Page 2 JEWISH WESTERN BULLETIN Friday, September 14, 19) Editor's Notebook... SOONER OR lXtER was the way Premier Ben-Gurion made his prediction last to the time a rapprochement between the Arabs and Jews can be expected to take place. Ambiguous as it was, however, a noteworthy aspect of the statement was the Old Man's optimism. The opinion was given in a television interview during his Finnish tour and Ben-Gurion conceded that Nasser so far has not changed his main objective — to destroy Israel — but he, Ben-Gurion, was convinced that there would be full co-operation between the Arabs and Israel. The Israeli leader repeated his offer for total Middle East disarmament with mutual inspection guarantees safeguarding tne security of all countries in the area. THE DESTRUCTION PROCESS—The murder this week of a Jewish nigh school honour student by a Virginia youth who was an admirer of George Rockwell, underlines the great need in the U.S. for stronger laws against defamation. A ban on incitement towards racial discrimination by Nazi and Fascist groups has long been overdue and had such been in effect to curb Rockwell's Nazis, Lewis M. Goldfein would be alive today. The tragedy serves to remind us that here on North American soil the destruction processes of racial discrimination have been at work in miniature, set off by Rockwell's small Nazi group. In Germany it all began with speeches, parades and minor bureaucratic restrictions against Jews, which systematically led to the ultimate tragedy. Hitler's machinery succeeded in claiming millions. In the free "it-can't-happen-here" United States, it has already claimed one. That one had the same common fate as the other six million, and he was the victim of no less fiendish a mentality. We ought to mourn him with his fellow martyrs and take the strongest measures against those who spread the poison that consumed him. * * * FIGHTING CITY mall — Mr. Pam is a stubborn man who does not agree with majority opinion that "you can't fight City Hall." Furthermore, he even believes that it is possible to fight the Legislature of his State, if neccessary, and is determined to take his case even to the highest court in the U.S. Mr. Pam is an orthodox Jewish grocer. He lives in Brooklyn, closes his store at sundown on Fridays and keeps it closed on Saturday. He attends synagogue every Friday evening and Saturday morning and evening. Because he keeps his store open on Sundays, Mr. Pam, like so many other orthodox Jews in New York^ has been breaking the law. Accordingly, when Mr. Pam was charged with violating the Sabbath and was faced with a $5 fine, he decided to do something about it. He pleaded not guilty and when ine kindly judge attempted to dismiss the case, Mr. Pam insisted that he wanted his case heard in a court of law— the highest if necessary — in order to prove once and for all that the law is unfair. "As far as business is concerned, I give up the best hours—Friday night and Saturday when people have money and are shopping," he stated. "I give it up to be an orthodox Jew. If they close me on Sunday, I might as well get out of business. I believe someone should fight this law," he told the National Jewish Post and Opinion. Happily, Mr. Pam will not have to fight alone. His lawyer is a member of the American Jewish Congress legal staff. ^ V SCIENCE AND RELIGION -— The widely accepted belief that most scientists are not believers in God seems to lose out in a news release reporting the existence of a body called the Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists. A nation-wide U.S. organization, the A.O.J.S. met in national convention recently and revealed that its total membership has increased by almost 50 percent. It also was reported that new chapters of believing Jewish scientists were being formed in Chicago, Detroit and the West Coast as well as similar affiliate groups in England, Israel and European countries. Among the array of interesting papers read at the convention were such titles as: "The Role of the Psychologist in th Jewish Day School," "Botanical Identification of the Essrog," and "The Origin of Some Concepts of Physics in Religious Thought." In addition, a panel of learned scientists discussed orthodox Jewry's views towards the age of the earth, all of them in full agreement that there was no Essential contradiction between the traditional Jewish viewpoint "as expressed by Jewish scholars throughout the ages and current scientific theories on the subject." Newly elected president of the organization is atomic scientist, Dr. Herbert Goldstein, professor bf nuclear engineering science at Columbia. Incidehtly, the formation of a chapter here in Vancouver — probably the first in Canada — seems a logical step. Your Personal Belongings are Safe when Insured vith . . . "BIUL" SIMMONS OAKRIDGE INSURANCE AGENCIES LTD. 5504 Ccmbte St. FA 1-1241 F RANK Continued from Pdge 1 A MESSAGE TO ALL PARENTS (Editor's Note: This is the first in a series of pre-Ki^h Holiday articles. Written in preparation for the Solemn Season by Rabbi Bert A. Woythaleir-Spiritdal leader of Congregation Beth Israel.) By RABBI BERT A. WOYTMALER not only those programmes we generate by our own activity, but those of other organizations which duplicate Zionist action in this field," Mr.v Frank said. He proposed that the Zionist Organization of Canada provide scholarships in Hebrew and Jewish history, and in other fields of Jewish achievement. He urged that moves be made towards having Hebrew accredited as a language in secondary schools and at the University level, and urged further that chairs in Semitics be established on University campuses in Canada. Mr. Frank touched upon the many complex facets in which the Z.O.C. is involved. He said that we must attack the question of Aliyah with greater zeal and imagination. He stated that the probleni of youth must be considered a problem of first magnitude. Referring to the forthcoming national convention of the Z.O.C, the speaker stated tha:t it was imperative to secure a strong national team, with regional chairmen who must acquire strong leadership positions within