Page 4 JEWISH WESTERN BULLETIN Friday, November 11, 1960 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. M. Caraway, Mrs. G. Blank and Sam Angei and families wish to thank Rabbi Woythaier, Cantor Deutsch and all their friends for their kindness during their recent bereavement in the loss of their beloved Mother, Ida Angel. YOUTH AFFAIRS CARD OF THANKS The Pioneer Women's Organization wishes to thank Mrs. Batsheva Levine who so graciously lent her home for the Pioneer Women's Annual Bazaar Tea lost Sunday, and Marsha Garfinkel, convenor of the tea, and the many who responded so generously. Mrs. S. Stitt was winner of the door prize. UNVEILING OF TOMBSTONE the family request their relatives 'ji; find friends to be present dt the "unveiling of a headstone dedicated to the cherished memory of the late Rivka Horowitz on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1960 at 11:45 a.m. at the SCHARA TZEDECK CEMETERY Rabbi Bernard Goldenberg, Rabbi C. Ginsberg and Cantor Abraham Deutsch will officiate Cars will leave the Schara Tzedeck Synagogue at 11:00 a.m. HABONIM Remembrance Day weekend will really be a weekend to remember. The Vancouver Ken of Habonim has the following planned: FRIDAY, NOV. 11, at 8 at the Jewish Community Centre a Remembrance ONEG SHABAT for all members of Habonim. A new idea in Onegi Shabbat will be introduced. The theme for the first of these will be that of peace. Joy Shawn will organize the evening's activities . . . SATURDAY NOV. 12 there will be a MYSTERY EVENING. What the activity will be and where it will be held is a secret. The evening is open to all Chotrim, Bonim and Maapilim. Every one is to meet in the upper lobby of the Schara Tzadek Synagogue at 7:30 where the secret will begin to unravel. We promise a most exciting and unusual evening to all who attend. If you come late you will really have a "mystery" on your hands. SUNDAY, Nov. 13 there will be a KEN OUTING AND HIKE for everyone. Habonim will purchase the food and beverages. Meinbers will meet at the Cchara Tzedek at 1:30 p.m. and return to the synagogue by 6. The day will not be excessively strenuous and will also by inexpensive . . . All activities for the Remembrance Day weekend will be free, providing dues have been paid. Otherwise, payment of back dues will be the only charge. Those who have not begun to pay will be expected to pay at least half their Mas. The weekend will also be an EXPANSION WEEKEND. All members are to bring out as many friends as possible. The Ken will be host to all new people . . . Habonim will wear work clothes as it undertakes the renovation of its office at the Jewish Community Centre, The main chore will be panting and will take place for all who wish to give a helping hand on Friday, Nov. 11 ... A new executive will be elected at a General Meeting to be held at the Jewish Community Centre on Sunday Nov. 20. All dues-paid Chotrim, Bonim and Maapilim will be permitted to vote. B.B.Y.O. TOTEM No. 646 AZA — An Executive Meeting will take place at the Centre at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 13. All members of the executive are given notice to attend. . . A Stag will be held on Saturday, Nov. 19. Please contact Aleph Berger at AM 1-2741. Reminder: Orders wanted for Barton's candies ... Reservations for the Father and Son Banquet can be obtained by contacting Aleph Berger. ELANA No. 669 BBG — On Nov. 19 E 1 a n a will hold a "Splash-Bash" at Riley Park pool to be followed by a pyjama party at the home of Judy Frei-man. These events promise fun lor all . . . Gym nights continue on Thursdays, 7 p.m. at King Edward gymnasium. Attendance is essential for participation in teams for convention. Rev. Fred S. Garf-ner can be reached for circumcisions RE 3-3413 or RE 3-86Q0 Bellingham FOR CAPITAL GROWTH Investors Growth Fund combines the advantages of common etock investment and full-time professional management. Assets of the fund are invested in a wide range of Canadian common stocks selected for long-term gsowth. potential," [l^EATURESs • Automatic, free re-investment of divideadi • Cumulative investment plana • Variable income plans • Income tax credits ffor complete information contact »7i^ GERALD KRIVEL 640 W. HASTINGS Bus.: MU 5-5283; Res.: FA 1-0808 I nvesto *eicl Office: Winafpeg Offlws fn PflntW Cnifi TAMAR No. 269 BBG — Next General Meeting will be held at the Centre on Sunday, Nov. 20, at 1 p.m. . .. Totems No. 646 and Vancouver No. 119 AZA will be guests of Tamar at this meeting . . . Admission charges to this meeting will consist of used garments (subsequently to go to Pacific Chapter of B'nai B'rith Women for their rummage sale) . . . Preceding the General Meeting, an important meeting of MITS will be held at 12 noon . . At the general meeting, three delegates are to be selected ta- represent Tamar at the BBG Convention, Northern Region to be held in Vancouver from Dec. 25 to Dec. 29. Eor further information concernfinig delegates, pliease call Sher'rie Poplack at TR 4-8562. Together with other BBYO chapters in Vancouver, Tamar did its.share of i\ collecting for UNICEF on Oct. 31, and accounted for over $70. VANCOUVER AZA No. 119 is holding a 119 Weekend beginning Friday, Nov. 11 with a kouse Sabbath at the home of ^Perry Censer, 2293 McMul-len. The service will begin at 8 . . . Saturday Nov. 12 is the annual 'Huck Hound Hop' at the home of Al and Ron Lacter-Aian, 328 W. 19th St. The time is 8 to 12 and admission is $1.00 per person but only 76c per couple . . . Sunday, Nov. 13, 119 will meet Totems in a Canadian football game commencing at 1 at Montgomery Park . . . The annual "Father and Son" meeting will be held Sunday night at the Community Centre at 7. Films of theB.C. Lions, plus two of the Lion's players will constitute the program. All members are urged to bring their fathefrs to this very interesting evening. Members of B'nai B'rith are also welcome . . . 