THE JEWISH WESTERN BULLETIN Friday, September 13, 1946. and RUTH TOUBMAN — Society Editor — BAyview 4210 Miss Rose Newmaii, accompanied by her sister, Anne Newman who has been visiting her from Edmonton, is visiting in Seattle and Porland. >i< * « Di\ and Mrs. V. J. Freeman, are returning to Vancouver, where Dr. Freeman, who served in thearmed forces, graduate from U.B.C, with his B.A. degree and from the University of Toronto with hi^ M D, will be lecturing at the U.B^C. in, Bacteriology and preventative medicine. * ♦ * Mr. L. Yanten of London,. England, is the house guest of 1^ and Mrs. David J. Gurevich. ' * ♦ ♦ Mr. Max Freeman has left on a two week business trip in tht East. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Dobbs and daughter Carolyne, formerly of Winni- peg, have taken up resdience in New Westminster, at 815 Henle> Street. * * * Mr. and Mrs. David J. Gurevich were at home on Sunday, August 25th, honouring their son and his bride, the former Gwen Yanten of London, • England. * » * Mr. and Mrs. Hymie Shaffron, of Wapita, Washington, were Labor Day week-end visitors in the City, visiting relatives and friends. . * * * Mr. and Mrs. Marks and daughter, Enid of Los Angeles iare visiting in the City. Enid will be re* maining in Vancouver to attend the University of British Columbia. » * » Mr. Morris Wosk left for Eastern Canada by plane on a business trip. CALENDAR Saturday, September 14th— 9:00 a.m.—.Beth Israel Services. 8:30 a.m.—Queen Esther Social, ^ Sunday, September 15th— ■ 2:00 p.m,—Betai Israel Sale of Seats. 7:30 p.m.—Library. 8:00 p.m.-^udaeans. A.Z.A. Totem. A.Z.A. Executive. 8:15 p.m.—Ladies Cultural Club. Cultural Club. Sunday Social. Monday, September 16— 8:00 p.m.—C.C.F. Meeting. Tuesday, September 17— 10:00 a.m.—Federated Jewish Women Sewing. 8:15 p.m.—B'nai B'rith. B'nai B'rith Ladies. Wednesday, September 18th— 7:00 p.m.—Beth Israel Sale of Seats. 8:00 p.m.—Achduth. Thursday, September 19th— 7:00 p.m.—Beth Israel Sale of Seats. 8:30 p.m.—Current Events Forum, ft-iday, September 20th— 8:00 p.m.—E'eth Israel Services. SABBATH Ends Saturday, Sept. 14 at 7:35 p.m. : Begins Friday, Sept. 20 at 7:11 pan. Ends Saturday, Sept. 21 at 7:19 pjn. Women's Auxiliary Home For The Aged Fimds are urgently needed by this Auxiliary who have niow xm-dertaken to supply in the future, the necessary groceries required by ttie Home. The first event of the Season v/ill take the form of a social tc» be held at Commimity Centre, on Saturday, evening September 21st. Convenor Mrs. M. Okolist, Everyone is cordially invited October 12th................Social October 23rd ............Lvmcheon Holidays Sept. HOSH HASHANNAH 26th - 27th. YOM KIPUR - October 5th. SUCCOTH>-First two days Oct. 10th. - 11th. Last two days: Shemini Atzereth — October 17th Simchath Torah — October 18th NOTE: Please remember that each of the above mentioned holidays begins the night before at sundown. B'nai B'rith Ladies Auxiliary The next regular general meeting of the Auxilary will take place at the Centre on Tuesday evening, September 17th, at 8:15 p.m. Initiation of a large class of new candidates will take place imder Degree Chairmian Ivlrs. R. Bdker. Mrs. Sophie Shore, Delegate to B'nai B'rith Convention, held in Los Angeles June 22 - 25th, will give her report. The Auxilary, imder the capable Chairmanship of Mrs, Rose Conn is planning to hold its Tenth Annual Baking Contest on Wednesday evening, October 31st, at '**«9^^ihe Commumty Ctr.'.