P^ge 4-The Canadian Jewish News/Friday THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ^ M AND BUSINESS OFFICES: 3433 BathurSt St., Toronto 19* Ont. Telephone: 789-1895 MpNTREAL()FFlCE: 6338 Victoria Avenue, MontrcaU^^^^^ M. J/NURENBERGE DOROTHY C. NURENBERGER Associate Editor VOL. IX; NO. 28 (444) Subscriptions $5.00 per yew, $12 v3 years; U.S.A. $7,50^^^^^^ $18.(X) - 3/ears; All other countries $10 per year, $24 • 3 years. Authorized as Mcond dass mail, Post Office PepartrniBhl, Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash CANADA'S LEADING JEWISH NEWSPAPER IN ENGLISH The Canadian Jewish News cannot be held responsible for the Kash'rut of products advertised as kosher, nor will it be held accountable for financial losses due to printing errors in advertisements. The New Governmenf Dr. txiebl's reVelafions Dr.Go/dfnai HOPE UNIVERSAL A report from Jerusalem indicates semiofficial sources there have received with a sense of satisfaction the news about the composition of the Tnideau cabinet. The fact that M. Trudeau had made a clear and unequivocal statement concerning his support for Israel's right to live and the fact that such an eminent friend of Israel as Mitchell Sharp has been confirmed Foreign Minister has strengthened the conviction of the Israelis that Canada will show some initiative in bringing about Middle East peace. Also it has been noted in Jerusalem that the elder statesman, Paul Martin, former Secretary of State for External Affairs, is in the cabinet and will serve as leader for the Government in the Senate. All these factors add to the hope that Canada will pursue its traditional, bipartisan policy for promoting Middle East peace. On the other hand, here in Canada circles interested in a final action on tiie so-called anti-hate law now are certain it will receive immediate consideration. Toronto's James Walker, M.P., has been for years one of the most consistent promoters of legidation aiming at reducing tensions among citizens of different races, religions. or ethnic descent. THE VOICE OF YOUTH. ...And now, gentlemen, let's revolt against the old Zionist leaders! mike. yediot aharonot JJy Antony Terry ; sunday TjMEs, London Dr. Eugene Loebl, now a director of the Czechoslovak Bank, revealed tor the first time this week how the Russians used mental torture aixl drugs to extract fake "confessions'* leading tothe mass ezecutiOQof Czechlea-ders, including! Communist Party Secretary Rudolf Slan-sky after a series of staged trials 16 years ago. Before his trial Dr. Loebl was assistant Czech trade minister. The disclosures are in a bode by Dr. Loebl to be published In Austria next week. From first-hand knowledge he refutes recent Soviet allegations that Czech news- papers have been guilty of "lying ahtl-Soyletpropagan-da" In revealing Russian participation ia the Czech purgeis in which thousands were killed; jailed or lor-tured. ;■; • ,Dr. Loebl served 11 years of the life sentence passed on him for what the C^ch Sap-reme Court; which recently riehal)ilitated him, admitted as fake evidence obtained by the Russian interrogators. He said in Viienna today: "I am afraid, the Russians are not gohig to be very happy about the facts in my book." On the use of drugs he says: ' '1 only realized later I had been drugged. I had a sensation as if a hand had gone through my forehead into my brain, rather sim- ilar to anaesthesia by laughing gas; not unpleasant, but I dropped everything I picked up when in this condition and could not walk. The sensation did not last for long but I was terribly afraid of gohig mad." Later others accused told Dr. Loebl they had similar symptoms; Two weeks ago a former Prague prison doctor Dr. Radim Rayman revealed ina Czech newspaper that the drugs used to obtata confessions from Slansky and Loebl were mescalin and actebrom. The rehearsals of "confessions" were begun after the victim took mescalin in coffee while the second drug American Communists and Russia ANTISEMITISM DEPLORED New York, (JCNS) - The chairman of the Communist Party of California, Miss Dorothy Healey, has sharply criticized the Soviet press for the' crude- antisemitlc material which has recently appeared in Its pages. This is the first time that non-Jewish American ommunlst has voiced dis- approval of this aspect of the anti-Zionist campaign in the Soviet Union. Her criticisms appeared in the Cominunlst Party's Internal organ, "Party Affairs", this month. Miss Healey cited an article in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" of October 4,1967, entitled "Lackeys at beck and call" which put the num- ber of "Zionist adherents" in the United States at between 20 mllllcn and 25 million and described them as having