119's Best Pledge award was won by LARRY PEARL with a score of 97% on his test . . . 119's new basketball coach is SID BRAIL, a physical education major at U.B.C. . . . Any boys over 14 who wish to join 119y please call president Gary Friedman at AM 1-4160. ^ VANCOUVER BROWNIES The opening of the season of the 60th Vancouver Brownie Pack will be marked by registration on Thursday, Nov. 17 in the Youth room of the Jewish Conmiunity Centre at 6.30. A regular meeting will follow and the Brownies will be out by 8. Membership in the Pack is open to both Jewish and non-Jewish girls between the ages of 8 and 11 years. Any girl who will be 8 years old by January 1961 is eligible to register on Thursday. The Brownie movement is part of the Girl Guide movement and the 60th Pack is sponsored by the Vancouver Pacific chapter B'nai B'rith No. 763. Brownie work is both interesting and instructive. Advance registration or further information may be obtained by phoning Mrs. C. Kemp, RE 8-6592, evenings. YOUNG JUDAEA David Mallek's group -will meet on Sunday Nov. 13 for s general meeting; activities will follow . . Patsy and Sylvia's group will meet this Sunday for swimming activities at Percy Norman pool. Interested girls in grade 6 and 7, contact Patsy Mallek at CA 4-4244 . . . Stan Levy and Jeffrey Groberman's Convention plans underway for BBYO Plans are underway for Northern Region Convention of B.B.Y.O. when Vancouver B'nai B'rith youth organizations will play host to 400 members of the Pacific Region from Dec. 25 to 29. Already in the planning stage are the opening party, oratory contest, story - telling contest, basketball and volleyball games, business and leader-shop training sessions, a semi-formal dance and a banquet to wind up the events. Registration forms are obtainable from chapter presidents and members wishing to enter the many contests are requested to notify their presidents. The regional photography contest is open to everyone. Information is available to the Jewish community at large from Barbie Pelman, TR 4-6819 and Ron Appleton, CA 4-5149, co-convenors. Meetings to be held at the Centre in conjunction with the convention are as follows: Sunday, Nov. 13 at 1:30 p.m., an AZA convention meeting; and every second Sunday, BBG convention meetings follow their general meetings. group will meet Sunday . . . . Sheila Balshine's group will also meet Sunday . . . Linda Rubin and Barby Shuman, Gloria Doduk's group had a very successful hike featured by scouting activities. The group will meet this Sunday for a surprise meeting . Gail Margolese and Phyllis Gibbs' group will mteet this Sunday . . . Leslie Singer, Judy Garfin, and Arlene Baker's ^roup will also meet this Sunday at 2:30 for a general meeting at the Centre . . . Marsha Ablawitz's Senior girls are currently engage^fin a program of leadership training. Discussion, sports, songs, dances atid sdcial affairs are at present their main activities ... Andy Gold's Senior boys will curl this Siirndayv^-^eeting at the Centre, at 1;30 p.m. . . . Registration forms are now available for Young Judaea Regional Convention to be held in Vancouver Dec. 26-29. For forms, phone Mike Levy, AM 1-7691, for out-of-tovraer guests, phone Leslie Singer, RE 8-5482 or Andy Gold, FA. 5-2621. Non-Judaeans may attend the following activities for a slight admission charge: Ice skating party, party in mountain chalet, and dance. Members are urged to register inunediately . For further information, phone Linda Feldstein, AM 6-5747 . . . Friday night Kumsitz will meet at the Centre at 7 p.m. for a special trip. /tePORT SI Am ON ZIONIST CONCLA V£ on the 35th National Convention of the Zionist Organization of Canada will be given at a meeting to be held in the Bialik Room of the Beth Israel synagogue, on Tuesday, Nov. 15, at 8:30 p.m. The Zionist National Convention was a most historic one and all B.C. delegates who attended it played key roles in the coh-vention deliberations. The entire community is urged to attend this meeting to hear of. the conclave details. r I CHILDREN'S SHOES By Savage and Packard Freedman Shoes LTD. 2867 S. Granviiie RE 1-4010 tSimm A. C. COOPLAND Accountant and Auditor Business and Cost Consultant Income Tax Consultant - 861 ^^QfivIHe Street M^^ 3-5319 Re$;:yO 5-4589 zirvESTOss We have first" and second; mortgages available. All are credit approved and thoroughly screened. Trans-Canada Mortaragre Corporation (Vancouver) £td. eaU Mr. Harris : 414 Birks Biag MU 3-4551 i; - i • iii Hearing Glasses ^ FIS HE R Ear Level Aids JAMES 6. FISHER CertilPied Hearing Aid Audiblogikt 861 GRANViUE ST. MU 2-2921 Ground Floor Abranisoii Bnterioifs LIMITED - CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES EXCELLENT SELECTION FURNITURE REMODELLED AND REUPHOLSTERED Everything for the Home and Office 3045 W. BROADWAY Free Consultation Day or Evening RE 8-5251 J SakuL fMAJv {kdb^ . . RYE BREAD EGG BREAD PUMPERNICKLE WHITE LOAVES BROWN LOAVES BEIGEL & ROLI^ Only Breads carrying the MOTHER HUBBARD brand name or the letters M.H. are baked on our own premises. Mother Hubbard Bakery LIMITED 1100 WEST BROADWAY Phone RE 8-5165