Page 12 JEWISH WESTERN BULLETIN Friday, September 14, -19i City Office: 1071 Robson St. - MU 4-6472 Your Sales Representative MRS. PHYLISS SNIDER Now is the time to start planning your Spring or Summer trip to Europel m LLl •MR. TRAVEL" Your Headquarters For Travel Anywhere ALL TRAVEL TICKETS ISSUED AT TRANSPORTATION COMPANY J»RICES Oakridge Office: 5730 Cambie Street Across Cambie from Woodwards Oakridge FA 7-1162 Steworf N. and Jean Thompson (owners) Guarantee PrMpt, Courteous, Efficient Service fijOJUA xdbj. "You do not know Paris . . . many cities and villages are hidden here; search for them." (Jean Cocteau). Greater Paris, fourth city in the world, with a population of around seven million, is in reality not one city but many. Its aspect, its personality, changes from one season to another, even from hour to hour. There are quarters like Moritmarte, Montparnasse, the Latin Quarter and the He St. Louis that are veritable little villages with a character and charm all their own. There is the Paris of the past and the Paris of the present; Paris in springtime, when the chestnut trees are in bloom; and Paris in late autumn and winter, when the social whirl i.'; at its gayest . . . which of these or of the thousand other facets of this inexhaustible capital will become your Paris? Probably no city has so many different aspects as Paris. Besides living up to its traditional reputation as the city of light and gaiety, the French capital has innumerable other facets to its complex character. There's the Paris of the Champs-Elysees and the Faubourg St. Honare, world centre of fashion and elegance; the Paris of artists and writers, who today as in the past gravitate to Montmarte and Montparnasse; the Paris of gra-re-ful old seventeenth - centurv houses like those on the lie St, Louis . . . and, of xourse, the Paris of the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral j and a host of other famous sights. However short your stay, you shouldn't miss joining one of the organized coach tours and taking in at least some of these outstanding places of interest. Infinitely varied and practically inexhaustible though the attractions of Paris may be, the rival charms of the French provinces are not to be neglected either. MERRY MONTMARTRE, The Place du Tertre, heart of Mont-martre, and one of the "villages" of Paris, is a hive of cafes, art galleries, bistros and bookstores. Seen is the medieval church of Saint Pierre and the Basilica of the Sacre Coeur-Monimartre is just hours away from North America via Airj France 707 jetliners. THE CONSUL 31 Come in for a demonstration ZEPHYR 130 W. Broadway (_______ MOTORS (between Cambie & Main) LTD. TR 2-7411 -.^%.«„r:^^K^^^^^^