almost virtual control of the Americaneconomy (Zicmlst businesses, 50 per cenO, the law (Zionist lawyers, 70 per cehQ, the mass media (80 pe^ cenQ, and so on. DAYAN: GOLAN, SINAI TO BE SETTLED Jerusalem. (JCNS) - Moshe Dayan, the Defence Minister, last week expressed for the first time his unqualified approval for Jewish settlement not only on the West Bank, but also in Sinai and on the Golan Heights. However, this had to be organized by the State and not by private initiative. "We have three factors at our disposal," he said, "space, time, and authority^ We should retain all these and exploit them - first of all by preparing for a possible War. "We have to dig-in in te territories. We have to deal a shattering blow at El Fatah, even if the cost is high. We have to prevent a revolt by the Arab population, because the whole picture may change if we have to open fire on demonstrators and strikers. "A year has passed since the war, and to this date we have not shot at Arab civilians, except in (me instance, when five girls were wounded in Khan Yunis. This was a mishap, and I have given strict orders that there should be no repetition of such incidents." Rejecting all other 'peace plans", the Defence Minister declared: '*My plan is today's teality Inthe territories. The irrangemehts existing today should become the permanent order in the West Bank. I, for my part, am ready to maintain this order, even without having King Hussein's signature on a piece of paper. "My plan is based on reality: the Arabs of the West Bank are not Israelites. One day they may express the desire to become Palestinian citizens. But, as long as the numerical relation between us and them is as it is at present, we cannot possibly accord them Israeli citizenship. "If they should ask for Palestinian autonomy, I would agree to that. But, as to matters of security, we shall remahi the ones who count on the West Bank. Only we. "We must have the pos- sibility to move freely arouiKl In all the territories, without arrangements and accords, by sheer right We shall go wherever we want to and, if there is need, we shall settle there." As to the possibility of Soviet intervention tochage the situation, Mr. Dayan is more optimistic than he was a few months ago. He cannot foresee any such possibility at presenti-although the circumstances coiild change. There is a belief in some quarters that Mr. Dayan's speech is to be seen as a determked counter-move in the leadership struggle, an attempt to make even the un^ pliable views of Mr. Allon look "dove-slh". If this was the Defence Minister's Intention, he has succeeded rather welL In one speech, he has erased his short-lived image as a moderate and placed himself decisively at the other extreme - even to the extent of being accused by critics of sen^ Soviet and Arab propaganda at a time when Israel is engaged in a difficult and far from concluded struggle for international support and sympathy^ But this is one aspect which most Israelis still prefer to overlook. "Where do you get that kind of figure?" Miss Healey asked, "You get them from one kind of Source: the Gerald L.K, Smiths and so forth, the antisemites of the United States. "How cah'aMarxist movement consider tUs a scientific approach towards the fight against Zionism as an ideology, when it takes up precisely the weapons of the antisemites - of the imperialists?" KYTCHKO ATTACKED Miss Healey also calls attention to another antl-Zionist article by TrofimKytchko which appeared oh the same day in the Young Communist League paper in the Ukraine. She Identifies Kytchko as "the same man our party denounced some years'ago and whom the Academy of Science of the Soviet Union rebuked for the antisemitic material he issued then". Without dealing with the contents of the article, Miss Healey simply voices coii-cern about the fact that "this man. who expressed the most vicious kind of antlsemitlsm only a few years ago, who was publicly rebuxed by me world Communist movement /effers and Opinions an explanation by Bayard RusHn NEGRO GROUP HATRED Bayard Rustin, a leading American Negro, is executive director of the A. Philip Randolph InsUtute. I am not one who goes about apologizing for or explaining away Negro anti-Semitism. It is here, it is dangerous, it must be rooted out. We cannot say it is somehow dlfierent or not really Important We cannot sweep it under the rug. What we; can and had better do is to understand it if we are in fact to deal with it The first thing about those who are frustrated is Uiat ' their frustration causes them to adqpt a psychology, and economics and a socir blogy which are frustrated. It goes like this: The United States is no longer viable. All instlr tutions must