ffqc 6 —^ T^c Conorflon Jewish Newj^ frlrfay, OcTobcr 195^ THEATRE HI-LIGHTS! Lffr to Right: Mrs. SomucI Norris, Mrs. Gabriel Alter llada^!§iili Women Rally For Bondii An entlnisi.Ktic gii.>up of i new iinmijiinnl f;iimlie5 now i Presidents and BunJ CImii-; tioodnig into Israel, | Tomorrow, October 13th, through the 27th, P'Kee{e Centre will f ea t ure t lie long-awaited Canadian Opera Company. The gala opening will prescnl .Madatna Butterfly, in Italian, with Teresa Stratas in the title role. Other operatic pertonman-ces are Hansel and Gretel, in English, Rigolelio, in Italian, and Dia \Valkure, in German. This program could not have been possible without, the generous assistance ol the Canada Council, Metro politan Toronto, the Province of Ontario, the Canadian Opera Women's Committee, i the Canadian. Opera Guild, land many other corporations and citizens who areTn^ ; terested in furthering cultural enterprises. ]oms the. repertory on October nih. Diana Maiidox plays the lead. She is "Winnie", while lierhert Faster is ••Willie-.- her: husband. The play is directed by Henry Co-inor. Third plity of the first-series , this season is Bernard Shaw's notorious 'banned' play, "Mrs. Warren's Pro fession". It opens on November 17th. rORONTO SYNAGOGUES ADATH ISRAEL ELECTS OFFICERS On Monday, October 22nd. Addth Israel Congregation will hold its annual election of officers at a supper meeting. Children of Adath Israel Congregatijsn (ages 10, 11, 12) will begin their pre-U.S. Y. activities on Sunday, October 28th, 2:30 p.m. Co-or-dinator of the program is Ravzet Rabinowich. The pro men of all Toionto Hadas-• Kii'. weve distributed to | repertory at the Central Li-sail Cluipters gaihc-rcd ai the Chapui B o n d Chairman, ! brary Theater, The Red Barn home.of .Mis. (lahriel Alter., who have set a iioa! for theii now is presenting its first Ovct all lladassali Bond ' partii-ipaiion ui the current i pjodiiction, Eugene loiies-Chanman on Tiu-sdav even- Bund dnvc' - TO M A K E co's famous and successful Igram will feature religious For its second season of presentations, Jewish folk Jan Bart, famous singing star, entertained, accompanied by Murray Alter and his orchestra. HOLY BLOSSOM SISTERHOOD GALA MEETING Holy Blossom Temple Sisterhood will present a musi- \ cale at its gala opening meet-; ing on Tuesday, October' 16th, at -hQO p.m. On Monday, October 15th. the First Academy of Judaism begins with an exciting MRS. MORRIS KAUFMAN pair of plays. "The Lesson" and "The Chairs". They arc directed by Jean Roberts. Marigold Charlesworth plays the lead in both plays, with Henry Comor opposite her in HADASSAH BAZAAR Tlie world's most bizarre-Bazaar — a one-day welfare whirlwind of contests, raffles, auction sales and shop-pmg bargains — will siiike the University of Toronto, will be guest lecturer at the opening of the adult study program on Thursday, October 25th. The topic of the ing. Ocioboi 2. to (i.imolaic rVTRY HADASSAH MEM-plans tor a conconiraii'd pr.i> BFR A BOND OWMER IN gram of aciivitics on bciutlt|llLR OWN RIGHT, of Israel Bonds. Pictured here are Mrs. Guest speaker ot the even- I Gabriel .A I t e-r-, Hadassah ing wai John