6 THE BULLETIN — Thureday. September t4,1989 f \ I r '' Remember the Sabbath, to keep ithoiy.. . Fourth Commandment. Exodus, 20:8 Cand8elighllng Friday j September 15,7:07 p.in. SedraKi-Tavo Havdala Shabbat ends September 16, 7:55 p.m. . Friday* September 22,6:52 p.m. Sedra Nitzavim-Vayelech Havdala Shabbat ends September 23, 7:39 p.m. Beth Hamidrash Congregation. 3231 Heather street. Rabbi David Bassous, assistant Rabbi Yaakov. Benza-quen. Morning Minyan daily 7 a.m. Shabbat, Sunday and public holidays 9 a.m. Evening Minyan Friday at 6:3P p.m. and Shaj>bat^ Candle:-lighting timel (Seuda Sheii-shit) 872-4222 or 872-1201. (Sephardic Orthodox). Beth Israel. v4350 Oak; Rabbi W. Solomoii; lUbbi Ronnie Caharia; jSantor^^^ Nixon; Torali Teader, £). Rubin; Choir, SvPelman.Fri. 8:15 p.m.; Sat. 9:15 a.m.; Sun. 9 a.m.;.daily 8^.m: andiS^^. 731-4161. (Conservative). Beth mvah. 9711 Geal Rd., Richmond. Rabbi Martin Cohen. Torah reader, Jason Schwartz, Fri. 8 p.m.; Sat. 9:30 a.m. 271-6262 (Conservative). Chabad-Lubavitch. 5750 Oak. Rabbi Y. Wineberg. Fri. sunset: Sat. 10 a.m.; Sun. 9 a.m^ and sunset; daily 7 a,m. and sunset. ^66-1313. (Chassidic). UNVEItlNGOF HEADSTONE in loving memory of the late SIDNEY will takei place Sunday, Sept. 17 at 11:15 am. at the Schara Tzedeck Cemetery Rabbi M. Feuerstein will officiate iRelatives arid Friends! are advised that the UN¥EltiNGOF HEADSTONE in loving memory of the late will take place Sunday. Sept. 17 at 11:30 a.m. at the Ictiara Tzedeckl Cemetery Rabbi, S. Strauss will officiate Louis Brier Home. 1055 W. 41st Ave. Fri. 6:30 p.m. Sat. 9:15 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Daily 4:30 p.m. C. Kbrnfeld, D. Kornfeld, Moe Frumkin, R. Rosenberg. 261-9376 (Orthodox). ---^"^ Eitz Chaim. 8080 Francis, . Richmond. Rabbi A. i Feigel-stock, daily minyan.7 a.m;; Fri., 8 p,mj with Shabbatclass after candieiighting; Sat,^ .9 a.m. witli youth minyan^y^ shabbat; Evening sei:yice 8 p.m. Suiuiay, 9 a.m. ifblio^ by breakfast. 275-6607. (Orthodox); . > Emf^iiiieiri46^^ Blanshard, VictdryrR^bbi R^insteiii; Sat. 9:30 a.m. 382-0615 (Conservative). * * * Har El. North Shore Jewish Community Centre, 1735 Ingle\yppdt West Van., Rabbi I. Balia:; caiitorial leader Robert Edel, Fri. 8 p.m., every other Saturday, 10 a.m. 922-8245 or 922-9133 (Conservative). Or Shalom, 4764 Quebec Street, Rabbi Y. Marmor- Relatives and Friends are advisj^d that the UNVEIllHaOF HEADSTONE in loving memory of the late will take place Sundayv Sept. 17 at 11:45 a.m. at the • Cemetery Rabbi S. Strauss will bfficiiitiB iRelatives and Friendsi are advised that the UNVEItlliGOF HEUDSTONE in loving memory of thelat© wiirtake place Sunday, Sept. 24 at 11:00 am. at the 37th &Fraser Rabbi W. Solomon land Gantor MiNixonl will officiate stein. Saturdays, 10 a.m. Monthly Friday Oneg Shabbat. 872-1614 (Traditional Egalitarian). Schara Tzedeclt. 3476 Oak, Rabbi M. Feuerstein; Rabbi Shmuel Strauss; Torah reader Rev. Joseph Marciano. Fri. sunset; Sat: 9 a.m. and sunset (Seuda Shlishit), children's service 10 a.m.; Sun. 8:30a.m. and sunset. Weekdays 7:15 a.m. and sunset. 736-7607. (Orthodox). Temple Sholom. 