Page 6 JEWISH , WESTERN BULLETIN Friday^. September 14, 1962^ Large attendance at VanoDuver The Jewish commuity of Van-, afternoon, -Zionist Role in Ed- Jewish history, an^ stated that couver tinned oT in Wece-' ucation", was chaired by Dr. S. j this should be of deep concern dented numbers to attend ses-j Margolese, and addressed by A. to all Zionists, sions of the Pacific Regional \ M. Melamet, national executive Zionist conference, held in Vancouver last weekend. Based on the theme "Zionism at the Crossroads" the conference explored many facets of Zionist vice-president of the Z.O.C. Mr. Melamet, in his remarks, dealt wth education towards Zionism, and made special reference to writings of . Professor Simon endeavor, and atter^pted- t(f Herman, of 4he Hebrew univers-evaluate national and regional ity, on this .subject, programmes. "You. get. an. expression of rrur. .,r^l. ^ti^^^A^A Zionist education through group The conference wa? attended . Mr. Melamet said, "and by representatives of the nat- ' ional executive of the Z.O.C, Western, region,, and for the first time, Seattle branch of the Zion-ist Organization of America. Sessions began Saturday afternoon at the Talmud Torah auditorium with the welcoming address by Sidney Zack, Conference chairman. Mr. Zack was fqllowed by Dr. J. Secter, president of the Pacific region, who delivered a keynote address. Dr. Secter endeavored to evaluate the work of the Zionist. Organization of Canada, and decried the many erosions which have taken place in the movement £Jincp,,(creation, Qf.^he- State of Israel. He called for .widening of Zionist influence and constituency, and for creation of a strong cultural Zionist arm. The first panel on Saturday becoming a Zionist is a process of growing into a group which is Zionist''. He stressed the need for adult, edycatioii. ^nd escpan-sion of Ulpan JHebrew study. Following, Mir. Mejamet's address, a pajiel consisting of Rabbi B. W o y t h a 1 e r , Dr. S. Zbarsky, and Rabbi B. Golden-berg, posed questions and commented on the topic. The three The second session on Saturday afternoon dealt with the topic "Z.O.C. Convention What Are The Issues?" The session was chaired by S. Zack, and the main speaker was Harry Wolf^on, a member of National Z.O.C. executive frbm , Tofontp. "If there is a need for Jewish education, this affluent Jewish society, should pay for it", Mr, Wolf son stated. "Certainly the Zionist Organization should have a financial je^ppnsibilty but let us be clear; each community must not waste its money superflu ousXy," the speaker said. Mr. Wolfson dealt with those many issues facing the Zionist mpvement in Canada today. panelists dealt with local issues and stated that the forthcoming BLACK TOP CABS SnMINUTE CITY WJD5 TAXI SWyiCF 34567 r in part. Rabbi Woythaler stated that the Z.O.C. has failed to create a proper atmosphere for children through educating adults. He called for a cultural revival in addition to fund-raising. Dr. Zbarsky referred to the relationship of Z.O.C. aiid Keren Hatarbut, and called for greater Zionist finarrcial support in Hebrew education. He stated that Hebrew institutions are pricing themselves put of business," and that it is the responsibility of. the entire community to ensure .that every child who wishes a Hebrew education receives it. Rabbi Goldenberg decried the fact that children today do not have a proper understanding of SALES AND SERVICE \- ^ We repair ail types of Clctrnercs^: ^ ^ ^ K^S\no<^\Wr Projectors and $Quiid Equipmeiit _ We also spe