be destroyed and new one established. Negroes are never going to get their rights. Second, if the society is not viable, then no program needs to be projected because to project a program is to fool the masses of Negroes. Third, if the nation is not viable and no program is needed, then all those people who haVe worked over the years for civil rights, and are still workhig for integration in this society, become the enemy - not the Ku Klux Klan, not the John Birch Society, but those closest to you, TO UNDERSTAND This is what Jews need to understand: that in the list, of whom you attack, those you love coine first You attack those you expected something from. You attack those who have in fact carried the banner. So before Martta Luther King's death. King and his non^ violence were the first enemy of Negro extremists precisely because he had Dealer: ^course, Oj)p«lfi?u«lt. JM "Well, you look a little crazy: but, of you may have all the revolvers you want." done the most The argument went that if after aU the bloodshed, the bombings, the teargasing, the water-hosing and the dogs. King could notproduce real victories, then he had ei^ed them to useless sacrifice. After his death, of course, a new situation was created. Now they had the opportunity to shift gears, to say that the greatest Negro was killed by a white. But when King was alive, it was a different story. ■ ■ Next in the Ust of enemies of the frustrated come Riay Wilkins, Whitney Young, A. Philip Randolph. They are now the traitors tothe cause. Listed, too, are the liberal community, which has fought side by side with us, and the Jews who made greater contributions than anybody else in the liberal community. Because of this reverse hate-affection syndrome, Martin Luther King, Roy Wilkins, Whitney Young, A. Philip Randolph, the liberals, the Jews, the labor leaders who lifted almost two million Negroes out of the lumpenproletariat into the working classes are all bastards now. The pohit is that if Jews are under attack by the extreme left in the Negro community, they are in the same basket with Negro leaders and even the roost progressive political leadership. Jews are not likely to feel better simply because others are also under attack; nevertheless, there ought to be an understanding of what the problem really Is. IN THE GHETTO Consider the question of the Jew in the ghetto. If you happen to be an uneducated, poorly trained Negro living '^Uyi"^ the ghetto, and particularly if you live by your wits selling \numbers, selling dope, eiigaging in prostitution, fheh Jroa only see four' kinds of white people. One is the p^ollceman, the second J|s_theJ>ushiessman, the third is the teacher and the fourth is the welfare worker. In many cities, three of those four are predominantly Jewish. Except for the policeman, the ma;jority of the businessmen^ the majority of the teachers, the majority of the welfare workers are Jewish, Here again is the hate-lbve syndrome. Ninety percent of the crime that Negroes commit is against other Negroes in the ghetto, Negroes, therefore, both hate and depend on policemen. To have to depend on someone you dislike and who often brutalizes you is ghastly. Then comes the business-roan. Many ghetto Negroes know nothing about capitalization. The fact is, If you walk up 125th Street you will see what they say you wiU see: a television set that sells ill department stores for $79.50 costs- $132 in Harlem. But the ghetto dweller does not calculate that the department store is able to sell him the. TV set at $79.50 because he has made a considerable down payment three or four years in which to pay. THE HANDCUFFED TEACHER Next comes the teacher. She's Jewish. In the ghetto, one does not analyze that the Board of Education and the whole system is corrupt: that no matter how much that teacher wants.to teach, she cannot teach in those conditions. One does not bother to analyze that it is not the teacher's fault that the child had no breakfast and may not have lunch, that he may have to go tothe poolroom to bum money for potato chips and an orange soda and that may be all he eats that day. How can you teach that child? How can you teach children when you have 40 in a class and two disruptive children who need psychiatric care? To the ghetto mother, there is the teacher and she is Jewish, And she doesn't think the Jewish teacher cares whether her child gets to learn or not..' Then you come tothe welfare workjir. If you know anything about welfare, youknow that spying Is part of the system. To shieak around on weekei^ to find out if there are men's shoes or pants hanging in the closets, whether a man has been in the house for the weekend, is part of the job. One method by which