> ^s^s^sSbss^-sI feature will be the White Elephant Booth. , URGENT Couple require two-three orom suite. No children. Phone: BAy. 6849 Y Henrietta Szold Chapter Hadassah Our first general meeting held last Tuesday night at the home of Betty Averback was very interesting and well atended. The girls are certainly showing &. lot of enthusiasm. By the results obtained so far for the Bazaar, our year will be most successfxil. While on the subject of the bazar, a word or two about our very capable chairman, Anne Jenldns. She is really doing a marvelous job. With her imtiring efforts at the helm, we shall sail through with flying colors. As proposed by eg, is also a graduae ot the University of Manitoba and the holder of the Gold Medal. He also spent one year at Mass. Institute of Technology. Active for the past 10 yeiars in Zlonistic worfe; he was the western Field. Director of Yehuda Hatzair. Mr. Horowitz will teach various classes and as-sit Mr. Gelbfarf in ttie Talmud Torah, and congregation, etc. Under the direction of the prin-^ cipal, Mr. J. Gelbfarf, the teaching staff is offering a full and varied educational program both in He* ibrew and Yiddish, as well as interesting and useful activities for the young people. The Kindergarten, directed by Mrs. Hannah Cohn and Mrs. Horowitz, is providing a full modern ' training for the tiny folk. It wiU be a pleasure to parents to see their little ones at work and play voider pleasant Jewi^ surroundings. Those interested in advanced Hebrew Education should enroll now as there is still room for a few. A full mitzvah course daEy is., being offered to children of pre Bar Mitsvah age. To those interested in Zionism, we are pleased to annotmce the formation of a new class, twice a week, for instruction in their aims 'and principles, history and language tinder the direction of Mr. Horowitz, who has just terminated the season as head of the Judaean camp in Saskatchewan. The Executive would appreciate the full co-operation of members and parents in their very necessary work. The mothers especially should become active in the P.T.A. The responsibility for a successful year is also yotu-s. Watch these columns for further news and notices. Naiomi Chapter The Naiomi Chapter got away to a flying start on Sept. 3, when the first general meeting of the year took place at the home of Freda with a grand timiout of members. There were many things to dis-cus,s, mainly concerning the coming bazaar. A very interesting program presented by Mona Chernov wiho also gave us the educational plans of the year. It was decided that ovir socials would be held as Knitting Bees xmtil the bazaar is over. There will be another general meeting this Tuesday evening, Sept. 17, at the home of Hazel Donner, 1805-W.12th Ave. Beth Israel Religious School The Sisterhood of the Beth Israel Congregation will again conduct the Beth Israel Religious School. Classes will be held as usual on Sxmday morning and Thiu-sday afternoon. Registration commences Sunday, September 29th, and classes win be held every Sunday morning thereafter, until after the holidays, when the Thursday aftemon classes will commence on the 24th of October. Engagements Mr. and Mrs, Harry Morris announce the engagement of their daughter, Rosely, to Norman Gordon, son of Ml-, and Mrs. Charles Gordon, of Winnipeg. ♦ * * Mr. and Mrs. L. Krivel of Re-gina announce the engagement of their third daughter, Thehna, of Vancouver, to Dr. Kurt Hellman, of Paradise Hill, Sajik. The wedding will take place October 27th in Regina. * * * Mr. and Mrs. A. Silver of Winnipeg, annoimce the engagement of their youngest daughter. Mavis, to Mr. Ed Mermel, of Portland. Marriages ■■ Mr. and Mrs. C. A, Gordon annoimce the miairriage of their second son, Morris, to Miss Sadie Sta-ford of London, England. The wedding took place at the home of the groom's parents, 1926 West 14th Avenue, on Saturday evening, September 7th, with all relatives and closest friends invited. A. Z* A. Totems The next general meeting of A.Z.A. Totems will be held Sunday, September 15th, at 8:00 p.m. It is very important that all members attend as plans for the coming Convention wiU be discussed. Sub-senior Council Of Jewish Women Monday, September 23rd, 1946 Opening meeting to be held at the home of Anita Gold, 1535 West 12th Ave., at 8:00 p.m. An interesting program and quiz contest is being planned. Help