7190 Oak St. Rabbi P. Bre^man; Cantonal Soloist M. Breitm^n; morning ininyans Sun. 9:30 a.m., Mon. and Weds. 7:15 a.m. Services Fri. 8:15 p.m.. Sat. 10:30 a.m. 266-7190 (Reform). JEWISH CALENDAR 5749-1989 Erev Rosh Hashana Sept. 29 5750 -1989 Rosh Hashana Fast of Gedaliah Erev Yom Kippur Yom Kippur Sept. 30 -Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct.8 Oct. 9 Relatives and Friends are advised that the UNVEILING OF HEADSTONE in io^'ng memory of the late will take place Sunday, Sept. 24 at 12:00 noon at the Beth Israel Cemetery Rabbi W. Solomon, Rabbi R. Cahana land Cantor M. Nixon will officiate iReSatives and Friends! are advised that the UNVEILING OF HEADSTGNE in loving memory of the late will take place Monday, Sept. 25 at 12 noon at the iSchara Tzedeck! Rabbi W. Solomon md Rabbi R.Cahanai Will officiate Antl-Semltism stodled JWBStaff SEATTLE ^Former Van-couverite Estelle *StarrV B. Kienman Pick died in Seattle on Aug. 25 following a series of illnesses. - A resident of Seattle for 40 years she raised her three children there. She was predeceased only 11 days earlier by her sister Faye Leviton of Denver, Colo. Surviving are her son Stephen B. Pick of Seattle, and son Alan B. Pick and daughter Paula E. Love of California. Also surviving are: sisters Pearl Daniels and Betty Bra-shen of Washington and Charmaine Kienman of California, and: brothers Phillip Kienman of Seattle, Allan Kienman Of Victoria and Norman Kienman of Vancouver. Graveside services were held Aug. 28 at Seattle's Bikur Cholini cemetery. We should not say to a child: 1 will give you something, and later change our mind. For this teaches the child to lie: Suklcah,46. SIDRA-SAVO THE CONNECTION BETWEEN SAVO AND CHAI ELUL NiCHOLtS Prof. William Nicholls, distinguished retired head of UBC's R^ligibus; Studies department will deliver a 12-part lecture series on the History of Anti-Semitism begin-: ning Tuesday, Sept. 19, 7:30 to 9 at the Je\yish Community Centre under auspices of the Institute of Adult Jewish Studies. / Prof. Nicholls' expertise in the; history of Christian-v., Jewish relations will be directed at analyzing the role of the church and Christian community in Anti-Semitism from ancient times to the anti-Semitic Anti-Zionist philosophies of today. To register call 266-9111; 'Starr'Pick The eighteenth day of Elul, or CliaiElul, marks the birth-date of both the Ba/al Shem ToVf founder of the Chassidic movement, as well as the Alter RebbCj founder of -. Chabad Chassidism. This day^invaria-bly falls either on,lor in close proximity to, the^Shabbos duringvwhich;the Tpi^ah p(M> tion of SiffwJs read., r AH Jewish festivals and auspicious-occasionsi^^ oh the Jewishvcalendar in some way are alluded to in the Torah portions that are read during the week; when they- occur. Understandably, Clifff Elui is thus alluded to in the Torah portion of Sam Where in this -portion can one find this connection? The portion of Savo begins by relating the laws of i?/i(:tf- rim, the First Fruits that the. Jews were obligated to bring immediately upon**coming to, ilte landtimtG'dyow L^rdis giving you as a fieritage, occupying and setiUrig it r Our Rabbis note that the qualification "occupying and settling lY*'— mentioned at the conclusion of the verse — comes to teach us that the obligation of ili^iMTntdidnot begin until after the fourteen years during which time Eretz Yisrael was conquered and divided among the tribes. The verse is so modified for the following reason:jThe, true ineaningj^of /fco*^^ land" IS that of coming into it entirely. This is: in keeping with the saying of our Sages: "A partial entry is not considered an entry at all." The word "coming" itself therefore V means after '^occupying and settling it," for only then were the Jews considered as.having truly entered the land. This, then, is the connection between Savo and ChaiElul, the birthdate of the ty(o great