The Canadian Jewish Nevvs, Frkjav. July 12,1968 - Page 3 fondeilul (^^ taVKit Israel for 2 weeks in ISRAEL De luxe Hotels for only $669-00 U.S. from N «» W M M « » M » « 4 tjiOOK THRU YOUR rAVOWiTB TRAVEL .AOmT As a new immigrant to Eretz Israel a couple of years Iwyond my middle 'teens, which was three, years short of half-a-cen-tury ago, I was employed as an editorial assistant on the staff of "The Palestine Weekly," an English-lan-guage contribution to the chronicles of our times, which was published in Jerusalem, the editor was an invisible deity-at least, never visible to me-by the name of Harry Sacher; and in between him at the top of the ladder and myself at the lowest rung was a hierarchy which made the term in Montreal Yov a»y M tlM WiadMT Hotai wiB te ID idTCntBn of old worid chn ■ad conpku tdttiUoa. Thi Wiadnr b MoatraTi oKxt dl0iac>iilwd hoMl, tmriooUiit Domioioa Sqoin in Ik* hMct of downtown... wtMt* toiiU* prtow sad linp-viously the principal butt of his diatribe: except, unlike Balaam's ass, it did not answer l)ack. After the regulEir run of 1,000 or so (full) sheets, Khalifa would stalk away towards the arak bottle on the rear shelf and leave the CdRSON TbAVEL mm M EgSidDO Ave. W. Toroito- 481-51(7 ISRAEL TRAVEL Whil« you vi^ Wiii and His World'68 Live on a c-o-6-1 Itlaifid (45 mm. from MtL qrt Sup«r Highway) Offers you: Fireproof Comfort -r Wall-to4/Vall Carpet in Rooms - Fine Food - Dietary Facilities - The only Kosher Hotel in Canada, under the supervision of the Rabbinical Council of Montreal. Convention & Group Facilities For Reservations write or call: (819) 326-3252 for your lolSRAEL Clara Colomby Travel Service 888 EGLWTdi AVE. W. 78 REPUTATION SPEAKS FOR ITSELF" CADIA THE AIR CONDIJIONED NOTIl STRICTLY KOSHER CUISINE ONLY GLATT MEATS Servtd in the waldman Manner . under (^Supenrision dally per person ★ double occ. June 25 to Sept. 2 *20 of 133 rooms INCLUDING MEALS 11 ALL THIS FREE! SELF PARKING CHAISE LOUNGES _I Kiddie Pool Tots & teens Milk Bar Dancing & Entertainment Wiener Roasts-Cocktail Party Watermelon Parties Private Beach-Olympic Pool Counsellor Supervised Children's Activities It's Always "SHOWTIME*^ fltWALPMANS Poblside Snack Bar Write Direct or Call _ ORONTO: 924-7364 VIONTREAL -3205 ON THE OCEAN AT 43rd ST. MIAM Bf ACH printed pages to be folded inanually by the binder and ; his mate. The latter wais a young, gentle deaf-mutig about 16 who always wore a wistful smile as if apologising for his infirmity. In later years 1 often met him in the sbfeets of Jerusalem and never failed to be saddoned by that timid smile. Khalifa would only return to his post after imbibing a tot or two-'or two" was an elastic measure-ofhisliquid stand-by when the cbmposi-tbrs had removed the used well-inked forme aiid slid in the new 16-page one contain-hig the rest of that week's issue. This forme was then printed on the blank reverse side of the sheets. As a "Kol Bo" my participation in the literature of that epoch included such gems as Letters to the Editor signed "Pro Bono Publico," needling the municipal authorities about ungarnered street litter and "Mother of Fivie' urging that a wooden barrier be installed at an unguarded railway level-crossing. These impassioned pleas ion burning topics of the day usually produced good results after I had pressed the campaign for weeks under a variety of pseudonyms, sometimes answering one of my anonymous letters by another with a fancier Utie. At times I was allowed to venture into drama criticism in the field of amateur theatricals, then very amateur indeed, or review some bf Hollywood's flickering finest, those jerky motion picture epics which featured such screen luminaries as John Gilbert, WiUlam Far-num. Norma Talmadge, Ramon Novarro ("The Sheik of Araby" - remember?), Lillian and Dorothy Gish and Mary Pickford, all of which enlivened the solitary local cinema. What I liked doing most was interviewing visiting international c e 1 e b r i t i e s. The latter came quite often in the early years after the British military conquest of Palestine, when "Allenby" mentioned in conversation still referred to a living person whom many had met or seen or (like myselO interviewed, and was not a name used to denote a main thoroughfare in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv or Haifiu Among others whom 1 interviewed either singly or collectively with fellow-Jewish and Arab journalists in those days, and whose names come to mind. I recall Professor R. A, S. Macalister, the archaeologist, thien excavating on Mount Ophel in Old Jerusalem; ;SirWilliani Flinders Petrie, who was digging at Gaza; Sir Gillwrt Parker, the novelist, collecting material for his book on David the shepherd-king; Holman Hunt, the artist, who loved to sit and paint on a mouikl just above the Jerusalem-Bethlehem higjiway; Patrick Geddes, the architect and town-'Planher; Henri de Jou-venelj French High Commissioner in Syria and a former editor of'Le Monde' of Paris, I particularly recall the s p le h d id-bearded G.B. S., who brushed me aside when I waylaid him in the hotel lobby and barked "Scribblers bore me," upon my asking hiJM to comment on some current topic which I've forgotten; and last but never least the incomparable, saintly looking A.J. Balfour with aureole of white hair, mUd exterior and rapier wit/ whom the equally courtly High Commissioner, Sir Herbert Samuel, introduced to us local news-hawks at a press conference in April, By JULIAN mLTZER 1925^ in the library of the old Government House ph the Mount of Olives. \ Proof-reading wais the most tedious of my rbutine tasks but I caught many a, whopper in rhid-print. When a typo (printing error), was particularly inviting - iuch as the one that described a local diva playing the title role In "Aida" in Menahem Golinkin's opera company in Tel Aviv as "the, leakhig lady" - I would be sorely tempted to let it through, as a votive offering tore- stern self-discipline anda/Knnn apologeUc smile. Hotel Tel. 914-434-5000 • FREEGOLF • Sun ttrrKCd lutdiir pill • Indtir pill • Health Club • tennis eiurts • RidiniKidtny apmvMOM. ^ entertainment iiitely • Late, Late Shews • tcenpriirim daycimp • Ouplicite hridfc • Art classes 'Dtlttxiaccimiiiodations withT.V. HbUDAYINNAPOLIWEBiT Sun.-Sun.. Aug. 1118 Dolce by day, carnival time by night. All wrapped up into one unforgettable week, lubilee Anniversary Week Sunday to Sunday. August 18-25 5«h Anniversary Celebration OPIN ALL YIAt So. Ftllsburi, N.Y. • (914)434-6000 i; I I 1 GOLF ON PREMISES -REGULATION 9 HOLE tOURSE INDOOR POOL-HEALTH CLUB • NEW NIGHTCLUB-LOUNGE • ALLrSTAR ENTERTAINMENT • LUXURIOUS ACCOMMODATIONS • HEATED PASSAGEWAYS TO MAIN BUILDING • INDOOR ICE SKATING! ROUER SKATING YEAR'ROUND ExItmWi CcnvtRlitn fi