R. De\ur. Bond Chairman, and her Chairman of. the Board ot Co-Cli.iirman, Mrs, Samuel i "The Lesson". Maiy Alice Governors of the Toronto N'orris, holding up a map of i Stn.ith assumes-the-support-Bond Organization who i:a\e the Neuev Fai.h Hadassah ing role. Herbert Foster has a giaphic portraval of the Bond pureliased will have the male lead in'The Chairs',; the season on Sunday, Oc-rremendoiis aiKancement be- the pii\i!ege of addmg a tree i and Robert Hamlin complet-i tober 14th. Music will be pro tng made in Israel to make on the haiieii map. symbolic 'es the cast. Settings are projvided by Bill Lands. orientation evening featuring songs and music. Israeli ■ a panel of all participating dancing, debates, plays, pan-1 lecturers on "What Should el discussions. I The Jewish .Adult Really'Torontonians for the 37th Dr. Emit L f acte?i/tctni, | Know — To Be a Jew ?" time when Toronto Hadas-professor of philosophy at Rabin Bobrow will pre- sah's Annual Ba/aar and Ex- sent~ a course in Hebrew position is held this year on each Wednesday morning, Wednesdav, October 31, at 10:0011:15 a.m., from October 10th to December 12th. Mrs. Harold Miller is in char- lecture is: The Modem Jew ge of registrants. And The Messianic Faith. Adath Israel Brotherhood will have its first dance. of the N'egev once again a of the effort? to MAKE THE j vided bv the Stratford nourishing land capable of NFGFA' GRFEN WITH IS-! signer, Mark N'egin. absorbing the thousand* of KAEL BONDS. de- DATELINE N. Y. fContinued from page choice of one' ioyalfv. There ^e\ond the call ot dui\ in was no need. Mr. Fishbem. not dissocMiing himself the editor wTOte. as a per- from the L.N, re'^olllIin^ co- sonal tiiend of Mr. Klut/- ■iponsored b\ the I niied nick lo sa^ntii^e lovallv to Slates In his home citv ol; Israel to the "Realpolitik" Chicago, there was keen (which may well prove to disappointment voued in be "real tolly) of the State the editorial columns of the Deparunent. Chicago Jewivli weekly 'Sen- (Copvru'ht bv Canadian -inel', at Mr. Klutznick's Jewish News &• JCNTSV On September 30th, a dance was held, sponsored by Tlic ici^ond play, "Happy[the Adath Israel Bond Com-Da\s" ,0V t^omuel Beckett,\mittee, headed bv Lou Gula. Starting on Tuesday, November 6th, and continuing the C.N.E.'s Automotive Building. More than 3,200 women in Hadassah's 72 chapters will combine, their , efforts to stage this largest, one-day the first Tuesday of every annual bazaar in the world". month, at 10:00 a.m., Rabbi Plaut will supen'ise t h e Last vear's record attendance was close to 50,000 peo DATELINE: HAMILTON AS I SIE IT By PAUL HANOVER BORIS SOKOLOFF — IS BACK IN BUSINESS BORIS SOKOLOFF T.V. AND APPLIANCES 3333A Bathurst St. - 781-0702 BACKED BY 30 YEARS EXPERIENCf SALES SERVICE ~ RENTALS SPECIALIST IN STEREO HI-FI , Its too bad Frank Richter as good as ready cash, and T can't get together. He The Tiger Cats must be in j keeps talking about a second jworse shape than even those pitching for a second wife into the car the other morn- Bible Study Group, offering: pj^ The Five Scrolls — Commen-; ji^^ monev raised Is spent tary by Rabbi Israel Bettan: entirelv In Canada tn