i Page 2 - The'Canafc Jewish Ne Friday, July 12,1968 LIBYA NOW OIL RICH Haifa, (JCNS).- Libya Is most likely to emerge as the world's largest producer of oil by the mid-seventies after the\United -States and the Soviet Union, jiccording to "International Petroleum Press* quoted by the Israel Petroleum Institute's periodical. * Experts predict Libya will produce about 230 m. tons in 1975, with Europe buying 95 peir cent of her olL Libya's Mr, Eli Rotehberg 1 Overbrook Place, Downsview, Ontario Representative Addison's on Bay Limited 1968 Cadillacs Mr. Rotenberg is pleased to announce that most models of the beautiful 1968 Cadillac are now in good supply at Addison's. For a demonstration drive in the new Cadillac, Wide Track, Pontiac, Buick or Firebird, please call Mr. Rotenberg at 925-9341 CM BAY iiMinO PoiiTi4c>»mcn«otomiic TORONTO'S MOST TRUSTED NAME IN TRANSPORTATION Shaarei Siioniayini CongregatJon 470 Glencairn Avenue, Toronto 12 CONGREGATIONAL SCHOOL FORMAT 1968-69 Major Expansion b the wathchword of the school this year, A new, exciting and comprehensive curriculum for all grades is being prepared in co-operation with the Associated Hebrew Schools. An entiraly iww and compttant «faff. A rashaped and r»«rBuiizad clan structurit. Our curriculum in all grades offers Tha Habraw Languaga, including study of prayan. grammar and raading. Tha Bible, inchjd'mg ttMFiva Booitt of Motas. Prophats, and writingi. Jawirii history. Contemporary Jewish life. Israeli song and folic dancing. Jewish customs and holidays. Special cultural events and outings. New dass Structure. Kindergarten and Prep - boys and girls agad 6 to 7 ; Grade 1 - boys and girls aged 7 to 8 Grade 2 - boys and girls aged 8 to 9 Grades 3 and 4 • girts agad 9 to 10 Grades 5 and 6 - girb aged 10 to 12 Grades 7 and 8 - girls aged 12 to 14 Kindergarten and Prep - Sundays All other grades 3 days a week. For further information, contact l\/lr. Mark Lapedus- 781-7200and/or the synagogue off ice - 789^3213. DR. DAVID PATTERSON toaddressthe B-NAI INSTITUTE Bf JUDAISM at BIGWIN iSLANP HOTEL LAKE OF BAYS • AUGUST 23-24-25,1968 • sponsored by TORONTO REGIONAL COUNCIL OF B'MAI B'RITH ... DISTRICT 22. Rirc:PR\/ATinM<:. iack Rowan—3 Shelborne Awe. RESERVATIONS: TORONTO X2, ONT;-483-7585 A TO KNOVir. Competent advice and service in fields of life and health insurance for personal or business needs. SYDNEY SUGARMAN 600 Eoiintbn Ave. E.,485-9327 EXCELSIOR LIFE .7 great advantage over other producers Is that she Is nearest to Europe's nuirkets. The distance between Libya and Hars eilles is 2,000 miles compared with 3,200 miles from the oil terminals on the Lebanese aiki S^lan cmsts, and 9,000 miles from the Persian Gulf around Africa. Libyan crude oil is of hi^ quality and much soughtafter. Even if the Suez Canal Is reopened,^ Libyan oil wOl have a fireigbt charge ad-, vantage over Persian oil shipped through the Canal since it will not have to pay Canal dues. FIST lEFORM FOR aUSfNESSMEN Amsterdam, (JCNS).-Tbe Rev. Avraham Soeteodorp, 26, of Amsterdam, who recently 6btainied the rabbinical diploma at the LeoBaeck Reform College in Lond(»i, has been appointed the first ordained minister of the (LiberaO JTewish c(Higrega-ti(Hi of The Hague. He is the eldest son of Rabbi Dr. J. Soetendorp, the Liberal minister in Amsterdam, and is at present doing post-graduate study at the Hebrew Union CoUege-Jewish Institute of Religicm in Cincinnati. With the appointment of the Rev. Yehuda AshkenazI, an Israeliwhohasbeenliving in Holland for several years, as minister in Arnhem, all the three Liberal Jewish c(Higregati(His in the coimtry now have ordained rabbis. Mr. Ashkenazi has just obtained his rabbinical diploma at the Nelson Glueck Academy in Jerusalem. ARIBS AWARDED WAR HBBOIS Haifi, (JCNS). - Nineteen Arab residents of Haifa, Christians and Moslems, were awarded the Six-Day War Ribbon for special voluntary service rendered during the war. The men helped the Haifa police in Tnyinf^ining security and order in the neighborhoods in which they lived, operating their own or together with Jewish volunteers. In the past few days 188 Jewish volunteers were awarded the RibbcHU MORE FOR UJA. - Philip Granovsky OefO, receiving checks for $5,205.00 for 11968 United Jewish Appealr Israel E mergency Fund campaign from Warren Rubenstein (center), president, Eaistern Canadian Region, United Synagogue Youth while Syd Morayniss, redonal director, looks on. Money.was raised through a 20-mile walkalhon originated by Warren in which 160 USY boys and girls participated. ANSWER TO ALIYA. • Edmrd Bielawsky, his wife Elaine and daughter Frances, who left last Monday by boat to live in Israel. The Bielawskys. not particularly Zionistic but feeling very "Jewish", are being assisted by the Jewish Agency. For their first five months in Israel, they wiir attend the Ben Yehuda Ulpan in Natanya after which the Agency will help find them an apartment, Bielawsky hop^s to teach English in an Israeli high school. A. New Measures andMeanis for the Encouragement of Capital Investments From the point of view, of investments^ the last two years may be divided into three periods: slow down of activity stemming flrom the general economic situation^ in Israel; b) active search for new ways and means to stimulate investments; c) a new departure In the approach to. cj^ital investments. The first pieriod, characterized by the general mood of the economy at the time gave rise to a reassessment of the approach to capital Investments, to a campaign to develqp those branches of industry which would confer special advantages on the Israel econdmy, vdA to a realization that achange was necessary in the form of encouragement offered under the Law for the Encouragement of Capital Investments In order to stimulate the interestof thepoten-tial investor. According, out of some 240 branches of industry, a selection of 17 'preferential* branches was made. