series of.pffeiiseii irt a plea bargaining process and'apparently of attempted murdei^^^^ r i^^^^a;^^ sentence wojuld be i'to the Supreme Court. _ ' lp^ir][il^-illi$ |tiVundc;rgrpu^nd ha^ s'us^ndc^ until Septembfc iiaiiiiiieiiieii^ lim^tltlttiif .ll«»d Flatto-Sh^ron Has jb>$en 5^ >^tciieailiei^^ ^ten by Arabs. \ Conviction by a lower court for ^?ribery in 1977 Kii^s^t election campaign. ;l1attp. j^d^^^j0iif^ ...... _ ^......._ Arab^stiidctt ;_sitime Buffalo resident, York regipfiibf :H^^ .Departih^ti^haii^?^^ ...... medical facility at a Buffalp-alrea university for- tional coifrimander at the infamous slave lahor ' TEL AVIV -^-^ Severat possiblVdenaturalization proceedings for hav^^ ing allegedly concealed his complicities in t^^^ disper^] hundred persecutions of Nazi Germany.** , which suryivors called 'a hell worse than garbed drthodox Jews dem- Accofdmg to Allen, charges against this pro^r Auschwiiz*.** , . , . . onstratihg for the 16Xh con*,--: .i (css6i^||jm3i^ine ttfytc^iypi^ ------^^.«-t^..*u^tt-.*,.,i.------A.^^*^ A««- —------ u^..^^ .... '■A A _ he^iiMc^i||a^^ ach .Tikya; ^6\d^ ^uc^as. >\ ^<(^e»^;ali^dtc^ --liaVin^Jl^^^ a:Na2ixpncentr^ ;;:-■^ft!ie:|^^^ ---"^ ;J;^lleh%idJwf|tr^^ agsiii|^> theom isiSliahd^hcJc^ lOftfe^lctte^ bcrgei^^^0-^p^