the Z.O.C. "This team must initiate a study of problemis dealing With membeif-ship and organization, and spell out a programme of priorities in the field of education and with our youth." Mr. Frank was introduced by L. J. LeFofin, national vice-president, and apprfeciation to him was expressed by Regional President, Dr. J. Secter. A toast to the Queen and to the , President of the State of Israel, was given by Regional Chairman, Irving Chertkow. Seated at the head table were: Mrs. G. Lancaster, Mr. A. M. Melamet, Mr. and Mrs. L. LeFohn, Dr. and Mrs. J. Secte Mr. J. N. Frank, Mr. and Mr S. Zack, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wol son, Mr. and Mrs. I. G, Cher kow, Mr. and Mrs. M. Wim Mr. and Mrs. D. Silvers. Following introduction of t head table, a number of out-town visitors were introduc to the dinner gathering. The included, Mr. and Mrs. Reni son of Sydney, Australia; Mr. ,Tor of the J.. N. F., Jerusale Mr. and Mrs. Regenstreif, re ional director of State of Isra Bonds; Maxwell Rosen, exec tive director, western regi Z.O.C; Mr. and Mrs. J. Stei: berg, president Seattle branc', Zionist Organization of Ame ca; and Mr. and Mrs. I. Leviti inimediate past president, Se tie branch Zionist Organizati of America. Successor tidiiied JERUSALEM — Succeedi Dr,. Martin Buber ;who retir t6t reasbiis 't>f health sever months ago, Professor Ahar Katzir, 40-year-old chemist, cam6 president of the Nation Academy of Science. The Aca emy represents Israel in International Union of Scie^ OrganizatioriSsJ Too often we are confronted The question "Why must I go to you want him to be one, you with a most difficult problem in sabbath Service regularly when must be one. And being a Jew Jewish education today: the re- ^mi on harriiv Pv^r" nnt in i- _x • • you go naraiy ever is not m- means accepting certain disci- plines, and the acceptance of fusal on the part of parents to frequently one which faces our Identify themselves with the adults.—"If we are not so re- ^. . values taught their children in ijgious why must I attend Re- disciplines means giving up the Jewish school. ligious School?"—"Why must I something more than a check Many parents feel that they give up my playtime when it for School registration. It means are bringing their cnildren to does not mean enough to you to giving up time and energy, a the altar of Judaism by exposing give up your bridge and cana- piece of your personality, or per- them to Jewish education. We sta on a Friday night or close haps, rather, gaining a portion know, however, that as praise- your store on the High Holy of your true self. Any other worthy as this intent may be, it Days?" These are logical ques- is not enough. ions and they are justified. I Bringing children to the brink wonder how honest"the answers of Jewish life is meaningless and could be. makes for confusion and unhap- True, you can expose your your pedlcitrician. Is it surprising that Only the tenuOus tieis bind subh children' to the Jewish grOup, not to speak of Judaism? Do we have a right to expect Jewish youngsters to take Judaism seriously on an adult level, if those close to them during the most impressionable age o ^ childhood, treated it like a childish affair? Judaism can bring vision and self-assurance and blessing only when parents and children walk togiether the Jewish way of life, which includes learning and philanthropy, prayer and social action, laughter and song, practice and Jewish living. New Centre Wo. Atix. Kalr ft Style Fash. Show .... Sept. 1 It, Fxeiman Ch. ZaOaBsah-Tiskor-tea............ Oct. Jewish Home for Ag-ed Snccoth Tea ..........Oct. 1 VaxLC. Had. Coon. Baz. . Oct. 23 2 Vane. Jewish Comm. Centre Openin^r & Dedication .. Oct. State of Israel Bonds Bend Drive .......... Nov. Ampal Tdg*. Corp. Xos Ansreles, Cal. Comm. Meeting* .. Nov. 1 Beth Israel Sisterhood Mit?vah ]l^ancheon.....Nov. 2 Weizmann Ch. Had. 10th Annual Tea...... Nov. 2 JPloneer Women Annual Bazaar............... Dec. 1 State of Israel Bonds Dior-Israel Fash. Show Jan. 22, 19 kemember the CANDLE-LIGHTING TIME Presented courtesy of JEWISH NATIONAL FUND September 1 7:09 September 21 6:54 course of action is less than honest and most confusing to the child. ! , How can we send our children to Jewish School where every-child to instruction in music, thing is done to enthuse them art, drama, dance as opportuni- only to tell them as soon as they ties for self-expression without show the effects of good guid-becoming directly involved your- ance and fine teaching: "Don't self in any of these. But the take it too seriously." Eventu-same cannot hold true for Juda- ally we create the impression ism because you as a parent are that Judaism is for juveniles responsible in the first place for only; you outgrow it as you out-Children are most perceptive, this child being born a Jew. If grow your cod liver oil and piness unless the hearts and minds of fathers and mothers accompany them back and forth throughout the years of their exposure. Together parents and children must walk the Jewish way of life if it is to have significance and bear blessing. The Jewish Western Bulletin SEPTEMBER 14, 1962 Published weexty every jBYiday at 2675 Oak St.. Vancouver 9, b.c. sam kaplan PubMsher and Editor Official Organ of Vancouver Jewish Community Council william gelmon President louis zimmerman Executive Director dr. j z:ack Publications Chairman LEADING JEWISH WEEKLY IN WESTERN CANADA PHONES: Bulletin Office: - RE 1-3125 Centre Office^ - RE 3-1168 Deadlines: Local News: Monday 5:00 p.m. Advertising: Tuesday at noon. Subsciptions $5 per year; ?5.50 per year in U.S. and other countries. Business hours: 9.30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.. except Saturdays, Jewish and Legal Holidays. Authorized as Second Class Mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash In the event of a typographical error advertising goods at less than the proper price, the Jewish Western Bulletin will furnish letters to the advertiser stating the correct price, but goods may not be sold at the price printed and the difference charged _ , . .... . . to the newfiQpap.or.