buv Mrs. Zelda Obemdorffer is supplies to support Hadas- convener, _____j sah's three outstanding pro ' jects: Nahalalf Canadian Ha-idassah's Agricultural School 'for boys and girls in Israel); I the Canadian Hadassah Hos-ipital at the port of Eilat; jand to help maintain medical services in Israel. To jam their way into the huge, si.x • acre Automotive Building at the C.N.E., and get a chance to bid for the incredible bargains inside, visitors in past years have ; begun lining up more than of "overhead" gag. Hold on , now, you're way ahead of an hour before the scheduled | me! 19 a.m. opening time. The 50 j icar for mv v\ife, and I keep recent losses 'shown, t-got - Us not my line of writing. I^ent admission gives all those otherwise I'd need an asbes-i attending a chance to win ^ for mv'car! Frank and Molly ing and found mv Tiger Cat jtos tjijewriter to tell all the 1 valuable door prizes that this recently returned from a = sticker wilted right off the story of one house of wor-'y^a^" will include a sleek European jaunt which he'd .windshield! . . . Attention, ship's problems with its re- l^^^ RaiTibler American 4 Won from his bosses. The Les Roffe! Have vou heard? | sen-ed seat plan. . . Harr\' ACME NURSING HOME "THE HOME AWAY FROM HOME" STRICTLY KOSHER DIET KITCHEN SUPERVISED By THE CANADIAN JENVISH CONGRESS » P"i'c'e !-r'I■ aT« • V.., 'oaic one phone ■ n evei-v rcom. » Nu'-sioQ service ccuno the ciock. • Doctor'j u.cetvliion.' REASONABLE RATES 140 MADISON AVENUr Phone: Potienf's rooms; 925-9066 . Off.: 924-5626 Administrotor: Mr. A. R. Swiss holidav-Avas a pri/.e but still it wound up costing him the best part of his savings account because of his decision to take a ten-day side trip to Israel. Other recent Israeli tourists were Betty and Murray Mlnden. This might \ery well explain Bet-tv's fervor as cochairman of the Women's Division of the current Israeli Bond campaign. Door Sedan with automatic Wald sent me a bushel of ""ansmi.ssion and a luxurious apples. His answer to medi- ^^'^'^ \ care. Come on now! You get I This vears Bazaar Chair-, it! An apple a dav keeps the j"^^"; .^^'"S- Kaufman, i ......______.....____________ doctor awav, which is for Vice-Chairman Mrs. John Cats, thev seem to be show- naueht if vour doctor hap- Bergman have announced a | ing us their 1960 model. (Ed. pens to like apples too, I M^^^ new feature for the' note; Let's hope this joke is lalwavs sav. What do vou al- "^zaaf ^^is vear — a cook- The 1963 models are now on display at your local auto mobile, s,|ip\vrooms. October is l963-modeRnonfh,'~exc~ep^t for those aforementioned Ti- still topical since this~coF umn was written Oct. 5th, Sam A'anover is taking time out from his Hamilton ! luggage store to train for On their way to Israel are real estate selling. Listen, the Goldbursts, who, too evep.'one should have a hob-late, remembered their best by! .