death, It may not lie so iihportiht td^^a^ , i nc rcai cqmccuoh ^iw^^^^ pi a Mate oi herpism, or to emphasize hoW Jews, viitM^lJy unarmed; fought gfael^n<» «ne Holoeausiiics m that heroic event of the Warsaw teg»iir^;|ferai^ marks the turning pointfroitt^inehthe^^ :i;;the;:J(0w|^lr ;um JCI^S Pevzner Was imniediateiy \''^ , ■■^y-^-''*'■ ■ '^k- .^^fe'^-- .yt:-": ■; ^ 'fV^--'' ' ■The HelsinHi Agreement which theSoviet . dismissed ■ from' . nW ;JOb,^and * gd\>«mmeril signed allows fpr freedomo< foric^'-to^.t^ke'-ia'Sem^ •Hi atjthfM^ a^pastJ^p^^^jiill^K^^ (ii the files*^ fedcaiiiSe ^ Aiiibas^dr, > Bi^ a fiirs^^ tX.N. ' ji^ra^ In OwemlM^r 6f that ;|3^ East j67th\Streetv . _ parents and your grandparents. Gather found theih'ahd listen. dejUhs of lonehness and aloneness ^nd isolation — we^have. this is what you will hear from them. They wish that Begin had wrthift forty yeare, fortrshoit and turbulent years, begun to been in power in the earher days of the State of Israel. They -^'^^ fatcJ, our Jewish fate, ^ ^ /^^^ in 19731, that terrible war on Yom ,;And herew^ are, forty y^ai^ to contemplate. lustoi3^ the,smpreme sample of what happens^^^ is certainly a bad diplomat: ^; people^ i^hdw^ the forefront to decry the exercise of power but dqrie^^^ American Jews, amongst them personally powerful,} intellectual, liberal Jews \' :: I cite yoii examples from cloSeto home, but thisphehomenpii i^f ire^;^^ S^iiiiHigh^^ vtegitimate de&t^ in Israel. ^ whpclaim to represent us?... I aitn not sure they truly.|j:now Who they;0(^and^:What they;are to do,J ; /.v^,.- -X-: v. • ' ^; VithiJ^b^^ hunmnistiii^i^xiiQecns. I aiidisiibt^re; they r were sufficiently ihibued with the glories and tragedies of our i^th an w conununities^ which' s:urrouhd thefla;; they bend babkw^rds to deinpnstrate their loyalty — Iw^ettihg their Idyaltytd Grd and Torah. But as we have ifcamed^ & subscrvttnce nprihgraU ; ' i^; Elie Wiescl cries put, *Whiit can^jtw done to convince our Yies, you may say, but Begin and Sharon are the invaders of Lebanon and indirectly responsible for the massacre of huhdred^in-the Palestinian camps. Would you car&to estimate i how'-many massacres occurred before Israeli intervention? A y€:ry conseiVative estimate holds that 80,000 and niore Lebanese: ' were niurdj^ed ba^ and 1982. That is 1,000 $hatiUas andSato^> -'-l^^ '.'X^^' iS^^^' Why the (?iy of outfajge from the world, echoed within Jsiiael and'withbut; in^dtfferent forms? From the world it is ianattempt -to take a^ Our Six Millioi^ are competed vdth. this modern day ■ m/fe thou^ii^ waS; under^|s^ as:"^a' power, Israel is blanked. It is "that fact Which "the world cpuld not tolerate. The fact that. Israel is a. militeiy power. And it is that fact which we And we must learn, the proper exercise of power. And why of all people, must we still iearii this? Everyone else seems to know. TheJeWish mind,so recently victimized, cannot yet grasp that COMMENTARY - Page 6 _________............................__________ _____________;^^^^«^^^»SSSiSS«!K^ WASHINCftON 4^^ were isearchiiai^^^ • jsiste OtheR, wer ti^iig tp find mote distant ^relatives or pld . rfrrends* Bui m^ ^metjJthereainid^ >]l^^^ ^^:";'|^liii^*|^iii^ - «p!ieentraiiOii^<»m^ ;■,.-;lefti?| kfipwitw^ I%iwdimii^^ Pt!iU^. - ' ■■■ ■. V-'^lt helped, ydu know,** said Mrs. Eisenstem. "But even so, wh^ehwea^^ 1,000 of us. Aftei^ four or five Weeksii' • Likcr mainj^v^ 12,000 to 15,000 who as$embled at the Washington Convention -Center, Esther Kpzminski wore a ■cnstdm piiated'T-^shirt to aid her s^rch. Red letters on her blue sweatshirt asked:—Have you seen niy sister, HenaMihch, from todz; Podrzcczna'T ^^siirviyo£StWl«^^ "She Was the best in the family,-sfudMrSiKozmins^^^^ lives in Beverly Hills, Calif. "When I was 18,1 yoljunteered to work'in the labor ^nips. Thcy/gaye my family 12 marks. Then they took them ail to campS; tpoi^^und up in Auschwitz,* "See these numbers?** she asked« displaying, in large black digits, 55496 on her forearm. "They're big, the biggest, an SS woman told me, because I had. a big mouth In 1946,1 learned that my sister had survived,** she continued. "I xetumed to my town, and friends told me Hena had coipe looking for me. I misled her. by only a few daysf.N 6 one here has seen her, but ] still hope . >**. - ■ jc. on Dec; 6,1940. . ;Jwiiib'^icii Apr. 12/83 ^^^^ that. \ .. .y.:; . - .k:^.. i;.X:r ■.; _ gliiii^iE«;ii^lii^i(^ . ?^#SStfi|RS(^|pi^^^ rulers to leave, iiKt»f|Al^|fc^fi^l^M^ Ph^racmie bondageaW the joumey back to now tend tpfdrop oot^pn the way tolsiacl. Andthemovcmenrof ^SSafe^^n^iSll^^^ t6:|sraei is at best •r^-?#gpbE bilt a trickle, and unsteady. r * |^&ii^lher*W