save our distressed Jews in Europe by buying Raffle tickets sold by our members. The more we sell means so many dollars extra for a needy cause. PRIZES—1st Rogers Majestic Man-tel radio—^Dominion Furniture Ltd. 2nd—Presto Cooker—Donatea by Wosk's Ltd. 3rd—Eight Double Theatre Passes-Donated by Odeon Theatres Ltd. Please buy and help our Jewish People. Don't forget the meeting Monday evening, September 23rd, at 8:00 p.m. Junior Hadassah Plans Fall Tea Having completed a very successful sale of New Year's cards. Junior Hadassah wishes to thank the members of the community who so generously supported them ui this venture. An opening tea is now being planned to initiate the 1946 - 47 term. This is an opportunity for girls, who are interested in becoming membres to meet the present members, at an enjoyabit Fall tea. A very entertaining musical programme is being planned. Details will be published in the next issue of the "BuUetui" So, members and non-members, save the afternoon of Sunday, September 29th! You will enjoy it. Anyone wishing further information may caU Miss Lalle Kirvel, BAy. 2948 R. or Miss Bella Weiss, ALma 2145 L. Application Forms Application forms are available at the Community Centre, for enrollment in Youth Leadership Courses sponsored jointly by the Kiwanis Club and the Vancouver School Board. THIS WEEK" By Vancouver Hechalutz Dr. Herzl once said, "Gentlemen, Zionism is a pure and noble movement." Our Chalutzim went to Eretz to build a homeland which would be an example for the entire world, of a just and peaceful society, as our prophets visualized. For the first time in history colonizers from a higher civilization have not oppressed or exploited tlie native of a lower one. Our vision of the justice of Zionist fulfillment gave us the courage to face diseases and Arab assassins. And in spite of these and the presence of an unfriendly administration we have been able to accomplish what we have—a cultural , and physical regaieration. Yet Havlaga (self-restraint) has remained the slogan of the Yishuv. Our movement has been pro-clauned illegal. Bringmg Hitler's victims to a place of refuge has been stamped as terrorism. In Eretz you may be arrested without trial on suspicion of thinking contrary to the desires of thb occupying military power. The British army of occupation has turned our land into an armed camp. Haifa harbor is fiUed with many boats ■which bear witness to our tragedy. The name of one of the boats, "Joshiah Wedgewood" reminds us that not all British statesmen have taken it upon themselves to be "the architects of the Jewish future" .... In May, 1939, speaking m Warsaw, the late Lord Wedgewood said, "Jews now know the worst: -that no government, not even the British, will be moved by humanity, justice or pledge; but only by fear. There are times when men ;^ould break laws. It is when conscience and law conflict, when we are forced to decide betweeen the law ofGod and the law of man, that resistance breaks out. And those who then have dared to break the law of men, have come to be called in after years, patriots and martyrs." Any such action requires both comradejShip and self-sacrifice. A strong religious or national inspiration is ncessary to secure concerted breaking of the law. It Ls necessary to tell this to the Jews v/hose whole existence depended so long on law, order and obdience to constituted authority, that Jews have come to believe it to be the sole authority: that it is not respectable to resist. But such an attitude never 'has and never will secure for any race respect of Englishmen. Laws are made in Palestine to stop Jews entering Palestine, to punish those who harbour them, to stop Jews from buying land from where to feed themselves. Taxes taken from the Jews are used to enforce these laws — for police, for motor-boats, for goals and judges to drive them off God's earth. These are not laws or taxes passed by any representative