentine's Day. Junior Council affairs have always been noted for the extreme enjoyment shared by each guest, the friendly atmosphere and the attractive surroundings. The 1940 Dance, strictly informal for more enjoyment promises to. be no exception........ sions have decimated Jewish communities in Polish cities and towns controlled by the Nazis. JUNIOR JUDAEAN BOYS Well, fellow Judaeans, here we are agahi with another issue of The Bulletin. I hope to make a very brief and clear statement of the activities of ovu" club. Norm Klenman, the Editor of our paper, informs us that plans for the paper have got off to a good start. Alex Grossman, Bill Zacks, Art Goldberg, George Weinstein, Saul Wosk, Shuy Stein, and a staff of girl snoopers, are preparing material for the coming issue which will be out the last week in February. Extra: The Tolo scheduled for this Saturday is on its way for a good start with the girls' Social Chairman, Nicky Horn, as Organizer. We hope you boys and girls have a good time. It will be at the home of Saul Wosk, 3045 West 12th Avenue, starting at 8:00 pjn. and will run on 'till everybody decides to call it quits. Next meeting will be held on Sunday, February 18th at 2:30 p.m. sharp. Our deepest sympathies to Arthur Zacks and we hope he will be well very soon. JEWISH REFUGEES MAROONED ON ICE-LOCKED VESSELS BUCHAREST (WNS). — Eighteen Jewish refugees marooned on ships near the mouth of the Danube river were reported to have died because of lack of food and warm clothhig. Two babies were reported to have been born on the ships. Four ships carrying several hundred Jewish refugees from central Europe have been marooned at Sul-Ina, one of the points where the Danube enters the Black Sea, for several weeks. Since the passengers do not have permits to enter Palestine, (hey have been prevented from leaving port. Meanwhile, the Bucharest Jewish community were making every effort to supply the marooned refugees with clothing and medical supplies. JUNIOR B'NAI B'RITH A very successful meeting was held on February 7. Several new members w ere officially installed and welcomed into B'nai B'rith. A cultural program was conducted in the form of a quiz. After the meeting refreshments were served. Tomorrow night's the night! What night? The night of our Valentine Mixer of course! Well, you lucky men, now's yoiu: chance; a Valentine affair, sponsored by the B.B. Girls, in Leap Year so you'd better hiury up. Don't forget this social is open to everyone, so bring all your friends. Tickets are available from all members, or at the door. This is a charity affair and come stag. Members will be notified about the date of the next meeting. Come to the Centre Saturday: for' the Valentine Mixer. was later received from Vilna that there are 50 boys and girls awaiting Aliyah. These are children sent out of Germany and have had the horrible experience of being through two dreadful scoiurges in Germany and then in Poland. There are now 1200 certificates available depending on our generos-itj'—can we let them down? Youth Aliyah' makes it possible for you to do your share. Youth Aliyah Luncheon to be held on Friday, Feb. 16th at 12:30 p.m. at the Community Centre under the auspices of Hadassah for all the Jewish Women in Vancouver. Guest speaker, Mrs. Avis C. Shul-man of Chicago. Price per plate, $6.00. HELP US SAVE THE CHILDREN. The Youth Aliyah Silver Tea held at the home of Mrs. A. M. Charkow last Wednesday af t e r n o o n and through the efforts of Mrs. Charkow assisted by and acting as co-hostesses, Mrs. M. Resnick, Mrs. J. B. Jaffe,Mrs. W. H. Belkin, Mrs. A. Rome, the sum of close to $110 was realized. Sincerest thanks and appreciation are hereby extended to all those ^ who gave their support to this affair. ^ EVERYONE SHOULD HELP! MRS. AVIS C. SHULMAN Mrs. Shulman was educated at the University of Cinchinati, the University of Chicago and the Northwestern University, specializing in literatiure. She studed for four years at the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati. She has lectured in all sections of the United States before varied audiences and has earned a justifiable reputation as literary critic. Mrs. Shulman has travelled extensively both in Europe and the near east;. Her experiences in Palestine, where she