Chassidic founders: Chassidus is unique in its [ ability to so rouse' the spirit and mind and heart of a J(?w so that his service of Torah and mitzyps is in a manner of "Savo" — immersing himself entirely within this service, so tht every fibre of his Jbeing is suffused intrinsically and essentially with- an internal spiritual service. The importance of this manner of service will be understood by explaining the general difference between man's intrinsic and extrinsic states of being: intrinsic refer-^ ihg to man as he exists in rela- tion to himself and extrinsic refering to man as he exists relative, to others. In terms of man's spiritual sejrvice this means the follow^ ing::.When a person, does something in ain external and extrinsic manner, he does not clothe Mmself in that which he is doing with his whole essence and being;-he and the thing that, he is xloing therefore remain two distinct and separate entities. : . V vWjien, however, a person rdoes.something with his 4nti;insic being and innermc^t sejf> the totality of liis [ bcfing immerses itself in that wMch he is doing, for in rela-tipn to man's innermost: core there exists nothing else outr .sidepfhinise% : . ThuSt^ena person acts in this nmnncr then even ja^ ,cific, seemingly ex.ternal, action^is ttedfj^^andvUiiU^ with his innermost sclf;-^^ much so that he^and thelspi:: cific act are united intp one ,:Whple.■ : < Herein lies that which is unique about the revelation of Chassidus; Chassidus, as part of the; inner aspect of Torah known as *'the soul of Torah^" reveals the Jew's quintessential vitalizing life force in all iaspects of Xorah and iwi/zvos, and the unique quality of this life-force is that it totally uni-. : tes with that which it enlivens. For the quality, of life^f orce is such that It does not add any new details to that which it vitalizes — a liye body possesses no more parts than a dead body. Actuial lifie-force is thusnot a separate entity from that which it energizes, rather it is the soul of the enlivened body, and because of it each and every aspect of the body is a living entity. The reason why this is so is that "life" is the soul and innermost e^ssence of the pei> son and as explained earlier that wjiichis part son's innermost core.becpmes wholly one with the object with which it unites. Thus, a place wherein life force arrives -- thC: body — is entirely suffused and permeated by it and Helen Gruiifeld ari^^^^ Family wish to express th^iir Win-eerest thanks to their relatives and friends vvho honoured the memory of their son HAROLD, by dona-tionsy cards and calls. : To all who share our great sbr-roAV, it m^ than you can i^ver kiio^ Our jgratitude and special appreciation to Rabbi M: Feuerstein for "iiienacham^^^^^u^^^ the entire body is wholly alive and entirely united with the: souj.--_^y':. :i Exactly so is the effect o(' Chassidus on Tprah>arid mitzyqs: It is possible for a Jew to study Torah aiidi per-^ form mitzvos in a niahner whereby he and the Torah ancj mitzvos reniaiii two separate entities. Chassidus, however, enables every Jew to reveal the innermpst aspbct of his vitalizing Hfeforee — the holy Jewish sbul^ ^nd in rclatipri t that ieyef^ the quaH^ of 5aVo-^ each and every Jew is truly one with all of Torah and mitzvos. .1 NEW YORK Joel Schnur has been appointed deputy director of the AlPAC New York regional officcv succeeding Seth Buchwaid. J.B. MewaSI Hebrew Inscriptions Our Specialty Established 1909 Personal attention paid to AU'OHDERS Fraser and 35th,v 327r,1312 ■l'