the relief rolls are decreased is on the basis of f hidhig |a man in the house. WHATTg,DO Here" are some of the things we are going to have to do.in order to deal with fear and >fegro frustration. We're .going to have to have a $2 minimum wage in this country. And if there are small businesismen frightened by that let me reassure them that I am for government subsidization of those who cannot afford to pay just as the government subsidizes millionaire railway men and millionaire farmers with price supports. Why not the small business-roan if he can't afford to pay? We are going to have to have public works to put these pea^e back to work and to do it without a lot of talk about pretralning. These people don'thavetobe pretralned. All they need to know is that there is a job. Furthermore, for those who cannot work because they are too old, too young, too sick, or who are female heads of largei families we must have guaranteed income. In adtUtioiL we must have free medical care and we must payasalary tothose capable of going through schooL Beyond this, we must see that the ghettos with their high density of people per room cannot be improved. We must create new towns and destroy the ghetto, providing work through construction and humaa services to huoians. Nothing short of this will be effective. These programs will cost us $18.5 billionayear beyond the present level of expenditure anid, that money can come from the Gross National Product ButI want to assure businessmen again: These people are not going to: sit on the money when they get it They're going to act like Americans. They're gptag to go out and buy all the Junk that is advertised , thereby raising the GNP, raising the economic production and growth of the country and fundamentally adding to the economic stability of the nation. jProgres3 atiTechirtlon Haifa. (;jGNa>Two students Willi be admitted ai^ full memberS' of the Techhion board of governors, the an-^ nual meeting of the Board decided in Haifa last week. Professor Sklney Gold-stehi was re-elected chair- lion Israeli pounds was approved. The board a^eed to proposals callhig for an increase of first-year students to i;490 in 1970 from 1,000 tUs year. It --_hundreds of engineers for modern industry, and it:em- . phasized that the Govern^ mentmustprovide the money for their training. The co-ordlnatloo of Haifa University and Techhion undergraduate studies ip avoid duplication, and the development of a Joint campus^were : also approved by the board. RUSTIN A MORAL TRAP . There is a moral problem in abandoning the fight a-gainst injustice merely because less than 2 percent of the Negroes in this country are engaging hi anti-Semitism. It is a problem which Isaiah and Jeremiah would be the first to point out - and it may even be a dhrty cop-out for those Jews who have other reasons for wanting to abandon the struggle. I urge Jews to be aware of that and at the same time to reroerober that the issue never was, and never can be, simply a problem of Jew and Gentile or black and white. The problem is man's inhumanity to man and must be fought from the basic prhiciple regardless of race or creed. Jews ought not to fall hito a trap. They have The Book. They've had the books.There is no more stirring story anywhere in the world, no more important philosophy in history, that can be found in Judaism. Everything is there, but it must be read. What is truly at stake is whether we canband together in a great political movement beyond party to bring about the socialization of this nation where it needs to be socialized, or whether we are gohig to permit the nation which we love to be torn asunder hi a race war hi which people who don't want to be on either side may be forced to take sides. That is our problem. That is our challenge. And r hope that the Jewish people, who have been gmqng .the stauhchest liberal forces hi this society, will continue to be a part of the coalition of forces necessary to meet this challenge. which spoke out in horror at it is again writing officially and authoritatively hi the Soviet newspapers." Miss Healey also turns on Polish antlsemitlsm, askhig: "What is the ideology that allows it? How is it possible wlthhi a Communist Party for some things of this kind to take place?" Miss Healey also attacks the one-sidedness of the anti-Zionist stand taken by the Communist movement While Zionism does represent a bourgeois nationalist approach, she says, the Com-munlste must recognize the significance of the Zion^ 1st expression developing among Jews throughout the world, whose role was to be materially oiq^ressed. Itwas for the same reason that bourgeois nationalism de-\elaped among other oppressed peoples. "The fact that it Is