assembly; the victims have had no voice.itt them. If ever there are laws to be broken, it is these laws; and if ever it were necessary—the tfei^ is now! For if you lie down now, you 'wiU never rise again. Jews must find it respectable to go .to prison; men and women must be prepared to die; to rrfuse to pay property tax, see their goods sold; to occupy land and resist eviction; to submit to discipline and leadership. The conviction that one is in the right will ^vin through all troubles. Let not the Jews of today show themselves less heroic than the Jews of the Old Testament." Do not the words of this gentile put to ^hame those in his coimtry v/ho are for the Britislmess? Whom are we to be ashamed of— the fighters of the Haganah or the Jewish youth of America? Peretz School P. T. A. , The first general meeting of the P.T.A. (Vancouver Peretz School Kindergarten Mothers) was held on Thursday, September 5th, at the Peretz School, 1173 Broadway Avenue. The P.T.A. has imder-taken to furnish the Kindergarten with all its needs. To date, they have already purchased instruments for the children's Rhythm Band, one of the projects of the school year. Serving of refisesh-ments followed a very interesting meeting. Plans are being made for the Membership Tea and Social, to be held at the home of Mrs. a. Wyx»» 2495 West 20th. Remember fTie date Wednesday, September 18th, at 8 p.m. All those interested in joining our ranks are asked to attend. Current AflFairs Forum The first general meeting for the season of the Current Affairs Forum will be held on Thursday, Sept., 19, 8:30 p.m. at the Community Centre. An. interesting evening is arranged and full attendance of members is expected. Don't forget the date, Thusrday, Sept. 19, 8:30 p.m. at the Centre. A.Z.A. TO BE HOSTS AT United Jewish People Order Br 17 The first meeting of this seasoii will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 18, 8:15 p.m. the Peretz School. Mr. John Stanton, local barrister, v/ill speak on the "Fred Rose Trial". Everybody welcome. Two Furnished Rooms For Rent. Call FAirmont 5691L ROSH HASHANAH Is September 26th - 27th We have a complete assortment of Talesim, Prayer Books in English and Hebrew, and NEW YEAR CARDS Stocks are lunlted-ORDEB NOW PEOPLES BOOK STORE 816 Main Street WINNIPEG MANITOBA Complete line of Anglo-Jewish Books Regional Convention Dances! Debating! Basketball • Oratory! Banquets! Hags , etc.! All piled into four enjoyable days. Inis will all take place from Nov. 28th to 31st inclusive when Vancouver A.Z.A. iwill be host to its brother chapters of Seattle, Portland, Spokane Regional Convention. The calendar althouglh as yet incomplete, wUl look something like this: Nov. 28th ....Pre-convention Mixer Nov. 29th ...............-...........Basketball Nov. 29th .......„.......Religious Service Nov. 29th ...........__________...........Oratory Nov. 30th...............................Debating Nov. 30th..............„..........-.......Oratory Nov. 30th ...........^................Basketball Nov. 30th ........Social to be lield at the Mayflower Room in Vancouver Hotel. Nov. 31st ....................Stag Luncheon Nov. 31st .......-..J'inals in Debating, Oratory and Basketball. Then we will bid "Auld Lang Syne" with the traditional A.Z.A. Banquet. This all adds up to a gala affair with fun for all! Watch this column for more news. Cancer Fund Tea Wednesday A Tea and Sale of Home Cooking in aid of the Cancer Dressing Ftmd, will be given by Mrs. Morris Groberman, at her home 136'/ West 48th Ave., on Wednesday afternoon, September 18th, at 2:00. This is sponsored by the Marpole Chapter 35 Order of Eastern Star. The entire proceds goes to this worthy cause. NOTICE ! 3>uc to the heavy pressure *of producing the Special New Year Edition no Bulletin will appear on Friday, Sept. 20th. All copy for the New Year Edition must be in at the Community Centre not later than 5 pjoa. Thursday, Sept. 19th.