■ . . Illness has forced j jack Koskie would have to deal: instead of the usual Ben Sllvert to discontinue admit that, when Cookie travelers , cheques, t hey his affairs..The casualty rate |finishes playing for the Buf-should have purchased Is- of King East quickens! . . . ,falo Bills, he can come back rael bonds. iNo service charge Attention Les Roefe! Your and play for some of his is involved and they are just blinker light is still on! . . . It isn't hard for me to figure ways say? '"^ school for men at 6.30 Well, voull have to admit Pni., featuring the latest bar-that the wav those Buffalo,'^^^"'"8 techniques. Bils have been playing there's no danger of Cookie Gilchrist getting homesick for the Argoes. And even MEN'S CLOB OF TEMPLE BETH ZIflN m EXIIBIT AND SftlE 805 DELAWARE AVENUE, BUFFALO, N.Y. Paintings from over 100 artists on display with a special group of 25 paintings by the celebrated Israeli artist. . HOURS: 2 TO 10 P.M. October 13 through October 20. Maurice TURK AND ORCHESTRA TEATURINft ALAN KABEL 318 RUSHOLME Rd., Toronto Phone: 535-8843 Hamilton and Toronto ones It didn't take Dr. Max : out why Don Carr is limping j Nathan long to learn the ■ around .these days with his j facts of Jewish life in Ham-foot in a cast. He's in the,ilton. I see where he was vending machine business, welcomed as a new member | ... Sorty to hear of the • by both Adas Israel and Beth passing of Lou Sobel. We'd j Jacob, had so many pleasant deal-j I'd like to thank Percy ings with that white-maned iKlng for that copy of the lion on James St, in our roster wherein the complete STIVEI SAVEl SAVE^t BOWL FOR FUN — CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN TAKE THE ' FAMILY TO A SHOW SHEPPARD LANES ira. SHEPPARO & BATHURST PLAZA ■ : - under: new ^management : C(»upon: Prosehf thit coupon for 5 PIN — 2 GAMES FOR 60c 3RD GAME — 6e 10 PIN — 2 GAMES FOR 80c 3RD GAME — 10c CARE TO START A LEAGUf OR JOIN A TEAM? . CALL y6uR FRIENDLY HOST; AT ' 633-7771 _ HOWARD PAYNI • ■ V NAT KING ORCHESTRA th« liveit J«w!ih OrehsHra In town, Itadlngi anltrtalrKr of Night _Clubi, Sfagi ond Tele- _yiiion. To—moV» your Bov.Wing ' Party., V/eddlnj or Done* o »uc-:tst col! Not. V/« wiih fo onnounca that. w» , ara booking out of town SImchat PHONE LE 6-9986 early days of personality-type commercials. Our sympathies also go to the Barrs family on the passing of their father, Solomon. This veteran had the distinction executive and player line-up of every Canadian team is listed. But I'd surely like to know how "the,author arrived at the order of listing: the book starts with B.C. LEO SPELLMAN ORCHESTRA LEADCR Wishes to onnptince .hli iies» address and telephon* 58 PURDON DRIVI Downsview, Ont. Phone ME. 3-9103 ^ QRSNBiM •t AT SHAARI SHOMAYIM SYNAGOGUE WEDDINGS -SIMCHAS BAR MITZVAHS. AND ALL - SHOWERS & BRIDAL TEAS LE. 6.4710 " irt Toronto of being a charter member [Lions.■ and winds up with of both the Beth Jacob Sj-na- Argoes! goguge and the Grand Order of Israel. | There's No Plaoe 1 ike. Home Dept.: In spite of all [ his business, social, and community service attach-raents in Toronto, Stan Sobel still chose Hamilton for the High Holidays. . . What with Sylvia MUIer's great success with her Italian fashion iiriports, I can't figure, why her boys don't choose pizza instead of yummy selling. I was quite impressed, by her honae salon. However, I refused a tour of the rest, of the house, in case I'd be tempted to some sort