bourgeois hi nature is, of course, true; but sb is that triue of * the nationalism of the Arab ) countries', and to a certain extent among American Negroes. "Communists can never allow themselves to deal with only one aspect of a problem", she added. "fixed" the phrases in the subconscious so that they would be repeated automatically at the trial. At his trial Dr. Loebl "confessed" topasshig"se-cret information'' to British politicians and journalists, hicludhig Labour MPs whom the Russians wished to brand as ispies. These included Mr. KorinI Zllllaciis and Mr. Herbert (later Lord) Morrison. Dr. Loebl's 1-1/2 hour "confession" at his trial was the result of three years of mental and physical torture and three months of meticulous rehearsug of every word he was to say in court right down to the interpolations and questions of judge and public prosecutor. Dr. Loebl, now 61, spent the second world war as a refugee from the Nazis hi Brltau. He admits he is "not at all proud" of the role he played by confessing hi court But he claims that few people could have survived the three years of "treatment" which hicluded starvation, faked midnight "executions" (when the victim was taken into a cellar believing he was about to be shot), being forced to stand for 18 hours a day untU the pain In his feet was unbearable, and being woken up 30 or 40 times durhig the four hours allowed at night for sleep. ' TENSION GROWS The growhig tension between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union, though officially mhilmized In both countries, was sharply increased yesterday by the publication In the Czechoslovak party newspaper "Rude Pravo" of an unrepentant retort to criticisms made a week ago by a leading Soviet party theoretician, writes our Diplomatic Correspondent Professor Konstantinov, commenting in Pravda on an apparently heretical speech made last month by Mr. CI-sar, a Czechoslovak party secretary, had accused him of denying the validity of Lenhi's teachings, a fairly omhious charge. Yesterday, Mr. Clsar hit oack hardbydescribmgKon-stantlnov's article as "unscientific polena^Ai*^!^. cent of the Stalinist efal^' He made it clear that his country would stick to its present course despite charges of revisionism levelled by Communist hardliners. Semmn For The Week FLINTSTONE OF JUDAISM This week was the occasion of the celebration of the Habad Hasidic festival "Yud-Bet Tamuz," the 12th day of Taiiiuz, day of liberation of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Joseph Isaac Schneersohn of sainted memory. The "Thought for the Week" that follows is based upon one of the late Rebbe's discourses. The Sldra (Chapter of the Torah read on Sabbath) relates the events following the encamping of the Israelites near the borders of the country of Moab. Balak, king of Moab, hired a renowned prophet, Balaam, to curse the Jewish nation, hoping that he would thereby bring dire misfortune upon them. Balaam ascended a hill commanding a panoramic view of the encamped Israelites. After performing several pagan sacrificial rites Balaam waited for the proper inspiration to curse the people. God frustrated his intention in an unexpected manner^ A Divinely-inspired mood of prophecy .suddenly overtook Balaam and, instead of cursing the Jewish nation, he blessed them in dramatic and most beautiful poetic language. In Balaam's blessings there occurs a phrasie "... 1 see him (Israel) from the peak of flinty rocks..." Commentators explain that this is a reference to the rock-solid foundation of the Jews, namely, their forefathers. The prophet Isaiah, many years later, expressed the same idea when he exclaimed to his people " . .. look to the rock from which you were hewn ... " using the word "tsur" for "rock." The Hebrew word "tsur" is more accurately translated as a "flintstohe." Aflintstone has a most remarkable property of producing sparks of fire when struck by another stone. Even more remarkable, however, is the fact that such a rock can lie immersed in water for hundreds, even thousands, of years without losing its fire-producing capability. If it Is removed from the water and struck, a fiery spark is faithfully produced. This quality of the flintstone is ascribed by the prophets to the Jewish people. A Jew can never lose his Jewtshness. Even if he is submerged for years In a veritable ocean of spiritually harmful influences, his spark of Jewish-ness can never be completely drowned^ or extinguished. With the proper approach and stimulation, the Divine spark of Jewish identity will surely be ignited; the spark can be fanned into a roaring flame. • (Adiptad from th« H«br«w original of . RABBI MENACHEM M. SCHNEeRSON, th« Lubavltchtr R«bb«, by V.M. Kagan) r n