worked for some time in the modem collectives, have enabled her to penetrate deeply the problems centring about the British mandate. Hadassah members particularly are specially requested to be present at the Friday evening services (February 16th) when Mrs. Shulman will speak from the pulpit. ruary 10. POGROMS INITIATED IN POLAND BY NAZI MILITARY HEADS LONDON (WNS)—The reign of terror against Jews in Nazi-occupied Poland was directed and enforced by. the General staff of the German army of occupation, according to reliable information received here from sources in Poland. German soldiers, the report said, were forced to carry out the orders of the general staff who planned the extent and the severity of pogroms in various sections of the occupied territory. Pogroms in Lodz, Warsaw, Krakow, Rodom and in other cities and provinces were set off in this fashion, the report revealed. German soldiers, in many instances, . were outspoken in their denunciation of excesses and violences against the Jews, but for the most part, the report stated, the orders were carried out with dispatch and brutal thoroughness. TALMUD TORAH LADIES' AUXILIARY The Talmud Torah Ladies' Auxiliary cordially invite you to attend a bridge and tea to be held Wednesday, February 28, at 2:00 p.m. at the Centre. Mrs. Z. Schreiner will convene the tea assisted by Mesdames A. Angel, M. Shore and H. Tobin. The hostesses are Mesdames A. Hornstein, S. Klausner, I. L. Kostman, M. Potter, S. Stone and J. Youngson. A Sat-lu-day social evening will be held in March at the home of Mrs. I. Harrison, 2111 Kitchener. Everyone Is urged to attend these functions and so help support a most worthy community institution. JUNIOR HADASSAH It was indeed gratifying to see and feel the enthusiasm prevailing at our last general meeting. We were fortunate to have as our guest speaker Dr. Hugo Franck, former Berlin prosecuting attorney, speaking on Youth Aliyah. With slow, concise words^^the Doctor described the horrible atrocities of the Hitler ybke^ Climaxing our evening, many of us danced the "hora" instructed by Miss Belva Plottel and Miss Marianne Louise. Refreshments were served. On Sunday, the 28th, we spent a most enjoyable afternoon at Miss Ann Mann's home—the occasion being our Membership Tea. Mrs. M. Cohen and Mrs. B. Shapiro graciously presided at the urns, our executive acting as serviteurs. Miss Pearl Veno added much interest to affairs by the reading of our teacups. -We had oixr first Red Cross sew- r ing meeting at kisses Bella and Sarah Nissenbaum's home on Wednesday, the 31st. . . only we did not sew. Our present project is the cutting of bandages, which proves entertaining when once you master the intricacies. Terpsichore artists we Juniors will soon be. On Tuesday last, a number of us convened at our President's home to further learn Palestinian folk dancing. Miss Belva Plottel, our talented instructress has glorious plans for us . . . who knows ... we may have a potential Baron-ova for the Ballet Russe among us. It's really fun, though, and we're meeting again on Wednesday, February 14th, to rehearse further. . . Bonita Jaffee's home .... Glamis Manor . . . 13th at Oak. At our next general meeting to be held at the Centre on February 21, Wednesday, we will be privileged to have as our guest speaker, Mr. Zvi Schreiner. Mr. Schreiner, the Principal of our lo'cal Talmud Torah, is a very interesting speaker, and we're confident you will gain much from hearing him. Our regular meetings are important, friends, so make every effort to attend at the Centre, Feb. 21. Folk dancing and refreshments, 8 p.m. sharp. Elaborate plans are under way for our Sadie Hawkins party on the 29th. Choose your partner, girls, and we're going to have one grand spree. Time, Feb, 29. Place, Mr. Dave Nemetz's home, 585 West 28th. Occasion, Sadie Hawkins Party. Our Study Group will meet on Wednesday, March 6, at Mrs. Sophie Drach's apartment, 1385 W. llth. Mark this down on your date book, for an evening of cultural as well as social enjoyment. ^.^VWVWWW'iiiWWWV.VVWWWWW^ Dr. John Piters announces the opening of medical offices at 1317-1318 Medical Dental Building 925 Georgia Street West Specializing in the care and treatment of Infants and Children Telephones: Office: MArine 5617 Res: BAyview 1422-R