Thursday, September 27,1990 — THE BULLETIN — 9 Soviet-born Technion physics prof to spealcafBeili Israel Michael Marinov, a former Refusenik who is n6wprofes> sor of quantum physics at the^ Technion, will speaic at a special meeting at 8 p.m. Mon--day, Oct. 22 in the Maccabee room of Beth Israel. Marinov was admitted as a physics undergraduate at Moscow -State university in 1956, the first year that Jews were accepted. He received his Ph.D. in theoretical and mathematical physics from the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics in Moscow. His teaching experience includes a two-year course given to Jewish stu-dents» in Moscow on theoretical physics for mathematicians. A Refusenik for eight years, Marinov /first applied for a visa in 1979. A further refusal came in 1981, followed by regular refusals until 1987, when he was given an exit visa for himself and his family to go to Israel. ''I am happy to be here and have only positive feelings about the Technion," Marinov, a specialist in quantum field theory, says about the institute. Best Wishes and Sincere Greetings from Rino and Olga mSTA TRATTORIA RESTALRAIMT SPECIALIZING IN PAS^I/EAL. ^ & SEAFOOD 876-3534 Located at 552 W. Broadway AtCambie Major Credit Cards Accepted Best Wishes for A Happy New Year MANTLE SCALES LTD SALES-- SERVICERENTALS DESIGNERS & MANUFACTURERS \0F: SCALES & WEIGHING SYSTEMS DIGITAL COMPUTER SPECIALISTS 946-4727 8086 Alexander, Delta Happy New Year Greetings to All Our Jewish Members and FHends r RICHMOND S.WlXCiS Much MoreThan Banking. ACKROYD 8100 Ackroyd Road Richmond, B.C. 273-8338 BROADMOOR^ 10UNo.3Road Richmond, B.C. 272-0171 GEORGIA STREET 1075 W. Georgia Slxeet Vancouver, B.C. 682-7728 BRIGHOUSE 6253 No. 3 Road Richmond, B.C. 273-7838= CAMBIE 11911 Cambie Road Richmond, B.C. 273-1195 STEVESTON 3960 Chatham Street Richmond, B.C. 272-5900 WHITE ROCK 1797-152nd Avenufr^ Surrey, B.C. 536-1221 Serving the Community for Over 40 Years MARINOV ... made ailyali in '87 "Ahhough^ the level of students and education is comparable to the best institutes in the Soviet Union, I find that the level of motivation among students is much higher here." Marinov is scheduled to attend the Canadian Technion Society national board meeting in Torontb before visiting other major Canadian cities. The meeting is open to the entire Jewish community and is sponsored by the Canadian Technion Society. For furtlier details, call Alan Tapper, 261 -9694. Israel defeats China at tennis TJ:L AVIV — Israeli players swept a match with the People's Republic of China over the weekend to secure Israel a place among the top 16 competitors in the international Davis Cup tournament. It was the fifth^eon^ecutivef year that Israel qualified for the Davis Cup. But the 5-0 games victory at Ramat Hasharon stadium would haye been more satisfying had the Israelis beaten a first-ranked Chinese team, jta Half the Kingdom is a one^ hour documentary which profiles seVen Jewish women and their struggles to reclaim a role for themselves in Jewish life without compromising their feminist principles. The Vancouver Jewish Community Centre has organized an evening with director/ producer Francine Zuck-erman who will lead a discussion after this film is shown on Tuesday, Oct. 9 at 7:30 p.m. The event is in cooperation with the Jewish Business and Professional Women's Group. Half the Kingdom offers intimate portraits of a group of women including: Michele Landsberg, Canadian journalist and political activist; Naomi Goldenberg, professor of Religious Studies at Uni-veirsity of Ottawa; Boston Rabbi Elyse Goldstein; and Shulamit Aloni, member of the Israeli parliament. Together these women delve into the very essence of their Jewish religion and cul^ ture in their search to claim "their" half of the kingdom, event organizers said. "Many of them are rediscovering rituals and stories that have been forgotten through the centuries, and creating new ones." For more information, call 266-9111. ZUKERMAN ... director-producer. Rabbi describes tesliuvah as 'a ttiought, not an act' Teshuvah — repentance — isn't practised only on the High Holidays of Rbsh Hashana and; Vom Kippur^ but it'$ especially signiHcant then, according to the spiritual leader of Kielcar Congregation in Toronto. "Rosh Hashana commem-orates the creation of man. It Tishrei — Rosh Hashana. But teshuva on Rosh Hashana, he said^ has its origin in the creation of man. According to Jewish tradition, he remarked, .,G-d created man after asking the angels, ^ho argued against his creatibh. "They said that there was no way man could go through life without sinning. But G-d consulted the Torah, I humanity. Rabbi Yitzhak ^irieberg of Chabad-Luba-vitch told the.gathering. He told the story of a farmer who brought a clock to his village, telling his neighbors it would bring them into the 20th century^ A friend said the timepiece was cramping his style, forcing hini to keep to a tight schedule. "When I get hungry," replied the farmer, "I turn my watch to 8 a.m. so it's breakfast time." All too often, "we make life like our watch. We fit it to our time and place," Rabbi Wine-berg reflected. Best Wishes To All Our Many Jewish Friends and Customers BROADWAY RECORDS & TAPES LAReE SELECTIQN OF RECORDS. TAPES,! COMPACT Discs AACCESSDRIES Gift Certificates Available OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 3207 W. Broadway 736-1281 "RABBI SCHOCHET: '*Why wall fas/iuvaA?" established G-d as King for the first time," Rabbi Imma-nuel Schochet, a professor of philosophy and bioethics at Humber college, said in a recent lecture at Chabad House. Co-sponsored by Chabad-Lqbavitch and Congregation Beth Hamidrash, the talk drew nearly 100 people. Describing repentance as "a thought, not an act," he said it involves both mental and emotional commitments. According to Rabbi Schochet, mystics view teshuvah as a transposition of the Hebrew word for "shame," indicating that man is ashamed of his sins. The Zohar provides another interpretation: the word can be divided into two words, meaning "to restore the letter he (to G-d's name)." This indicates that when a person sins, he is separating the name of G-d, he said. The Machzor (High Holiday prayer book) constantly repeats the word HaMelech (the King)i signifying that Jews must "reaffirm and renew" their recognition of G-d as King7 said Rabbi Schochet. Yom Kippur marks the anniversary of the making of the Golden Calf by the Children of Israel in the desert shortly after the Torah was handed down from .Mount Sinai. When Moses learned of their sin, the rabbi said, he was in heaven for 40 days until the 29th of Av, to intercede on their behalf, "when G-d said He would not destroy them." But G-d did not say VI will forgive them,' Rabbi Schochet noted, until Moses prayed for after another 40 days, from the first of Elul to the first of ' B.Minovitz for the (High Holiday) hiih for which also answered: *Sooner or later, man will sin. If there's a sense of justice, you will have to punish; man will never revert back.' "G-d answered, ^Logically, you're quite right. But if I do not create man, how do I realize my attribute or mercy?' " said Rabbi Schochet. ft's in G-d's nature to show compassion, and He does so by considering even the undeserving, he stated. Teshuvah preceded the creation of man* sin, or even the creation of the world, he said; G-d "created the groundwork." While forgiveness exists because G-d recognizes that "the will is there and the flesh is weak," He isn't fooled by people who want it to work like a bank manager's calen-dar, according to Rabbi Schochet. Fortunately, he said, the Talmud provides "the perfect copout" for those who regret sinning. "It says that a person will not sin unless the spirit of folly has entered his mind. Teshuvah is when you wake up," he suggested. "Why-wait for the (High Holiday) rush for teshuvahV the rabbi asked his audience. "Do G-d a favor." G-d gave teshuvah to Best Wishes and Sincere Greetings Goliaerls Travel ^ SINCE19SS Randi Winter Quality and Value In Personalized Travel Arrangements Ste. m-,9QQ Howe St., Vancouver, B.C. 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