Food with q Yiddish Tarn Qt Its best NOW AT THI Town House Gefulte Fish CH'cken FrpCQSse« Stuffed Miltz Cobbage Borscht Chicken Broth with Motzo Boll or Krepioch BOILED CHICKEN GESHEILTE FL>>NKEN ROAST CHICKEN CHARBROiLED RIB STEAK POtATO LATKES NOODLE or POTATO PUDDING KASHA ond BOWS KNISHES BAKED CARP CHILLED BEET BORSCHT "A treat for the whole tamily" Town House RESTAURANT 881 Egltnton Ave. W. RU. 1.3569 RESTAURAN1S O'KEEFE CENTRE Fl?0:-il & YOHGE ■ 3-66: Canadiaii Opera pany MADAMA BUTTERFLY . RIGOLETTO -DIE WALKUERE, HANSEL & GRETEL _BOX OFFICE OPEN VI A.M. * 10 P.M. i PHONE ORDERS EM. 3-6633 THE RED BARN AT CENTRAL LIBRARY THEATRE COLLEGE AND ST. GEORGE STREETS, TORONTO 2B PLAYING NOW IN ITS SECOND SEASON OF REPERTORY THE LESSON AND THE CHAIRS Bv EUGENF.IONESCO OPENING OCTOBER 17 HAPPY DAYS By SAMUEL BECKETT OPENING NOVEMBER 7 MRS. WARREN'S PROFESSION Bv GEORGE BERNARD SHAW BOX OFFICE NOW OPEN, 2 - 6 P.M. Telephone bookings 11 o.m. . 9 p.m. — WA. 4-7557 IN HAMILTON IT IS R^Al CONNAUGHT A S H E R ATO N H 0T£ L EXCELLENT BANQUET FACILITIES FREE OVERNIGHT PARKING FEATURINO THE GOLDEN HORSESHOE DINING ROOM TELEPHONE JA 7-5071 NEWLY REMODELED CHINA HOUSE CHINESE FOOD — STEAKS and LOBSTERS 2 Banquet Rooms Available FOR LODGES — CLUBS — CHAPTERS — ETC. MS EGLINTON W. — RU.1-9123 — FREE DELIVERY ZUCHTERS RESTAURANT - CATERERS F0« TORONTO'S FINEST JEWISH FOOD COMPLETE CATERING FACILITIES IN OUR STARLIGHT ROOM OR IN YOUR HOME 315 Adelaide W, - EM. 8-6647 488 EGLINTON WEST FINE CATERING AT THE PENTHOUSE TEMPLE SINAI HOLY BLOSSOM TEMPLE ASSOCIATED HEBREW SCHOOLS AND IN YOUR OWN HOME Just Call HU. 1-7281 CATERING DIVISION FALL STAG DANCE NEW MENORAH CLUB YMHA (Spodlna & Sloor) Sundoy Oct. 14 8:30 pm. Orchestra RefreshmenN DOOR PRIZE : Admission~~$1.00 MURRAY ALTER •nil hh OrchHtra ...LIVELY . .DANCINO . . , & ENTERTAINEDI RU 2-3931 OR ME 3-4701 TWO CAM-LIVE IT UP — 18 DINNERS OF YOUR CHOICE • - 48 SPORTING EVENTS ALL THIS FOR A $5.00 MEMBERSHIP IN THE SUPPER DATE CLUB WHICH ENTITLES YOU TQ $170.00 WORTH OF DINING AND SPORTING EVENTS • Twe Wnner* for tht Pf»«« of On«. ond tomething ihof ONLY^^ W Two Sporting EvenH for tha Prieo p»On«. CALYPSO CLUB BASEBALL-r 12 GAMJES, MAPLE LEAF STADIUM THEATRE IN DELL SWIMMJNG — 12 VISITS TO SPORTLAND PARK iTTrc .taVv Dc^^ SOCCER — 6 GAMES AT VARSITY STADIUM LITTLE ITALY rest. BOWLING—12 VISITS TO 5 BOWLING ALLEYS COLONIAL TAVERN HOCKEY — 6 JUNIOrJiOCKEY GAMES, AT LI CABARET REGENCY TOWERS YORK PIONEER DELL TAVERN CAROUSEL RESTAURANT CHICKEN NEST BAR-B-Q MAPLE LEAF GARDENS Join now! Post this mqllrordet couDon with a cheque prmoneY ordeF-for $5.00,. or, C.O.O., ta join Toronto's mojt exciting now idea for entertolnnoent. Mall to; Supper Dot* Club,v . :j S Toronto 2B. :? Gentlemen; .. '. . " " ■ Please send me-——r'nh'embcirship(^^)ln Supper DoteX^Iiib. I ericlose $—T—r. I imderstarid thot eoch membership entitles [ . me to dine ond attend sporting e.ven|ts immediately. |f.hot satisfdctory, 1 may return unused book within 10 dayi/for I full refund. -" ■ , /■/ I • tl .••'«»« « 0'«'» '« fi,« • • • •'• • « • . NotD*. ■ 4 0 a * « • « < Acidres* . ......... . .. ... Valldaintil-Sfpt. 30, 1963. S-3