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry made special surveys on each of these "preferentiar' branches and the Investment Authority published summa.-ry reports for the use of potential Investors. The Authority's overseas representatives have already received these reports. In ad-dlUoh a list of 50 Israeli enterprises has been drawn up, interested and able to admit foreign partners. At the same time, amendments were preyed to the Law for the Encouragement of Capital Investroients and were duly passed. These amendments include a financial grant to every approved Williamsburg wbrriecl about drug takers New York.-A ccmference here on drug addiction a-mong Jews was informed that a "substantial number' of youths from pious families • in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, the centre of MONTREIIL ROTES SLATE OF OFnCERS The new slate of officers of Shaare Zion Sisterhood is: Mrs. Leslie Bell, president; Mrs. WiUiam Segal, chairman of the board; Mesdames Harold Caplan, Barney Cohen, Amokl Garber, Max Greehberg, vice presMents: Mesdames H. Held, B. ^>ears, executive committee; Mrs. Sam Richer, trieas-urer; Mrs. J. M,'Helfled, financial secretary; Mrs.M. Dublin, recording secretary; Mrs. William Guss, corres- pcHxllng secretary; Mrs. H. Diamond, roll caU. H. NEW EXEC The new executive of Beth Ora consists of: Mrs. E. Leibovitz, president; Mesdames H. Wolfe, A. Vimln-sky, M. RosenzweIg, vice presidents. NEW VERSION CIGARETS Rothmans has launched a new versi(m of Sportsman dgarets in Montreal, ashort fflter cigaret to sell at less than regular or king size. DUTCH BOYCOn POUSH AuscHyntz conference movement,, but are merely of Jewish origin. "We are of the opinion that our slogan 'Auschwitz never again' excludes and ccHxlemns every form of semblance of antisemitism, and we have voiced our concern In a Cable to the Polish Government... " The bulletin ccmdudes: "Against our h(^ andez-, pectwcms the attacks against Jews as such in the press and public liffeinPolahdhave hot ceased since Majrch, Therefore it would have been unpleasant for us to travel to that country at this mom-•ent,"'.-. Amsterdam, (JCNS)—The Dutch Auschwitz Cbnunittee has decided not to participate in tUsmon&'s meeting . of. the Ihternatioinal AuschT witz Committee at Auschwitz because of Oieantisem-itic campaign in Polanl The cnrrrat issue of the Auschwitz Committee's bulletin states: "To our great distress we have learned of behavior and expressions in Poland that can only be caUed antlsem-..itic' ■ ■. ■ . ^ - "The reproach of 'Zionism' has been made against people who have never had any omnection with this Jewish Cehfre high houday SERVICES : this year at ; The Cenfehfifcf/ Ball Room Ihn-oil-thb Pork wiU be ccKoductadliy the World ITamous By our JCNS correspondent Hasidism in America, have become drug addicts. Equally revealing of the dimensions of the problem of drugjjjuse among Jews was the estimate that about one out of every five "hippies" in the Haight-Asbury section of San Francisco, the "hippy capital of America," is a Jew. The use of all kinds of drugs among the "hippies" is widespread. These Illustrations of what was called a "plague" e-merged at the first conference on the subject of addiction among Jews, sponsored by the Commission on Synagogue Relations of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of Greater New York. The participants faced the problem of incomplete data on the number of Jewish addicts. Usual sources of such statistics, such as arrests and hospital care, cannot provide an accurate picture because of the tendency of Jewish families to subsidise their children's addiction, and to hide the problem from agencies dealing with it, the meeting was told. Rabbi Shlomo Twersky, the prc^amme director of the WilliamsburgY.M.-^Y.W. H.A., spoke of the "considerable number" of pious and Orthodox youths in his neighr bourhood trho were using barbiturates^ sedatives, "goofballs" ("pep" and ^s pee d' pills) and e v e n heroin. ; accompanied by a sjrmphony choir IvillianV orator RabU Norman Pauker of NewYork -wQl deliver sermons. \ for further inhrmatfon writaP.O. Box 641, TemmfA. : or phone: 782-3658 9,a.m. -70.01. Tickets (mila^le at: \ Miriam's Gift Shop 30Q7 Bathuntlst. tWioMii SkKNt aub 881 EglintOfiVKv*. W. InnonthePaffc ■7-:--J^;.:. ■ children's services and nursery NEW CANTOR IN TORONTO. - Cantor Eph-ralm F; Rosenberg, who will occupy the post of Cantor of Toronto's Beth Sholom Synagogue, com-rnenclng in September. Cantor Rosenberg, who is a native of Roumania, studied voice In Europe and has served, as chief cantor in Tel Aviv and London